The last game you completed, and rating.

Valheim around 10 months ago, not completed anything or played much else since.

10/10 game tho

It's excellent, and will give you and hopefully your friends a lot of hours of fun, the endgame does vanish very quickly when you reach it though.
Wasteland 3 - 7/10
The Surge 2 - 7.5/10

Two games from my most-played genres of recent times: post-apocalyptic RPGs and Soulslikes.

Both were games were my love for these genres meant I had a much better time with them than many others might. I can certainly see the faults with them both, but I got a lot enjoyment from them too.

Wasteland 3 felt like a bit of a downgrade from Wasteland 2, and isn't up there with Atom: RPG either, but it does still scratch the neo-Fallout itch quite nicely. I enjoyed playing around with builds and weapon mods to find interesting combinations and team synergy. Some great possibilites are available in the game. I would sometimes pause the game to scribble down numbers to crunch theory-crafting new build and weapon synergies. I love that kind of thing. :)

It has to be said, though, that the balance is horrible. It goes from barely scratching enemies who can one-shot you in the first third to killing three or four enemies per turn with SMG and shotgun users nearer the end. Still combat comes down to who goes first since armor doesn't seem to do much and everyone can kill eveyone else ridiculously quickly. The world is okay, and the story so-so. I had grood fun with it, but not sure if I'd recommend it to someone unless I knew they hold a special love for this genre of game.

The Surge 2 was the opposite on the first point in that I felt it improved on almost all of the elements of its predecessor - except the story and atmosphere. It forgoes the dark and menacing world-bulding of the first Surge in favour of a brighter and more open city environment. The story is... I can't even remember why I was following the leads I was to be honest. Everything was just a lead to the next area, next tier of crafting materials and next boss. But... the combat was great, and far better than the first game. It felt snappy and responsive, the weapons had a great feeling of weight and momentum. There was a balance of spacing, stamina maintenance, energy generation and damage. The limb-focused attacks to incapacitate enemies and gather materials continues to be fun, and I liked the directional blocking and parrying system that was added this time - it was intuitive, engaging and fun to use.

But - after a few hours it was much, much too easy for a Soulslike, and that did kind of kill the drive to keep on the upgrade treadmill. I didn't bother with the last couple of armor tier upgrades because I just didn't need them. Effectively infinite healing from a high energy build is far too overpowered and lets you face-tank pretty much everything, including most of the bosses (the final one in particular, disappointingly). My only deaths in the final three or four areas were to cheap ambushes as an off-screen enemy clattered and stunlocked me. Even this only happened once or twice in the last dozen or so hours. I just dropped all the other quests to power through to the end after a while. Great combat that, like W3, also needed better balancing to keep the player engaged to the end. I am very interested to see what Deck13 do next, though.
Just ploughed 80hrs into Dragons Dogma for the second time. Wow, thoroughly enjoyed this game again. In fact I think I enjoyed it even more the second time. So much to do and the combat is second to none. You can clearly see where Monster Hunter World got it's influence from with the monster climbing mechanics.
God of War. What a game. Closer to Darksiders than Dark Souls. Really hard to think of anything that would have made it better... maybe some sexy female characters although Freya did have her own kind of allure... :D 9.5/10
Halo Infinite 7.5/10
The campaign was ok, the gfx inside ships and audio effects are nice but the real strong point this game has is the combat itself, but I have to knock it down for the mediocre villain and highly repetitive level design.
Revisited Hollow Knight after putting it down when getting stuck on The Trial of the fool and Nightmare King Grimm. Have been using guides/videos to learn and putting in the time (15 hours a week according to steam) I am one percent off the full 112% completion now and it's something back in the game I missed (a dream boss or hidden boss). Still cannot complete Pantheon of the hallownest but pretty happy with getting the 112%.

Mass Effect Legendary edition - 9.5/10

Each game has its flaws for sure, ending in 3, 1 being very different and still finding there feet etc, but as a whole, the journey is incredible in this series and made better with the LE update. While I have played other games just as good (Horizon zero dawn, Witcher 3), as a sum of its part, ME LE is my best trilogy.

Defo sucks when finishing it, like few other rare games, Witcher 3, once you wrap things up, feels weird!
Mass Effect Legendary edition - 9.5/10

Each game has its flaws for sure, ending in 3, 1 being very different and still finding there feet etc, but as a whole, the journey is incredible in this series and made better with the LE update. While I have played other games just as good (Horizon zero dawn, Witcher 3), as a sum of its part, ME LE is my best trilogy.

Defo sucks when finishing it, like few other rare games, Witcher 3, once you wrap things up, feels weird!
I thought ME 1 by far was the best. The main issue it had was weak rpg. I wanted them to expand and improve that, instead they gutted it out even more and went action route for the sequels. The story was no way near as good in the sequels either.
I think there is some stuff they did better as they went along, I do very much prefer the combat in 2 and then more so 3, but as you say, was more action route which some do not like. Also not a fan of all the Meko in first games. A shame for Andromeda as I think they tried to take the best bits, combat and style from 3, companions from 2 and the exploration aspect from 1, but fell flat in most areas.

Hopefully with the teasers they put out for ME, we see something new from the ME world soon, too good of a franchise not too!
Mortal Shell
I decided that while I am waiting for Elden Ring to release (and then probably waiting for another few weeks to see what the consensus is on the state of the PC version), I would keep myself amused by playing through the Souls-likes I've not yet got around to. Just started Lords of the Fallen, which I know didn't get the greatest of reviews, but seems... well, not terrible, but before that I installed Mortal Shell through Game Pass.

It's a smallish and shortish game that I finished in 13 hours, and that felt I was taking my time and searching out all the upgrades for the weapons. I am hugely impressed that such a small studio put this out. It actually felt really well polished in many ways. It looks and sounds good, the combat is fluid and incorporates some new mechanics fairly seemlessly and it's all very nicely animated and I only really noticed any janky hitbox issues on the last boss.

It nails the creepy and tense atmosphere that goes with most Souls-likes pretty well and even if the game was actually pretty easy for this genre after a coule of tough early hours, it still often felt tense, which I think was a good achievement. I was genuinely intimidated in the swamp in the early game, the ice place mid game and the obsidan place end-game. Although I very rarely died in any of these places I still approached them with trepidation.

It's let down a bit by the overpowered hardening and weapon skill mechanics, and the same basic combo working very straighforwardly for all the enemies and bosses. A really good first game from a small team and promising for their next producution. Another solid 7/10 all things considered.
I think Days Gone was one of those games some might have skipped entirely but it really is worth a try.
I was looking at an 8.5 or 9 score at first but after thinking more about it, it gets a solid 8.5/10.
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Completed it yet again, maybe my 5th playthrough since it came out in 2008, this time at 5K with PhysX and AO (NVCP additions)

There is such a unique feeling I get with this game.

Far Cry 6 - 6.5/10.

My God Ubisoft need to sort it out. They make a great game and then make it 3 times as long as it needs to be, so easy a 5 year old could complete it and copy and paste assets/locations until you literally can't take anymore. I forced myself to complete it but damn I shouldn't feel relieved after playing through a game, I should be wanting more. Ubisoft still don't get it - too much and you get sick of it by the end lol. I enjoyed it until it got repetitive.

Do people seriously play DLC's for these games? The heck.
Dying Light 2 - 8.5/10

Had a ton of fun, but the score is let down due to the story not being anything special and forgettable characters. I left a longer review in the Dying Light 2 PC thread.

Looking back I think I liked Days Gone better which is very surprising, but goes to show how story and good characters can make a big difference.
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