The joy of being a landlord

26 Dec 2011
City of London
Why stop at forcing private landlords to trust their expensive asset with absolutely anyone? We should also stop banks from discriminating against people by checking their credit history before lending them £100,000! If I go for a job interview, the company MUST employ me, even if I say I'm never going to turn up for work!
21 Jan 2010
Why stop at forcing private landlords to trust their expensive asset with absolutely anyone? We should also stop banks from discriminating against people by checking their credit history before lending them £100,000! If I go for a job interview, the company MUST employ me, even if I say I'm never going to turn up for work!
Because they are simply the property owners. If the market is too scary for them, and god forbid, someone lives there who cooks curry or has an unmowed lawn - then they should stick their money somewhere safer.
26 Dec 2011
City of London
and god forbid, someone lives there who cooks curry or has an unmowed lawn
If that's your idea of a nightmare tenant, it shows how little knowledge you have of the rental market. :cry:

As I said to someone else in another thread who came out with something that started with "I think..." and then something totally incorrect - you don't have to participate in every thread you know. Maybe step aside and leave it to those who have actual knowledge and experience?
23 May 2006
It isn't your home; and the neighbors aren't your problem.
no but it is my property...... and p.....g off the neighbours is my problem. I dont even know why you are defending this. It isnt a big ask to keep on top of a property and if the tenants are not happy to do that then that is on them. if they are incapable of that then they need to go to a council run shelter.
I am not even sure if legally you are right anyway. take to the extreme.... if they were cooking meth on my property and i knew but didnt do anything because "not my home, not my problem" i suspect i could be partially culpable as well.
26 Dec 2011
City of London
Protections for anything actually serious already exist.
Removing a non paying tenant and recovering any money is a long, drawn out and expensive process. There is often no recourse to get the majority of the money or time back. That's why landlords generally like to check that the person they are going to rent to is able to pay, or likely to. It's not rocket science.
21 Jan 2010
no but it is my property...... and p.....g off the neighbours is my problem. I dont even know why you are defending this. It isnt a big ask to keep on top of a property and if the tenants are not happy to do that then that is on them. if they are incapable of that then they need to go to a council run shelter.
I am not even sure if legally you are right anyway. take to the extreme.... if they were cooking meth on my property and i knew but didnt do anything because "not my home, not my problem" i suspect i could be partially culpable as well.
Right, but cooking meth versus having a neighbor texting you because the tenant hasn't mowed the lawn are very different concepts lol.
21 Jan 2010
Removing a non paying tenant and recovering any money is a long, drawn out and expensive process. There is often no recourse to get the majority of the money or time back. That's why landlords generally like to check that the person they are going to rent to is able to pay, or likely to. It's not rocket science.
Don't play the game if the game is too scary.
23 May 2006
Protections for anything actually serious already exist.
one of our tenants disconnected the heating, blocked up all the airvents and flooded the shop below them.

the lack of airflow and heating caused a black mould problem. this had never happened before, never happened since......... and yet still WE were the ones who got very threatening letters from the council after the tenants complained. we fixed it .... twice i think before kicking them out - which was a painful process (which you also probably disagree with). they trashed the place but we still had to give their deposit back.

The protections which exist are not good enough to protect crap tenants from good LLs and equally not good enough to protect good tenants from crap LLs,,

they are crap all round, however 90% of the time it is only the crap LLs who get the coverage.
23 May 2006
and god forbid, someone lives there who cooks curry or has an unmowed lawn - then they should stick their money somewhere safer.
jesus christ man..... so now you are trying to say those of us wanting a tenant to look after the property they rent are in the same pot as racists who dont want a foreigner living in their pad? FFS!. No wonder these threads get heated with people like you coming out with this crap
21 Jan 2010
jesus christ man..... so now you are trying to say those of us wanting a tenant to look after the property they rent are in the same pot as racists who dont want a foreigner living in their pad? FFS!. No wonder these threads get heated with people like you coming out with this crap
What was racist about that? I can swap the word curry for smelly food if that makes you feel less offended?
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