The last game you completed, and rating.

Assassins Creed Odyssey - 8/10

Completed the game 100% and got all achievements, had a blast playing it but not without its quirks. It does not feel like an Assassins creed game really, but that's partly where it falls in terms of timeline, its well before Origins in the series.

+ Game looks stunning. More so on a 4K HDR TV with HDR having half decent implementation. World looks gorgeous
+ Game soundtrack is pretty great and music comes on as expected
+ RPG elements are new and enjoyable though not fully fleshed out
+ The voice acting, at least of female protagonist is done well
+ The Main story while relatively short is fun
+ There is a nice mix of the first civilisation stuff and backstory
+ Combat system is overhauled and somewhat frustrating at start, but as you play on, can tailor multiple builds for various play styles (stealthy, Bow&Arrows, all out weapon damage and so on)

- The World while gorgeous is overly big and empty compared to origins
- Outside of the main quest and bigger side quests its all rinse and repeat quests
- Far too many places to explore which are all copy and paste's. Caves are identical and they just reuse same assets, likewise for camps both of which make up large part of game
- The tomb's are very basic and straight forward compared to Origin's, no real puzzle elements

Overall well worth it IMO. Not perfect, but has some improvements but also some setbacks compared to prior game. Hopefully they take best of both games for next one.
Life is Strange: Before the Storm. 8/10

I enjoyed the first game against all expectations so got this recently. It was nice to get more background story and to have the characters fleshed out. Great storytelling. Heartwarming and tragic at the same time. I don't get the negative reviews I've seen.
Prey 8/10

Really enjoyed this game and it's one of the only games that has kept me playing until the end this year. The story was pretty good and I enjoyed reading the small snippets of stories told through emails on desktops dotted around the station. A lot of games I just skip all the text you find as its so boring, but I actually enjoyed reading these.

Combat was fun, but it was super easy. I played on hard mode and didn't really feel challenged at all. I had a ton of meds and ammo left at the end of the game.

I think they could have improved the atmosphere with some atmospheric lighting, instead of everywhere being well lit. Also think its about time Bethesda/Arkane improved their character models as they just look really weird.
That's just their art style though? I think they look great.


Each to their own I guess. To me they're immersion breakingly bad and just look super ugly and weird. It kinda worked in Dishonoured, but I felt like they went for a more realistic looking graphics for everything but the npc characters in Prey, which made them stand out imo.
Each to their own I guess. To me they're immersion breakingly bad and just look super ugly and weird. It kinda worked in Dishonoured, but I felt like they went for a more realistic looking graphics for everything but the npc characters in Prey, which made them stand out imo.

See. i'm the othe way. I think the character models worked in Prey (which i played first) but not so much in Dishonored 2.
Death of the Outsider. I love the Dishonoured games but was waiting for the price to come down on this primarily as I wasn't prepared to pay £20 for a 'DLC'. I did manage to pick it up for a fiver a few weeks back however I got 15 hours of the game and that was with just slaughtering all enemies so I imagine if you were going for the stealth, non-kill achievements you could add a few more hours on to that so there are actually no issues with value for money even if you did pick it up for full price. Love the exploration and settings in the these games. All in all, just more Dishonoured goodness. 9/10
XCOM 2 - brilliant - 9.5/10

Like the first but better in all ways. Looks great, incredibly immersive and the story is exciting. I was actually getting nervous when the Avatar bar was nearly full. Excellent game.


Brilliant, I know its been around for ages and its been sat in my Steam library for ages but only just got around to playing it. Loved it!

Got the next one to do now.
donkey kong tropical freeze, 10/10
Incredible soundtrack
fantastic level design and bosses are great
one of the hardest games I have ever played, died at least 200 times from start too finish, however extremely satisfying once you complete a stage you've been stuck on for a while,
For me the best 2D platformer ever made
Doom 64 (Outcast Levels) 8+/10.

Relatively short but indeed rather sweet. Very well designed levels here combined with a harder difficulty than what we are used to seeing in classic Doom.

I forget how many levels are included but something around a full episode, maybe slightly more.

"Just one more level"... :D
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Brilliant, I know its been around for ages and its been sat in my Steam library for ages but only just got around to playing it. Loved it!

Got the next one to do now.

Yeah portal is brilliant, I might play them both again.

Just finished Alien Isolation on hard and have started again on nightmare. Not sure I’ll complete it!
Lords of the Fallen


Anyone who loved Dark Souls will probably like this, brilliant looking game with sweet weapons. Its a bit glitchy in places and could use some patches but i still really enjoyed it.
Mass Effect Andromeda.

Story was interesting enough but encountered a few bugs in gameplay. Not sure if I should do another run through in single player.


Has anyone played the MP ? Is it worth getting into ?
Pathfinder Kingmaker - 8/10

A real diamond in the rough. Started after the big patch dropped so did not encounter anything game breaking.

In all a fantastic game with a lot of ambition. It gets a lot of thing's right, but a number of the mechanics and parts of the games are not well explained so you may fail, more so on the kingdom management side (though there is an option to set it to invincible if you do not want to bother), similarly the game is difficult, even on normal and last chapter is brutal.

However for all the con's the game is massive, well written, characters are great, music is solid, game play is fun and there is a lot of content.

If you enjoyed Divinity and Pillars of Eternity etc, could be worth a look at IMO, even if its not quiet in the same league.
Shadow of Mordor - 7/10

Lost a bit of drive to do all the sidequests etc, and semi-rushed the ending. Think if the more major sidequests had just been part of the story, that would have made it more interesting in many ways. Enjoyable enough though, especially as part of a cheap bundle. Really disappointed with the nemesis fight in the end, it was some almost random captain as far as I knew (I'd built up a nice rivalry with one too, thought he'd come back for the big fight), didn't even kill him myself, my orcs took him out. From what I've seen of shadow of war, a fair bit of what I've not loved is considered.
Darksiders 3! What a game! The most fun I've had for a long time! There really aren't enough games like this around for me. Here's hoping for one more Darksiders game with the final horseman Strife. A few initial niggles sorted out with the most recent patch. Great story, lore, characters, combat and level design. 10/10
Dishonored 9/10. Properly plot based, worth playing different styles, lots of replay value although I didn't have time to do any specialist play throughs. Will play a few other games then definitely revisit or pick up a sequel!
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