The last game you completed, and rating.

Guardians of the Galaxy (was free on Epic over Christmas). I've not played such a linear game for decades but it was fun stumbling from one brawl to another and made me laugh quite a few times!
Return of the Obra Dinn

Completed it years and years ago, thought it had been long enought to return to. Was - just! Blinding game - 9/10
I loved the gameplay and style of this, but got distracted at some point and never finished it. It was long enough ago that I've forgotten everything I did so probably need to give it another go!
Just finished COD Infinite Warfare.

Have to say, I really enjoyed it. Loved the storyline and the acting etc was brilliant. Right up there with Black Ops II (III wasn't that great)

9/10 TBH
Wolfenstein: The New Order - 9.5/10

I freaking love this game. Just did the 999 mode today, only seemed to take a few hours with only a couple of areas that gave me grief. That's another 100% complete game on Steam.
Hogwarts Legacy

Being based on the Harry Potter books and movies, there was already a predefined game world design, well established characters and you’d expect likely no shortage of ideas to make it all work well as a game.

Where it did work well, was in how the game world was brought to life with rich detail and intricate NPC interactions. The use of physics and animations was combined in a way never seen before, and although heavy on system resources, it worked perfectly well with the game world.

NPCs, creatures, ghosts and even paintings were all interacting with each other and the world, to create a truly amazing experience. This was both new and very welcome.

There were also some shortcomings. For a game based on a whole catalogue of bestselling fantasy works, you would expect the story to be one of its strongest aspects.

However, this was not the case.

The story was thin, and largely nonexistent. The aspects of the game that would rely on a strong story appear to have been taken straight out of Broken Sword or Oblivion. Half the time you’re either cave jumping or solving the same puzzles you’ve seen before in the above games or countless times already in this game.

There was some character development, although at a very basic level. The game world, once outside of Hogwarts, came across as one-dimensional and generally unbalanced.

Possibility of a brilliant future game if they can build on the positives.

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Doom 3

I played and completed this all the way back when it first came out in 2004....20 years ago!!! o_O

The thing that motivated me to play it again was not only that it's an awesome, timeless FPS, but wanted to try it with Nvidia's new RTX HDR...holy crap it's like a brand new game, it looks truly incredible. Apart from the obvious dated textures, with the lighting and HDR you could be forgiven for thinking it was a modern game. I can't believe it's 20 years old and still holds up so well today.

BTW if any other Doom lovers read this and fancy trying it out with RTX HDR - you have to set 'Vulkan/OpenGL present method' to 'Prefer layered on DXGI Swapchain' in the Nvidia control panel or the HDR will NOT work.

10/10 game.

Played nicely on the Deck.

Puzzles weren't so challenging, which was nice, as not everything needs to be a ball ache. easy to play, not irritating, even when you die repeatedly. Quite deep for a cutesy pixel art platformer.

Enjoyed it. 8/10. Wait for a sale though

Played nicely on the Deck.

Puzzles weren't so challenging, which was nice, as not everything needs to be a ball ache. easy to play, not irritating, even when you die repeatedly. Quite deep for a cutesy pixel art platformer.

Enjoyed it. 8/10. Wait for a sale though

It's on sale in Steam now; £4.79. :)
Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden - 7/10

From the Life is Strange devs. You play as a pair of ghost hunters. Pretty decent semi-open world, but let down by average combat/camera, and a lack of enemy types.
Bioshock Infinite 7/10

Played after completing 1 and 2 for the first time. IMO the weakest of the bunch. It's a good game but completely lacks the immersion and atmosphere that makes the first 2 games so awesome.
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