The Indoor Riding/ Zwift/ TrainerRoad etc. Thread

Can someone just back me up here. I know it's a turbo - don't really care but I did the same session earlier this week but was 22mph average and covered 16miles. He averages 40mph and covers 30 miles!!

Chap I know did this the other night -

I'm mystified how the hell he's average 40mph on the turbo.....

I can't even see how you could get up to 50mph gearing wise on a turbo trainer...... Any thoughts??
Wonky mis-calibrated over-read something.
Wouldn't even bother wondering why/how this came about to be honest as you and he both know it is completely false data.
Wonky speed sensor (2 magnets on a wheel!) is a classic. Especially those riding dumb trainers on Zwift! :rolleyes:

It's probably more likely his tyre:trainer contact was poor (so low resistance) due to loosening the knob or even a puncture. His high cadence would point towards low resistance, but unsure where his power readings are from?

If they're from a smart trainer then it's more likely loose contact (so poor resistance not reducing the wheel speed). If they're from a crank/pedal PWM then it's ok resistance (otherwise he wouldn't hit those power levels?) but the speed being read incorrectly from a sensor.

Age old - you cannot compare different riders, on different trainers, with different setups, with unknown calibrations and expect solid enough data to directly compare. :)

He could even be on rollers. You generally see higher speeds on rollers due to the lack of high resistance.
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Really annoyed that you can't purchase individual Sufferfest videos anymore :(.

The app is $10 for a month - you can use it as much as you like for a month, then cancel.

It's way better than buying the videos. There's a massive selection on there.

Even people who spent hundreds on buying the videos over the years have said the app is much better/progress etc.
Ye, hmm, I only want a few specific ones though to fit into TR.

I think it comes down to the usual situation of one person buys the video then gives it to all his pals etc.

At least with the app - you can stream or download them on the app, once you cancel the app, you lose the videos etc.

I've just paid the $10 for a month to do the ToS 2017 and then probably cancel when the weather improves.
I think it comes down to the usual situation of one person buys the video then gives it to all his pals etc.

Sure I appreciate the reasons for doing it.

ToS is far too early for me sadly. I think I'll start on one of the light TR Build plans from Sunday, and by the time I am fit again it'll be time to get outside, so I'll consider SF for next winters training.

I've just done a 2x20FTP - the last five minutes of both 20s were tough but overall I found it pretty boring (even listening to podcasts). I think because you have to hold the same power for long periods it gets a bit repetitive.

With some of the other workouts you change it up enough to keep it interesting.
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^ that's why I much prefer over/unders even if in the less traditional sense and the fluctuation is only small it's something else to focus on and break up longer less interesting intervals.

Not really applicable to a true Threshold effort though.
TOS Stage 1 down. Pretty sure the last 20 minutes of The Long Scream want you to do more than 105% FTP average if you follow the app power. Not sure how that is possible but did my best anyway!

I got blown to bits once i started the last 20mins - I've probably overstated my FTP pretty much as it went to bits over christmas due to bronchitis. I know the vids in tomorrow's stage will be OK though so I'll stick with it for now as by the end of the week I should have my legs.

If you think stage 2 is bad wait for next weekend :eek::eek::eek:
I got blown to bits once i started the last 20mins - I've probably overstated my FTP pretty much as it went to bits over christmas due to bronchitis. I know the vids in tomorrow's stage will be OK though so I'll stick with it for now as by the end of the week I should have my legs.

If you think stage 2 is bad wait for next weekend :eek::eek::eek:

Stage 2 is OK - it's long but it's hill work/low cadence stuff so yes the legs are working but the cardio isn't too bad. Stage 3 Omnium is a fast paced blast!!
I've just come in from Stage 3 in the Pain Cave - the "MAX" efforts are lactic hell. Day off tomorrow, then Tuesday through Sunday for the rest of the Tour :eek:

yeah - going to try and plough on as best I can incase something comes up during the week so I have a day in hand if needed.
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