By the end of that game I just wanted it to be over, it started out great but went downhill so badly...
You really enjoyed the arbitrary car and flying sections? I'm not sure we played the same game.
For me, the graphics were stunning yes, absolutely awesome and jaw dropping in some places. I really enjoyed the first couple of levels with stealthing and bows etc, then sometimes going all out with the typhoon and some of the cool ceph weapons but...
There were too many different types of ammo, I want to be a tactical killing machine not a treasure hunter looking for as many different caches of ammo as possible.
Objectives were often confusing or vague, more than once I was wandering around trying to figure out where I was supposed to be going. There was one near the end where there was a network of tunnels you had to run through and the only way to get up was to jump up a tiny ledge which was not obvious.
My biggest issues though were the completely unnecessary driving and flying parts, especially the flying part where I was sat head resting on my left hand while I moved the mouse every now and then to shoot stuff.
After that the game just changed direction completely and left behind the nanosuit abilities altogether and I just ran past most of the enemies in the last level because there was no fun in fighting them and apparently I didn't have to.
To me, about half way through it just seemed like someone else took over and everything about the game became lazy level design, cliche'd plot and cut and paste encounters.
In conclusion, although I have played 1 & 2 before I have played and completed Crysis 1, 2 & 3 in the past week, sometimes I find it difficult to rate out of 10 or 5 or whatever but we'll just go with:
Crysis = Good fun, not such a good game but a nice sandbox and even now it looks the bomb and I loved the sci fi story.
Crysis 2 = A much better "game" than Crysis, it's a long game and feels really nice to play, graphics even better but story was lacking
Crysis 3 = Average, smacks of a rush job to me, started out where Crysis 2 left off then descends into uber meh territory. Too short also.