After waiting for eternity for the other thread in the cpu section to get a database going I thought I'd have a go at making one myself.
You must include :
Vcore (under load in windows)
Vid (core temp)
Thermal paste used
CPU Temp
Your CPU MUST be 8+hours stable for entry to be made.
Also include a screenshot showing :
P95 25.2 or above fully loaded on all 4 cores(running small fft's) (ensure to show the time started in the first box).
CPU-z 1.41
Coretemp or everest for temp validation
If your post dosn't include the above then it won't be entered
Please no arguments regarding whats stable and what isn't - I'll make a suicide/PI thread later for those who hate prime. 8 Hours is widely accepted as an indication of a stable cpu - if you don't agree don't bother posting
Do not QUOTE others screenshots as this makes sifting through the posts a nightmare.
I'll try and update at the least every 48 hours or as and when required but please understand I have a life too
You must include :
Vcore (under load in windows)
Vid (core temp)
Thermal paste used
CPU Temp
Your CPU MUST be 8+hours stable for entry to be made.
Also include a screenshot showing :
P95 25.2 or above fully loaded on all 4 cores(running small fft's) (ensure to show the time started in the first box).
CPU-z 1.41
Coretemp or everest for temp validation
If your post dosn't include the above then it won't be entered
Please no arguments regarding whats stable and what isn't - I'll make a suicide/PI thread later for those who hate prime. 8 Hours is widely accepted as an indication of a stable cpu - if you don't agree don't bother posting
Do not QUOTE others screenshots as this makes sifting through the posts a nightmare.
I'll try and update at the least every 48 hours or as and when required but please understand I have a life too

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