That would play game at 1080 and stream at 720 no problem to Youtube I would imagine.
The streaming desire wears off quickly. Zwift is a mess enough with updates, things breaking etc so you add the streaming onto it and it's a lot of effort for nothing really.
I was thinking of starting it again for the prem league stuff but we have to be on a zoom call for the whole race with audio and video. My Highland broadband can only tolerate so much!
My 6 year old laptop (i7, 24GB RAM and GTX880M) can play game at 4K and stream to YT in 1080 but it's my broadband that's the bottleneck.
What's your connection speed like? D:36/U:9 here so should be ok. Wouldn't stream at more than 720p anyway, even if I switched to 1080p here. Good point about all the extra stuff like voice comms, one of the 3R guys has even setup a Discord plugin which merges straight into Streamlabs so that's easy. Also Streamlabs looks very easy to use and I would use something like Restream and tweak it to different places depending what I'm doing. Probably primarily Twitch and YouTube, although I like the idea of Facebook I think I would want to limit it.
Maybe I missed it but not sure on the cost doesn’t seem to show one?! When I’ve been procrastinating about my desktop a new i3 10100, 16gb and board will be about £250.
If going used then a GTX 970 will cheap and be as good or better than a 1050ti and similar to a 1060?!
Are you using a laptop at the moment or a tower? Can you keep your current graphics card as that’s probably the biggest expense?!
Also what are you outputting to, that’s going to help narrow down your options. A bigger screen will want a better detail level.
Good points. The spec there was £350 and included a 1050ti so considered it pretty darn good for the money - avoiding the crazy pricing on standalone cards at the moment... RAM isn't an issue, Zwift barely uses it so no need for 16gb. Single core grunt and SSD are the main things.
I'm using a crappy cheap & old laptop with a 740M outputting at 720p over HDMI to an old 36" TV. It does a good job considering it's age (8 years old), the TV will do 1080p but the framerates tank with it on this system. I'm quite happy at 720p as prefer it smooth than pretty. Not much option to keep the card, or use another as all the 'old' cards I have are AMD and generally quite old anyway. I have a couple of old 7970's and an R9 280X.
I did a VO2 max session last night and had to rush out the Pain cave and puke in the hosta pot. Not pretty and was tasting blood that seemed like forever.
Lol! Ouch! Good work, but hope you finished it! VO2 Max is horrible.
@Lethal` shame you can't actually see the profile easily without going elsewhere for the different routes. Anyone on here got a Rocker Plate, thinking of getting one built up over the summer as I've done so much more indoors this winter, but think that's more to do with the fact I've been at home and jumping on the turbo is 10x easier than whacking on the layersand cleaning bike after if I'm already at home. Probably be different if i'm back in the office.
To look at profiles and choose routes I'm generally always starting from Zwiftpower as find it just so much quicker & slicker for all the info i'm after, then I join Zwift through there.
But I guess you're talking about seeing the different profiles for all the different routes within the TDZ rides? Normal events people add don't generally have different routes for the different CATs. Not even sure they can, or be in different worlds like TDZ ones are. I tend to just highlight them from ZP or the
Zwift site and google search them, then look at Zwiftinsider results for the course details/familiarisation.
I know quite a few with rockers, but have never tried one. I'm not convinced it would help me that much as don't find things 110% stable on the turbo already - a rocker would be even worse! Also know several 3R racers who used them and got rid of them as really didn't like it. You have to be quite particular about the setup and 'how' your ride it, to really benefit your outside riding (as it can be counter intuitive from the bike motion in certain scenarios outside). Many find it 'worse' than being static and have heard of some suffering from motion sickness from it.
So defo worth trying and I would, but it doesn't overly bother me. I'm 'stronger' on Zwift than outside and part of me wonders if that's part of it, so introducing movement would actually hamper my riding and power... Same why I didn't jump on the steering bandwagon (still consider that a gimmic on the current platforms).