The last game you completed, and rating.

God of War (2018) - 10.0 (PS4)

Has poor climbing mechanics and crap boss variation but I'll give it a pass for the latter because it has the optional Valkyries which are basically bosses they should have just made part of the main the game (or at least one of them).

Otherwise awesome game, awesome story, on harder modes the combat has a huge learning-curve which I LOVE, awesome music, awesome sound design, awesome voice acting, amazing graphics especially in HDR, great lore, awesome characterisation, great world design.

I understand now why it won GOTY for many people (and its my GOTY).


Brilliant, I know its been around for ages and its been sat in my Steam library for ages but only just got around to playing it. Loved it!

Got the next one to do now.
Also try the second one in co-op mode. Played it with one of my mates and we had some good laughs. There are also community maps that add more players.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 main campaigns. Really enjoyed playing through these, the actual gameplay was pretty average but to get more Star Wars story realised in all the modern graphical glory was a real treat. 8/10

The full game is now available on Origin Access by the way.
Just finished Far Cry 5.

It has a nice-looking open world, the opening looks like good scene-setting and is appropriately menacing, it has the unscripted Far Cry chaos that alternately annoys and delights (I see wolverines are this year's honey badgers!). I even quite enjoyed fishing!

But, let's face it, it's also chock-full of awkward, outdated game mechanics, utterly generic enemies, and that "story"... what a stinker! I know, I know, it's Far Cry. But some of the previous ones did have the good sense to play their main stories at least partly tongue-in-cheek. Here I got the impression they actually wanted me to buy into it all - all the plot-holes, all the repetition of outcomes with slightly different mechanics, all those bizarre character motivations. And the ham-fisted way it pulls you into the (universally dreadful and repetitive) scripted missions with the Seeds was beyond jarring and annoying.

Oh, and if you stray too close to many of the side or story mission objectives you're liable to find yourself locked into some arbitrarily-limited mission area even if you're just trying to go somewhere else. For a number of missions, leaving this area meant I saw the mission failed screen and a reload to some point prior straying wherever I apparently weren't supposed to go if I didn't want to start whatever mission it was. Ugh.

And... no you can't move around very much in many of the missions to find sniping spots or get a better view, because "mission area," you see. Which, of course, works really, really well in what's supposed to be an open-world game when you've specced out for long-range stealth. Oh, and the planes, helicopters and cars have the worst handling and physics I can remember for many a year.

Still, I enjoyed the old Far Cry outpost clearing, it has some fun explosions, the giving birth mission was silly and fun, and the ridiculous chaotic open-world encounters and were as funny as ever. Many times I started what was supposed to be a sneaky ambush and ended up leaving behind an unbelievable collection of dead enemies, animal corpses, wrecked cars, tractors, planes, boats. Just couldn't help chuckling to myself at times - "ok, silenced pistol for this one, circle around... argh, wolverine... argh, mounted gun... and now a fighter plane? **** this... rocket launcher time!" :D

But there's no real innovation here from the previous games, too many annoyances, and a pretty abysmal story. Bit of a mixed bag, really.

Just finished Far Cry 5.

It has a nice-looking open world, the opening looks like good scene-setting and is appropriately menacing, it has the unscripted Far Cry chaos that alternately annoys and delights (I see wolverines are this year's honey badgers!). I even quite enjoyed fishing!

But, let's face it, it's also chock-full of awkward, outdated game mechanics, utterly generic enemies, and that "story"... what a stinker! I know, I know, it's Far Cry. But some of the previous ones did have the good sense to play their main stories at least partly tongue-in-cheek. Here I got the impression they actually wanted me to buy into it all - all the plot-holes, all the repetition of outcomes with slightly different mechanics, all those bizarre character motivations. And the ham-fisted way it pulls you into the (universally dreadful and repetitive) scripted missions with the Seeds was beyond jarring and annoying.

Oh, and if you stray too close to many of the side or story mission objectives you're liable to find yourself locked into some arbitrarily-limited mission area even if you're just trying to go somewhere else. For a number of missions, leaving this area meant I saw the mission failed screen and a reload to some point prior straying wherever I apparently weren't supposed to go if I didn't want to start whatever mission it was. Ugh.

And... no you can't move around very much in many of the missions to find sniping spots or get a better view, because "mission area," you see. Which, of course, works really, really well in what's supposed to be an open-world game when you've specced out for long-range stealth. Oh, and the planes, helicopters and cars have the worst handling and physics I can remember for many a year.

