The last game you completed, and rating (Console Edition)

Uncharted 1 - 4/10

Incredibly irritating. Can only hope the sequels are better, as I've got the whole lot of them waiting to be played.

Main points against were how repetitive the gameplay was, and how much it outstayed its welcome. "Here's a courtyard with a bunch of chest-high walls and 20 goons to kill. Oh, you finished it? Here's another 50 identical courtyards with the same goons and identical gameplay to grind your way through."

The longer it went on the more bored I was and the more obnoxious it became, esp with instant death around every turn.

Still, perhaps unfair to slate it as the damn thing is so old.
Uncharted 1 - 4/10

Incredibly irritating. Can only hope the sequels are better, as I've got the whole lot of them waiting to be played.

Main points against were how repetitive the gameplay was, and how much it outstayed its welcome. "Here's a courtyard with a bunch of chest-high walls and 20 goons to kill. Oh, you finished it? Here's another 50 identical courtyards with the same goons and identical gameplay to grind your way through."

The longer it went on the more bored I was and the more obnoxious it became, esp with instant death around every turn.

Still, perhaps unfair to slate it as the damn thing is so old.
Yeah heard a lot of people say it hasn't held up well, I know I've got the series on backlog and looking forward to 4 and lost legacy
Uncharted 2 was always my favourite from a story standpoint - but Uncharted 4 is the 'best' game for me in terms of how it plays.
Uncharted 1 - 4/10

Incredibly irritating. Can only hope the sequels are better, as I've got the whole lot of them waiting to be played.

Main points against were how repetitive the gameplay was, and how much it outstayed its welcome. "Here's a courtyard with a bunch of chest-high walls and 20 goons to kill. Oh, you finished it? Here's another 50 identical courtyards with the same goons and identical gameplay to grind your way through."

The longer it went on the more bored I was and the more obnoxious it became, esp with instant death around every turn.

Still, perhaps unfair to slate it as the damn thing is so old.
It hasn’t aged well at all. I like to play them all through from time to time but next time I will skip the first one. 2 is much better but don’t expect too much to change in terms of how the gunfights play out.
It hasn’t aged well at all. I like to play them all through from time to time but next time I will skip the first one. 2 is much better but don’t expect too much to change in terms of how the gunfights play out.
I've heard that 2 is an improvement in all areas. I'll be starting that tonight.

The plot of 1 was a bit daft, tbh. Esp things like solving an ancient Incan (?) puzzle to get into a secret inner chamber, and there were already 20 goons inside with their floodlights and portable generators.

Not just once, or twice, but every single time :p It became a meme. In fact at one point I think Drake says, "How are these guys always in here?"

e: To quickly add to that, because people compare this to Indy. Indy was very often the first person to see something (like some tomb) for hundreds of years, and often the first to leave alive! In Uncharted, Drake is always third or fourth on the scene, and it robs the player of any sense of discovery or exploration.

You're always just following in the goons footsteps, even when it doesn't really make much sense for this to be the case. The events of the game, as far as I can tell, take place in a short period of time, and the goons need Drake's map to see where the treasure is.

But the goons are always there, anyhow. It seems they've been set up for months, by the time Drake arrives. I can't really understand it.
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Interestingly, I've just finished Uncharted 1 recently and had a really great time with it. Would really like that to have a bit of a remake and come to Steam.
It hasn’t aged well at all. I like to play them all through from time to time but next time I will skip the first one. 2 is much better but don’t expect too much to change in terms of how the gunfights play out.
Oh balls. Started UC2 and... I just have to say, I hate forced stealth sections more than anything else in video games :( Just can't do stealth in games and it cheeses me off something big time.

Why, UC2, why..... :( :( :( Been trying for the last two hours to get in a door guarded by three guards whose field of vision overlaps and.. I just can't do it.
Oh balls. Started UC2 and... I just have to say, I hate forced stealth sections more than anything else in video games :( Just can't do stealth in games and it cheeses me off something big time.

Why, UC2, why..... :( :( :( Been trying for the last two hours to get in a door guarded by three guards whose field of vision overlaps and.. I just can't do it.

