***The iOS 5 Thread***

Ahhhhhh man, ive downloaded and updated to iOS 5 however, the UDID registation i had sorted out fell through. Now im stuck at itunes,

Can somebody help how to go back
Download 4.x IPSW, (assuming windows) hold down shift and click restore and point towards that - should be it :)
Hey guys :) After showing my friend 5.0, he wants a go at it :p If anyone is able to register his UDID I would appreciate it :)
Just happened to find out that if your phone is locked, and you get a text message, you can slide the little green text icon to unlock your phone and take you straight to the text.
hummm I actually find the developer tools for iOS 5 more appealing than the actual new features of iOS 5 itself, is there something wrong with me? :p
hummm I actually find the developer tools for iOS 5 more appealing than the actual new features of iOS 5 itself, is there something wrong with me? :p
You mean XCode 4.2? Haven't noticed many changes since 4.1 myself, other than a few random crashes and odd behaviour. I still use 3.2.6 for 'production' development, find it much more stable!
Off topic - I know non-developers like to test iOS 5, but it is incredibly frustrating receiving emails/reviews/tweets complaining that apps/tweaks have crashed or done something unexpected under a beta version of iOS 5 :rolleyes:
I'm running beta 4 now, it seems pretty flawless so far. Very impressed!

Any chance you could ask the person that registered you to register my friend? :p

In other news, I'm finding that I have a love/hate relationship with it at the moment...

There are definitely some serious bugs I've encountered with it - The notifications aren't as fast as they were in a previous stable version I was using, and I'm having some terrible times with bluetooth at the moment where music cuts out whenever I do anything on the phone :p

I am, however, jailbroken :p So tomorrow I'm going to do a fresh install of beta 4 and use it un-jailbroken to see if that fixes the issue :)
For those saying it's easy to go from iOS 5 beta4 back to iOS4 could you please explain how you're doing it?

I've reinstalled the current iTunes, put the phone in both recovery/DFU mode, both of which fail the restore to 4.3.3 or 4.3.5.

I've also tried a bunch of other methods which haven't been successful.
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