Uncharted 3 - 3/10
Nathan Drake - The Streetfighter Chronicles. When shooting inexplicably doesn't work (quite often) charge straight in and channel your inner Batman.
Inferior in every way to the second game. A major problem is that it wants to be a film. But the films that "inspired" it already exist - and are much better. As a game it's pretty mediocre and often frustrating. In particular, the "chase" sequences can eat a duck.
In these, you have literally 1/2 a second to figure out what the designer wants you to do next, before being hit with a game over screen. Enter room, look W. Nothing there. Game over. Enter room, look East. Game over. Look North, don't immediately spot anything. Game over. Look North again, notice some kind of a ledge, on to the next room.
It's super, super tedious and this kind of trial-and-error gameplay really leaves me cold. There's a chase sequence every few chapters and the ship sequence especially is horrific. Even knowing what to do, Drake gets stuck on minor scenery objects and you get to watch a fairly lengthy game over scene about 20 times. Ugh. It was then I knew I was giving this a worse score than #1.
Plot - absolute garbage. It's more like a cautionary tale of the dangers of doing drugs than anything else.
Difficulty (on Normal) - lurched around from super trivial to hopelessly unfair, as in when they spawn in a guy with a grenade launcher in each hand behind you on a ledge you can't quite see or shoot at.
Basically, "Think fast, die faster" the video game.