The Intel Quadcore Database

Vid added.

Can those who have previously posted let me know your VID (found by using coretemp) so I can add that to the DB too.

Still only 18 members who have prime stable overclocks on quadcore - disappointing tbh - post up your overclocks dammit;).

Just as a note guys, I work out the average temp by what Core temp/Everest shows. Its not the avg over the period of priming but the average temp across the 4 cores. I also record what vcore you have under load not what you set in the bios as each motherboard droops to different levels and I know folk have to compensate for this so to get a more accurate picture ofthe vcore required the load vcore is the one which will be entered into the database.

Updated (press F5 to refresh if you dont see updated table).
W3bbo, How come you decided to use small ffts instead of blend for this thread?
Not criticizing you I would just like to know the reason.Obviously small ffts stress the CPU far more than a blend test but isn't it a little overkill?

You sorta answered your own question there m8.

As regards to being overkill then no not really. If you are stressing your cpu then you may as well stress it to its possible maximum as then you will know it can cope with anything you throw at it at that given clockspeed. I do however maintain Blend is a far better test of SYSTEM stability as it tests a lot more than just the cpu (cache/mem controller/ memory) but as this is specifically a CPU stability thread, I thought it would be best to use small fft's as there would be little variance in temps as blend temps can rise/drop depending on what test is being performed at the time the reading is taken.
@ Fireskull - I need your details as follows :

Vid (core temp)
Thermal Paste used
CPU Temp

I'll then enter it into the database.

@Jleo - I'll put it into the database but tbh you shouldn't read too much into the temps as its hard to compare 2 systems unless the cooling and ambient temps are the same but for clarity I'll add it as it will give an idea of who's using what I guess.
@Fireskull, PinkFloyd

Are you sure you are running small fft's? Max length is 64k???

Small fft's stress the cpu the most so to gain entry and to make the database comparable you will need to run small fft's I'm afraid :(.
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If you could m8. The thing is yours and PinkFloyds results show fft length in well in excess of what small fft's usually use therefore some of the stressing will be passed onto the memory lowering cpu temps for a short while thereby not putting it under as much stress. I may be wrong but I think thats how it works.

I know its being picky but to make the database fair and allow folk to compare temps etc we all need to be running the same tests. I'm sure it will pass fine but for clarity if you could run small fft's it would be much appreciated.
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