- ¾ cup blac rice
- ½ tsp + ½ tsp cardamom
- 1 ½ cup boiling water
- ½ cup thick sour cream or rice milk
- 3 tbsp agave syrup
- ½ cup blueberries
- ½ cup cherries without seeds
- hemp seeds
- coconut flakes
- fresh mint
You need to start a peparation the night before. Place rice in a pot, add ½ tsp of cardamom (or two cardamom pods) and pour boiling water over it. Leave it like this for a night.
In the morning add ½ cup thick sour cream (or yogurt or rice milk), agave syrup and more cardamom, cover and bring to boil over a medium heat. Uncover, decrease the heat and simmer for about 7 minutes, stirring from time to time, you want it to be tender. Then add blueberries and cherries and cook for one more minute.
Serve with hemp seeds, coconut, few mint leaves and a nice spoon of yogurt.