The joy of being a landlord



6 Sep 2007
You aren't a business though; you are a hobbyist landlord who wants to do a vibe check on your tenants.

:cry: Give over, your trolling is sub-par at best - I've told you many times before to up your game, but you've fallen in the gutter with that nonsense.
18 Mar 2008
I think a smaller electoral constituency of landlords is worth the pain of less rentals tbh, accelerate the trauma so that people finally lose it with meekly accepting this **** situation and go after the real culprits, NIMBY's and the lack of a self-build market.
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6 Jun 2010
All this Government intervention is going to increase rent. I said it a couple of years ago when they changed the tax laws regarding landlords and it has led to many of them selling up. Basic law of supply and demand, if the supply dries up it will lead to increase in rent.

The whole property market is broken, this country is far too obsessed about property but this is because where else do you put your money?

There's no innovation or engineering in this country anymore. Everything is geared towards finance and London.
I believe Poland is due to overtake the UK economy in the next 5 years which should never be the case (Sorry Polish members). This country has invented so many things and used to have the best engineers, now look at it :(
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13 Jan 2010
Really, things like right to buy should neve have happened.

Local councils should own a load of Property to be able to help control rent and also provide those who need with a basic home with low cost rental.

That would probably nearly fix the issue.
Private landlords would have to be competitive. Local councils would bring in some extra income. A deluge of private landlords leaving wouldnt drive existing rentals up so much.
13 Jan 2010
All this Government intervention is going to increase rent. I said it a couple of years ago when they changed the tax laws regarding landlords and it has led to many of them selling up. Basic law of supply and demand, if the supply dries up it will lead to increase in rent.

The whole property market is broken, this country is far too obsessed about property but this is because where else do you put your money?

There's no innovation or engineering in this country anymore. Everything is geared towards finance and London.
I believe Poland is due to overtake the UK economy in the next 5 years which should never be the case. This country has invented so many things and used to have the best engineers, now look at it :(

I don't see anything on the horizon to get the UK into growth. Really, best option is to emigrate if you can. Other countries do have similar issues. But as you say, the UK shouldn't. Which makes it even worse.

There's nothing here anymore.
13 Jan 2010
As an addition. My partner is going through some stuff at the moment. But after I hope to have a serious chat about it we can emigrate.

She's been resistant in past but some family stuff may change that.

Australia are calling out for some skills. With NZ (as ever) being my dream.

I'm hoping demand for skilled immigrants picks up globally as I do like moving around. Another gift of Brexit making it harder within the EU.
29 Jul 2010
All this Government intervention is going to increase rent. I said it a couple of years ago when they changed the tax laws regarding landlords and it has led to many of them selling up. Basic law of supply and demand, if the supply dries up it will lead to increase in rent.

The whole property market is broken, this country is far too obsessed about property but this is because where else do you put your money?

There's no innovation or engineering in this country anymore. Everything is geared towards finance and London.
I believe Poland is due to overtake the UK economy in the next 5 years which should never be the case (Sorry Polish members). This country has invented so many things and used to have the best engineers, now look at it :(

Britain and the US are poor societies with some very rich people​

For Norway, it’s a consistently rosy picture. The top 10 per cent rank second for living standards among the top deciles in all countries; the median Norwegian household ranks second among all national averages, and all the way down at the other end, Norway’s poorest 5 per cent are the most prosperous bottom 5 per cent in the world. Norway is a good place to live, whether you are rich or poor. Britain is a different story. While the top earners rank fifth, the average household ranks 12th and the poorest 5 per cent rank 15th. Far from simply losing touch with their western European peers, last year the lowest-earning bracket of British households had a standard of living that was 20 per cent weaker than their counterparts in Slovenia.

It’s a similar story in the middle. In 2007, the average UK household was 8 per cent worse off than its peers in north-western Europe, but the deficit has since ballooned to a record 20 per cent. On present trends, the average Slovenian household will be better off than its British counterpart by 2024, and the average Polish family will move ahead before the end of the decade.
13 Jan 2010



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
The protections which exist are not good enough to protect crap tenants from good LLs and equally not good enough to protect good tenants from crap LLs,,

they are crap all round, however 90% of the time it is only the crap LLs who get the coverage.

This covers a huge amount of society unfortunately. Benefits should be a safety net, not a lifestyle choice. COVID business help should be for businesses that need it, not so they could cut costs to maintain high profits. Landlords and tenants should both have protection from scummy people on the other side of the equation, it should go both ways.

In all these situations though its almost impossible to have rules and laws that protect those that need it and aren't abused to high heaven by the scumbags of society of which there are far too many.
18 Oct 2002
Quick way to increase housing for those renting would be to offer CGT holiday to LLs that sell to their tenants.

With assistance from the government for 0% deposits, this would increase the amount of homeowners and would not cause an increase in prices.

If any government was really serious about reducing private LLs and increasing public stock, the same exemption could be applied to local councils buying from LLs.
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