Kids mate get a brew and let them sort it out…..
Uncharted 2 - 6/10

An improvement on the 1st game for sure, but still irritating in plenty of places.

It's of the school that says, "If you enjoyed seeing this once, you'll enjoy seeing it 20 more times!" And yeah, about 1/2 way through I was ready for it to end.

The locations are a ton better, and can't fault that at all.

Can fault the stupid bleddy zombies at the end. And the number of levels where if you don't guess what the designer was thinking you die repeatedly because you only have a few seconds to work it out. Several sections like that and it just grinds my gears.

They also dialled the absurdity way, way up. It's like the Michael Bay of video games :p

Onto the 3rd, just because dammit I paid for this and I will finish it :p

e: Also sensing a pattern forming here: UC1 had a really terribad final boss, and UC2 has a pretty darn bad final boss. If the cake is your general irritation with the game, the final bosses are the cherry on top :p
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I'd say if you weren't a big fan of 2 then you're probably not going to love the remaining games in the series. Uncharted 3 was the one I liked the least.

I'd agree but there are a couple of terrific sequences that I won't forget from Uncharted 4 and then Lost Legacy is actually really great. I double dipped and bought them on Steam.
The Uncharted games are definitely not an enjoyable experience if you play them back to back. If you did it at release when they had a few years between each, then that was perfect. But back to back with the sheer number of fights, it’s an incredible slog. The third one is the worst too.
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Uncharted 3 - 3/10

Nathan Drake - The Streetfighter Chronicles. When shooting inexplicably doesn't work (quite often) charge straight in and channel your inner Batman.

Inferior in every way to the second game. A major problem is that it wants to be a film. But the films that "inspired" it already exist - and are much better. As a game it's pretty mediocre and often frustrating. In particular, the "chase" sequences can eat a duck.

In these, you have literally 1/2 a second to figure out what the designer wants you to do next, before being hit with a game over screen. Enter room, look W. Nothing there. Game over. Enter room, look East. Game over. Look North, don't immediately spot anything. Game over. Look North again, notice some kind of a ledge, on to the next room.

It's super, super tedious and this kind of trial-and-error gameplay really leaves me cold. There's a chase sequence every few chapters and the ship sequence especially is horrific. Even knowing what to do, Drake gets stuck on minor scenery objects and you get to watch a fairly lengthy game over scene about 20 times. Ugh. It was then I knew I was giving this a worse score than #1.

Plot - absolute garbage. It's more like a cautionary tale of the dangers of doing drugs than anything else.

Difficulty (on Normal) - lurched around from super trivial to hopelessly unfair, as in when they spawn in a guy with a grenade launcher in each hand behind you on a ledge you can't quite see or shoot at.

Basically, "Think fast, die faster" the video game.
Uncharted 3 - 3/10

Nathan Drake - The Streetfighter Chronicles. When shooting inexplicably doesn't work (quite often) charge straight in and channel your inner Batman.

Inferior in every way to the second game. A major problem is that it wants to be a film. But the films that "inspired" it already exist - and are much better. As a game it's pretty mediocre and often frustrating. In particular, the "chase" sequences can eat a duck.

In these, you have literally 1/2 a second to figure out what the designer wants you to do next, before being hit with a game over screen. Enter room, look W. Nothing there. Game over. Enter room, look East. Game over. Look North, don't immediately spot anything. Game over. Look North again, notice some kind of a ledge, on to the next room.

It's super, super tedious and this kind of trial-and-error gameplay really leaves me cold. There's a chase sequence every few chapters and the ship sequence especially is horrific. Even knowing what to do, Drake gets stuck on minor scenery objects and you get to watch a fairly lengthy game over scene about 20 times. Ugh. It was then I knew I was giving this a worse score than #1.

Plot - absolute garbage. It's more like a cautionary tale of the dangers of doing drugs than anything else.

Difficulty (on Normal) - lurched around from super trivial to hopelessly unfair, as in when they spawn in a guy with a grenade launcher in each hand behind you on a ledge you can't quite see or shoot at.

Basically, "Think fast, die faster" the video game.
UC 4 is amazing. I hope you’ll enjoy it. If not, drop the series I guess.
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