** The iOS10 thread **

I know it gets said a lot, but this kind of thing wouldn't have happened under Jobs. Apple is always about getting it out the door now, their QA department seems to be on a constant holiday
Mine has 2 hours to go according to iTunes at the moment.

How can I see download progress? This is all I have.

Thanks for contacting Apple Support. My name is Charles. Please give me a moment to look over your information.


CharlesIt's a beautiful day here in Atlanta, Ga. How is it going where you're located?

Me:dark :)

Me:iphone 6s+, OTA update to iOS10, my phone isnow bricked, iTUnes wont fix it update or restore

Me:I need my phone all the time, it's now dead

Me:error 1671

Me:the forum I post on has dozens of people with same

Me:bricked iOS devices everywhere

Me:hello ?

CharlesDid you try to update your phone.

Me:yes OTA update


Me:then I plugged into PC with iTunes, still no luck

Me:how can I get my phone back

Me:hello ?

Me:I hate to say your slow replys is not ok

Me:hello ?


CharlesI’m here.

Me:then I think as a representative of apple you should help me

Me:or show some interest in my problem

Me:hello ?

CharlesDan. I really want to help you.

CharlesPlease bare with me.


Me:I know you have a dozen or so chats open at same time

Me:but I'm guessing apple have no answer at this time

CharlesYes. I”m trying the very Best I can to get you alone.

CharlesCan you give me about 30 seconds.

Me:you guys have a whole lot of trouble

CharlesI’ll be right back with you. :)
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