The last game you completed, and rating.

Finally completed Borderlands 2 with my lad!

Initially played the game 9 and a bit years ago when he was born. Had to stop playing as kids etc (!).

Started playing it again from scratch together in December and finished it yesterday.

SUCH a good game. Humour, gunplay, resource (loot!) management, music and...

I honestly don't remember having so much fun with a game literally for yeeeeeears.


Nice! Did you beat Terramorphous as well?
Halo Infinte campaign.

Just completed the campaign on normal difficulty. Did all the optional missions, FOBs and HVTs. The combat is great but the story just feels a bit hollow. No sense of a larger conflict going on, just Master Chief against everyone. Fun but I won't bother replaying it at a harder difficulty.
Forgotten City (Game Pass) - 8.5/10

I can't really say too much without spoiling it, but suffice to say I really enjoyed this. It was a bit more of a laid back game where I could explore and speak to people to uncover the games mysteries. I found myself connecting with the characters and story and the pacing of the game was spot on. It is a little janky in places. For example there were a few instances where I was speaking to the back of someone's head, but it didnt detract from the game at all. It's not particularly long and although you do have to think about a few things it isn't that difficult either. It is though a really interesting game and highly recommended if you fancy a slower chilled out game.
Half Life 2 Episode 1 - 8.5/10

Finally got around to playing this expansion after 15 or so years lol. Had a great time re-visiting the HL2 world and will shortly be trying out Episode 2. Still some of the best combat in any games imo and I still love the art style. It's all aged pretty well. Physics-based puzzles are still awesome.
Finally completed Borderlands 2 with my lad!

Initially played the game 9 and a bit years ago when he was born. Had to stop playing as kids etc (!).

Started playing it again from scratch together in December and finished it yesterday.

SUCH a good game. Humour, gunplay, resource (loot!) management, music and...

I honestly don't remember having so much fun with a game literally for yeeeeeears.


If you guys enjoyed it, certainly keep an eye out for the new tiny Tina borderlands coming!
Just this second complete God of War... 10/10, absolutely loved it.


Now to find 2 more eyes of Odin, farm mist for the armour and weapon upgrades as well as do the trials at Muspelheim. Then free the Valkyries and dragons. Brilliant, brilliant game. Finally a story to dive into that's not checklist gaming or rife with MP focus and loot boxes.
Yeah, I am really looking forward to that. Though will be waiting for it to come out on PC as I decided not to bother with a PS5 as now most games eventually hit PC. Probably will end up coming to PC in 2-3 years time.
Yeah if you don't mind waiting a few years it's a solid strategy, maybe they'll speed up the time between releasing in console and pc at some point though
interesting The thing for me that was let down for days gone was TOO much follow yellow hazmat suit guy missions.

They were SOO boring with little to no reason to complete them they all were just a slog. I agree Witcher has repetive missions but The story around the side missions actaully made it worth while.
Yea, those were not the best, but I think if you was more interested in the story then you would have enjoyed them a bit more as each time you got to learn more about the zombies and how they are evolving etc. Basically I think it comes down to the story, I probably enjoyed it more than you therefore it did not feel as repetitive :)

Yeah if you don't mind waiting a few years it's a solid strategy, maybe they'll speed up the time between releasing in console and pc at some point though
Hopefully, but I doubt it. Minimum exclusive period would be a year. But I think 2-3 years is more likely. I am happy to wait. You get the final game with all expansions as a bonus.
Hopefully, but I doubt it. Minimum exclusive period would be a year. But I think 2-3 years is more likely. I am happy to wait. You get the final game with all expansions as a bonus.[/QUOTE]
Yeah I think you're likely right, but they do have a newish pc centric team and have had quite a few games released there recently so might be speeding up the process! You never know
COD Cold War 6/10.

Picked this up free on a gpu purchase a year or so ago and decided to give it a go finally. The last COD I played was modern warfare 2 and was fairly impressed with the single player campaign in that. But the SP campaign on this one felt far too short (probably 4-7 hours without rushing anything). Bog standard shooter (with updated graphics) with the only mission I really enjoyed was being the spy inside the KGB. I havent played any of the games in between but this felt like a let down tbh.
COD Cold War 6/10.

Picked this up free on a gpu purchase a year or so ago and decided to give it a go finally. The last COD I played was modern warfare 2 and was fairly impressed with the single player campaign in that. But the SP campaign on this one felt far too short (probably 4-7 hours without rushing anything). Bog standard shooter (with updated graphics) with the only mission I really enjoyed was being the spy inside the KGB. I havent played any of the games in between but this felt like a let down tbh.

yeah that campaign sucked but you should try the 2019 Modern Warfare reboot campaign if you ever get the chance, it's miles better and well worth it.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Can't really complain about free games (cheers Epic) and this carries on the tradition the others set for them to be the 'Uncharted in disguise', but... blimey, these folk love a cut scene! Thank goodness most of them are skippable or I'd have uninstalled it way before the end... I like a story, and The Last of Us set the bar high for that, but the show-not-tell thing works in game writing as well as books.

Anyway, when actually doing the gaming (searchin', swingin' & snuffin') I was suitably entertained and could have done with more... 7/10. Some of the puzzles are baffling, but I'm easily baffled and YouTube is my friend. But overall, including the plotty wafflefest, 5/10, rounded up to 10/10 on account of costing me zero quids.

Hang on, rounding back down to 9 for the longest, slowest, most repeatiest squeeze-through-a-gap animation ever.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Can't really complain about free games (cheers Epic) and this carries on the tradition the others set for them to be the 'Uncharted in disguise', but... blimey, these folk love a cut scene! Thank goodness most of them are skippable or I'd have uninstalled it way before the end... I like a story, and The Last of Us set the bar high for that, but the show-not-tell thing works in game writing as well as books.

Anyway, when actually doing the gaming (searchin', swingin' & snuffin') I was suitably entertained and could have done with more... 7/10. Some of the puzzles are baffling, but I'm easily baffled and YouTube is my friend. But overall, including the plotty wafflefest, 5/10, rounded up to 10/10 on account of costing me zero quids.

Hang on, rounding back down to 9 for the longest, slowest, most repeatiest squeeze-through-a-gap animation ever.
I sincerely hope that later in this gen we'll escape the squeezing through the gap trope
Finally completed Borderlands 2 with my lad!

Initially played the game 9 and a bit years ago when he was born. Had to stop playing as kids etc (!).

Started playing it again from scratch together in December and finished it yesterday.

SUCH a good game. Humour, gunplay, resource (loot!) management, music and...

I honestly don't remember having so much fun with a game literally for yeeeeeears.


Is it split screen on pc? Or did you play on 2 PC's?
Remnant From The Ashes and DLC

7.5 / 10 Burned through this game in about 10 hours. Pretty much same old formula in the different zones. Might replay it again using different class / weapons
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