*** The iPhone 3G Thread ***

31 Jul 2004
I guess someone better start the thread, I'm fully expecting a lot of people won't care and a load more wouldn't even care if it made their tea and performed other "services" but hey ho..

It looks impressive!

longer batter (200hrs standby, 10hr talktime, 5hr browsing, 24hr music)

Somehow managed to get 3G running faster than on other 3G phones too.. impressive!

The announcements are still coming though, he's not done his "just one more thing" bit yet :)

Best bit is they haven't radically changed the design so I'll be happy with my first gen 8GB for a while I reckon :)
Oh and a bucketload of new apps which look good.. just need to see if they're going to persist with their bonkers commercial strategy now or get down and dirty with the freebies and discounters.

Maybe stop being so ridiculous about locking etc too.. hmmmmm :D

11:45 am $299 for the 16GB -- a white version of this size will be available too.
11:45 am Now on to the final challenge -- affordability. Started at $599 for an 8GB iPhone, now $399. The iPhone 3G 8GB will sell for... $199.
The iPhone 3G will be available July 11th in 22 countries. The maximum price around the world is $199 USD

I wonder if that means a straight translation to £ plus VAT? That would mean the new 8GB launching at maximum £117.50 give or take which is slightly more reasonable as long as you don't have to sign up to some onerous contract and downright fantastic if you can take it home and unlock/jailbreak it and ditch the contract altogether :D
Looks good.
I will change one of my current gen iPhones for a 3G one on July 11th.
I've been an iPhone user since release day and I honestly belive it's the best mobile experience out there. Nothing even comes close for completeness.
I've used S60, WinMo, pretty much everything else and they all pale in to insignificance next to the useability of the iPhone.
3G and GPS should have been there from the start but now they are, it's a no brainer.
I've been in the mobile industry for over 10yrs and to be honest whilst I was sceptical when I saw the paper specs and baffled when I saw the pricing of the original I must admit having one now I'd have to agree.. it's an awesome phone.

Things like the N95 actually FEEL feature heavy and I just get a bit bored of it all but the iphones simplicity and completeness (great way to describe it!) has thoroughly won me over. I'm now as attached as I am to my ipod :)
Why both?

I've had an ipod for probably 3 or 4 years now, only got the iphone about 2 months ago.

I have about 50gb on my ipod but I'm currently eyeing up whether I actually need it or not, I came to the conclusion today though that for the sake of the £100 or so I'd get for my current ipod I'd probably regret NOT having it and ultimately go and buy another when I wind up without the iphone which is gonna happen someday.

I tend to change phone about 4 or 5 times a year so as in love as I am, if SE or nokia or whatever give me something shiny then the iphone might well go.

I have 2 phones and for the last year the one that hasn't changed has been an SE P1i, that might well become the iphone whilst the other changes several times.

That said my wife is due a new contract so I might give her my k850 and get another iphone :D how pimp (sad) would that be!
Now this has my attention but the big worry for me is 02 and there cruddy internet service. Hopefully people will crack them in a few weeks.

An 8gb version is all i need as i have a d2 with upgraded SD card so the price point is amazing
Somehow managed to get 3G running faster than on other 3G phones too.. impressive!

There's two reasons for that:
  1. The iPhone has a faster CPU
  2. It's got less to render as it doesn't support Flash

To be honest, the spec is pretty much as expected. I wonder if there's any surprises in the software, like A2DP, MMS or video recording?
cheers stinky.

Can someone confirm my dilemma quickly - I'm on a o2 contract, but I don't have the internet bolt on. Will I be able to use the gps/map for free or will I have a huge bill?
It should have a built in GPS reciever and GPS software so should be completely free. However if they use it with Google maps or something where it is downloading your maps off the net then you will get data charges. I'm pretty sure it will be sold with some dedicated Sat Nav software.
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