Is it still separated at the seams or did they they try and tape it upbefore returning
Haha, no, not even that

Is it still separated at the seams or did they they try and tape it upbefore returning
How many incompetent ******* does it take to change a lightbulb?I live in the bottom end of some maisonettes. Lights are owned by property management company. The bollard light by my car space was clobbered by, probably by a courier van as different colour paint to mine and previous neighbour. I wasn’t parked there at the time. Then in the past 3 weeks the other two lights by my home have gone. So it’s completely dark. Reported the lights.
Lights require power switching off before light bulbs are changed - main switch is located in the bin store, which myself and the other flats/maisonettes used before council moved from bags collection to bins. PMC have changed the bin store lock code. As to prevent tenants dumping stuff inside (well it’s not stopping one tenant fly tipping outside the store….) and I tried the two previous codes with the contractor just in case PMC decided to revert back to one of them. Nope.
Contractor has requested to PMC that they need the code. They are being awkward about this. Why? Just either give the contractor the code or PMC officer does it themselves and come back later in the day to switch power back on.
It’s horrible having no lights on. Having to resort to flashlight on phone to navigate.
Now it’s Easter weekend and unable to contact PMC till Tuesday.
Is there anyway of raising this further?
An increasing amount of people these days seem to have no problems lying, cheating, and stealing.
I agree with your post.Whilst a bigger population equals more of those people, i think naturally as towns are compressed and squeezed with new housing and consequently surrounded by more people, the 'city attitude' becomes the norm. But also the general attitude to others tends to be negative as a local friendly face will be less common now. You could recognise a person previously and say hello, yet never know their name. Now noticing the same people is less of chance as people are overwhelmed with strangers on their doorstep. Noticing the negative people more than good people i expect is a defence mechanism for us
The biggest reason however is lightly the mere negative environment of social media and the news 24/7 and not my waffle above![]()
I live in the bottom end of some maisonettes. Lights are owned by property management company. The bollard light by my car space was clobbered by, probably by a courier van as different colour paint to mine and previous neighbour. [...]
Contractor has requested to PMC that they need the code. They are being awkward about this. Why? Just either give the contractor the code or PMC officer does it themselves and come back later in the day to switch power back on.
Is there anyway of raising this further?
Some people’s contribution to the local area is paying council tax! I don’t know the name of one of my neighbours and if he comes into my work - I wouldn’t recognise him.I agree with your post.
I think it comes down to that we have less in common with the stranger than we once did.
Sometimes even an assumption of knowing wsomeone is a good thing.
Doubt that will happen as half the properties are social housing. One tenant thinks it’s ok to screw up her baby’s nappies into balls using the remaining stickiness and toss on the car park. Yet she thinks I’m disgusting for reporting her. Erm SHE IS THE disgusting one!Probably not much you can do short term re: trivial maintenance issue being slow to fix.
One point though; I doubt the lights are "owned" by the property management company, they're owned by the freeholder which is usually separate and appoints the management company.
The way to stop this sort of thing in future is for residents to invoke the right to self-manage - that means you have an AGM, resident directors etc. and more importantly the property management company becomes an agent for you! They work for you and they can be sacked and a different property management company contracted instead if desired.
In that situation, it's not even up to them whether you (or perhaps a resident director) is given the code - a resident director can just require them to give you the code.
I've still not had this PCN... it was apparently generated at the end of December, posted out 9th January, my lease company haven't had anything through, DART can't tell me any details because it's not in my name, so now need to wait until it is re-issued after 28 days, and hope it turns up this time. Utter jokers![]()
Exactly, there is no community.Some people’s contribution to the local area is paying council tax! I don’t know the name of one of my neighbours and if he comes into my work - I wouldn’t recognise him.
I would advise forget about calling. Just email them, this way you have documented evidence. And if they don't reply it makes your case stronger.
We have a communal water and it wasn't working. I have been firing emails to them with no response. I just resent the emails now. Going to take them to small claims soon, but I need to show they haven't responded. I only had one response and nothing more
How come you haven't moved to another provider?It's taken me heading towards 11 months + an energy ombudsman complaint to setup an export tariff with Scottish Power.
Snail mail, sent recorded delivery, to complaints / recoveries dept. As above, a documented trail will ensure you aint rinsed down the road under the guise of "being incommunicado".There's no email address unfortunately, just an online form, which based on my experience I can only assume gets sent to an unmonitored mailbox and automatically closed after a couple of weeks
How come you haven't moved to another provider?
I live alone and I claim a single person discount. Late last year I got a letter from the council saying they reguarly reviewed the cases of people claiming discounts on the council tax and their data company (Experian) had supplied them with possible evidence that suggested I was falsely claiming the discount. This was rubbish and so I contacted the council to ask them for the evidence as it was blatantly incorrect. I thought perhaps the Experian systems had found something from a previous occupant and not matched the time stamps properly. The council took ages to reply and eventually suggested I contact Experian.I wonder how many councils across the UK would be added to this thread, were they a company!
Exactly, there is no community.
Individualism is destroying society. We've gradually gone downhill since the 90s.
I'm not talking about being friends. I'm talking about the stranger.Not all of us want to make "friends" with random people who happen to live near by.
It's not individualism, it's the fact that friends live in various parts of a city (in my case) or country.