Still, I enjoyed the old Far Cry outpost clearing, it has some fun explosions, the giving birth mission was silly and fun, and the ridiculous chaotic open-world encounters and were as funny as ever. Many times I started what was supposed to be a sneaky ambush and ended up leaving behind an unbelievable collection of dead enemies, animal corpses, wrecked cars, tractors, planes, boats. Just couldn't help chuckling to myself at times - "ok, silenced pistol for this one, circle around... argh, wolverine... argh, mounted gun... and now a fighter plane? **** this... rocket launcher time!" :D

But there's no real innovation here from the previous games, too many annoyances, and a pretty abysmal story. Bit of a mixed bag, really.


Well summed up!
Red Dead Redemption 2 - 10/10 - best game by Rockstar, second best game of the generation, total masterpiece with very specific vision. There are things to nitpick, but in the grand scheme of the artwork, they are fairly insignificant and mostly subjective.
Red Dead Redemption 2 - 10/10 - best game by Rockstar, second best game of the generation, total masterpiece with very specific vision. There are things to nitpick, but in the grand scheme of the artwork, they are fairly insignificant and mostly subjective.

LOL - posting a review of the console only game that all PC owners are waiting for - you're just rubbing it in aren't you :-)
LOL - posting a review of the console only game that all PC owners are waiting for - you're just rubbing it in aren't you :)
I didn't actually realize I am in a PC section and this is PC only thread. I have both PC and Pro so I just play games wherever they are. Can't wait for the 60fps PC version myself, for a second playthrough. 30 does not do this game justice.
Subnautica 9/10.
Just finished my first playthrough of the game and have thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. The design of the under water environment is great and you enjoy every bit of it. Tempted to try in VR by borrowing a kit just to play through this. There are the occasional bugs (dropping through the floor of the cyclops) but it didnt bother me as much. Might replay again knowing some of the things from the first run and try things differently. Looking forward to the Below Zero launch.
Subnautica 9/10.
Just finished my first playthrough of the game...

Hey Kautya, all that time I was swimming around by myself and it turns out you were down there too and lifted off less than an hour before me. :D

Great game all round. Also felt that the last stretch (lava zones to the end) was just that, a bit of a stretch. But everything before that was very enjoyable.
Can honestly imagine firing it up again just to pootle around and build bases.

Did give it a try with the oculus, and yes it looked amazing, right up until I hit reverse to swim backwards and then man did I feel dizzy.
Looking forward to the follow up. Now what am I gonna play in the meantime...
@MrWhippy ha ha indeed. You might have just seen my rocket drop the time capsule :D. Little things with the game that developers have added in that you don't get told during gameplay make it more fun. For eg. the time capsules are picked by other players in the game and they get the kit inside if they find one. Your photo and message can be voted on a different site. When I got in the rocket wasnt sure what the point of it was. The cuddlefish is another example, I never took mine out of the base.
Just finished Far Cry 5.

It has a nice-looking open world, the opening looks like good scene-setting and is appropriately menacing, it has the unscripted Far Cry chaos that alternately annoys and delights (I see wolverines are this year's honey badgers!). I even quite enjoyed fishing!

But, let's face it, it's also chock-full of awkward, outdated game mechanics, utterly generic enemies, and that "story"... what a stinker! I know, I know, it's Far Cry. But some of the previous ones did have the good sense to play their main stories at least partly tongue-in-cheek. Here I got the impression they actually wanted me to buy into it all - all the plot-holes, all the repetition of outcomes with slightly different mechanics, all those bizarre character motivations. And the ham-fisted way it pulls you into the (universally dreadful and repetitive) scripted missions with the Seeds was beyond jarring and annoying.

Oh, and if you stray too close to many of the side or story mission objectives you're liable to find yourself locked into some arbitrarily-limited mission area even if you're just trying to go somewhere else. For a number of missions, leaving this area meant I saw the mission failed screen and a reload to some point prior straying wherever I apparently weren't supposed to go if I didn't want to start whatever mission it was. Ugh.

And... no you can't move around very much in many of the missions to find sniping spots or get a better view, because "mission area," you see. Which, of course, works really, really well in what's supposed to be an open-world game when you've specced out for long-range stealth. Oh, and the planes, helicopters and cars have the worst handling and physics I can remember for many a year.

Still, I enjoyed the old Far Cry outpost clearing, it has some fun explosions, the giving birth mission was silly and fun, and the ridiculous chaotic open-world encounters and were as funny as ever. Many times I started what was supposed to be a sneaky ambush and ended up leaving behind an unbelievable collection of dead enemies, animal corpses, wrecked cars, tractors, planes, boats. Just couldn't help chuckling to myself at times - "ok, silenced pistol for this one, circle around... argh, wolverine... argh, mounted gun... and now a fighter plane? **** this... rocket launcher time!" :D

But there's no real innovation here from the previous games, too many annoyances, and a pretty abysmal story. Bit of a mixed bag, really.


