What are you shocked about ? This has been the model for years, officially housing has cost the taxpayer 17-18 billion a year for a while the real figure is probably much higher.Something I havent seen in the news but I know is happening with my council, the HA's which are all shut for new applicants, are selling of their properties to private owners, and these owners in turn have an arrangement with the council for the council to top up the rent, in return for the properties being let out at LHA rates. I assume (as I didnt ask about this bit at the time) that they are being populated by those on the waiting list. So the tenant is still getting social rent levels, but by a backdoor agreement the council is topping it up to the landlord.
Fun story last year, a local council somewhere in England did a big deal with landlords pretty much all hobbyists, for long term letting agreements to reduce their waiting lists, gave them big kick backs and months of rent up front to secure the deal. Not only have the council had to spend forever chasing up fixing the properties and sorting out the problems, the minute the LHA went up all these landlords were on the phone asking where the extra money was, you signed a long term deal.
The housing model is one big taxpayer funded scam especially at the bottom of the market that needs fixing