The Kids Breakfast Challenge

Sorry for Daily Mail.

230 calories a minute for 26 minutes: Hungry diner takes café challenge and polishes off gut-busting 6,000-calorie breakfast in record time.

It was thought to be an impossible feat - and perhaps a foolhardy one at that: Just how many diners could consume a fry-up the size of a baby in under an hour?

But it would seem one diner was man enough - and hungry enough - to take on the Kidz Breakfast culinary challenge.

Not only did Robert Pinto step up to the plate - he then proceeded to clear it in record time as he munched his way through 6,000 calories in 26 minutes.


Mr Pinto admitted his mammoth breakfast bashing does take its toll in the bathroom afterwards.

He added: 'It can be quite painful. But after I had that on Monday I went for five-mile run, went down the gym and had a swim, you have to keep healthy.

'It's all about the fruit and veg for me now for the rest of the week.'


Despite earning his free meal fair and square, he said he will donate the cost of the breakfast to a local heart charity.

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He's stick thin - I reckon you'd be able to see the fried bread distending his stomach when he stood up!!!!
Wow.... i just wow, im so hungry now...

that much fried bread is..sickly though :(
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im tempted to try the premier inn brekkie thismorning, ive got to take a stroll down to the village between 8-9am and i go right passed one (beefeater).. just dont want to eat on my own like billy no mates though ;/
also i dont have a camera so youd have to take my word on what i ate :p
im due to be going to a premier inn (table-table petersfield) for brekkie next week anyway with my sister and her kids on our way down to Portsmouth, and my sis has a camera phone so maybe il just wait till then
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