I really enjoyed it but know exactly what you mean about getting dragged into the scripted missions being annoying, having just completed my terminator impersonation I then get one shotted and dragged off. Apart from that I found it very good.
Horizon Zero Dawn 6.5-7.0/10

I like the idea and the premise. What they've done in a debut title is really remarkable but its flawed. Aloy is a great main character.

The spear combat is terrible. The storyline unravels and gets good far too late. The lore is especially lacking in villages and lands. The characters are bland and basic. The climbing is dreadful for an open world game and so far away from the gold standard of BOTW. In most departments, this game sucks compared to BOTW. The dungeons get worse as the game goes on. The puzzles are rubbish and basically non existent. The side quests I have played are like TW3 but more finicky to follow and just not as fun or interesting. The villains are just... not very present.. to the extent you don't care about them. The lack of side characters apart from Sylen really hurts the overall characterisation. The lack of choice is very obvious.

And the higher difficulties make this game a chore.

The ranged combat is amazing, the machine AI is solid, the robots are awesome albiet their designs could be a bit nicer IMO, the graphics are phenomenal, the soundtrack is beautiful, Aloy is great, the opened scenes are awesome.

I can't bring myself to quite finish the game at present and with KH3 coming tommorow I'll retire this one for now.

Overall I think its a solid game but BOTW has set the bar SOOOO high for open world games that I struggle to really give this game more than a 7. Sure its beautiful, the HDR is great, the graphics are amazing... but everything else is so lacking in comparison.
Arkham Asylum on PS4 8/10
Played this many years ago, but had the urge to 100% it. Got to about 80% before I was ready to throw the controller across the room. My frustration lead me to trying the PC version.

Arkham Asylum on PC 8/10
Yes. Played the same game on two systems in the space of 2 weeks. 100% on PC.
Much prefer Keyboard and Mouse. The ability to quickly scan the room during combat makes the game much more enjoyable for me. Feels more natural on K&M.

Based on the above I opted for PC for my Arkham City playthrough.

Arkham City on PC 9/10
Still have about 15 riddles to solve and a few predator matches. I will get these before moving onto Origins.
Tyranny - 8.5/10

Took some time to get into and multiple failed starts, but after sticking with it for a few hours, ended up loving it. Largely similar to pillars of eternity which is no real surprise, so if you like that sort of game, will like Tyranny I imagine.

Nice twist in the role you play, lots of lore and text you can read around the world, no black and white in this game. Can play and complete it via 4 fairly different routes and your decisions can make longer term impacts to some bits of the game.

Falls down slightly in that only 20% or so of lines if that are voice acted which is a kind of shame, but I imagine with so many lines and detail's / paths it is not wholly unexpected.
I've spent years on WoW and Q3/Quakelive, but started to play back catalogue of single player games

Tomb raider PC reboot (2013) - 8.5/10 thoroughly enjoyed, but was a little disappointed by lack of puzzling compared to the old PS1 versions

Rise of the tomb raider - 8.0/10 same as above,but probably expected more

GTA 5 - 9.5/10 - amazing open world taking into account my little experience with other games, I'm amazed they don't create more story lines - I'd happily pay £10 or so
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider - 6.5/10

Visually amazing, though not nearly as 'dense' feeling as the previous two titles. Disappointing certain enemies near the beginning of the game don't reappear later on. The 'mission hubs' were mostly an annoyance that took away from discovering things in the open world. TBH, I think the highlight of the game was the flashback mission alongside the obligatory water-slide set pieces.

Storyline was a tad weak - I felt like Lara and the arch-villain were just a couple of lines of dialogue away from calling the whole thing off at any moment. Compared with the life and death struggle against evil in previous instalments, this was just a tad weird.

Lara's personality has also gone downhill significantly since her highest point in the original Tomb Raider reboot to the point where I really miss the old her.

XCOM 2 - 9/10

A fantastic game in my opinion. The only thing that lets it down is an inconsistent difficulty curve (mostly due to the Archon King turning multiple missions in to a death trap that required a lot of save scumming to complete the objective AND chase him off). After he eventually went down, it was easy street again all the way up to the final mission, where I got the one lucky break when I had one of my few remaining squad that wasn't mind-controlled/dead come out of 'panicked' just in time to get the killer shot on the last Archon.

Edge of the seat stuff for me. Very worthy storyline. Great fun all the way, PC style.
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