The last game you completed, and rating.

I've just completed it as well and really enjoyed, but I would bump the score up to 9/10.

I would agree with that. Completed it a month or so back and loved it.

Just this second finished campaign on Black Ops 2. Generic shooter as with most Call of Duty's, but very polished and I loved the story. On that basis I would probably give it an 8/10 (although I know I wont get much agreement lol)
Star Trek - 6 out of 10

Had this pre ordered and the lack of reviews should have been a warning but im a big trek fan so had to give it a go.

I enjoyed the story line and the voice acting.

The game mechanics were simple and easy but some times very frustrating and not very intuitive. And the bugs it is incomplete and obviously rushed out to be out in time for the recent movie.

I enjoyed it enough to play through the frustration and annoying bits till completion.
Tomb Raider(2013) 7/10

The only difficulty I had with this game was timing the button presses with the onscreen prompts. Wont be playing it again any time soon. Just not captivating enough.
Saints Row 3 - 8/10

Put in about 27 hours worth, completed the main story line and most of the side missions. Really enjoyed it, good laugh and a fun game with good driving and shooting mechanics. Successfully took the place of the fun sandbox game when GTA went slightly more realistic and serious.
Dishonored - 8/10

Really enjoyed it, thinking of playing it again and killing everything next time around - probably going to pick up the DLC too.

Texture's aren't great but that's nothing that hasn't already been said, don't tend to notice that too much when I'm engrossed in the gameplay/ storyline anyway.
Just completed mass effect 2. One of best games iv played easily a 9/10. preferred it to bioshock infinity didn't like it on xbox when it was first released but playing it on PC means the controls are a lot more natural. looking forward to number 3 now tempted to complete number 1 aswell!
Just finished Metro Last Light- 8/10

Actually played this all the way through, yet I struggled to get to grips with Metro 2033, might give it another go.
The only gripe I have, missions are to short.
Dishonored 9.5, this is deffo the best game i've played recently, miles better than Bioshock Infinite, in fact; it's everything that Bioshock isn't !!!!

but i found the DLC quite disturbing, i didn't like the Whale Slaughterhouse, seeing that whale gutted but still alive drove me into a rage, cruel and sadistic or what !!!!

I then replayed the main game and made sure that Daud didn't die, i let him live after seeing that, but i killed everyone else.:D

because lets face it; all the rest are corrupt and tainted by the greed for power and the end of the day whose the worst, the rats or the humans ????:cool:
Crysis 3

Enjoyable story, a reminiscing type of game. Lovely visuals and soundtrack, but the fundamental game mechanics are pretty much the same as the prequels. Still £15 well spent in my opinion.
Resident Evil Revelations on PC

Loved it, its like playing one of the early RE games in terms of atmosphere, backtracking, puzzles and suspense. You actually have limited ammo, instead of RE 6's approach of just throwing it at you from dead enemies constantly, plus the enemies are actually dangerous. Scagdeads can kill you in 1 move if you get close enough, regardless of health, and take an insane amount of punishment to put down. Rachel is also another character in the game that reminds me of the Nemesis, who seems to pop out at specific parts in the game to really destroy your ammo and health reserves whilst stalking you.

Solid 8/10 for me, with only some of the textures letting the game down.
Far Cry 3 - 8.8/10

Fantastic gameplay, voice acting and graphics. Shame the story was stamped out from a template that's been running in many games in the past 5 years (which I'm sure the writer will agree with). That being said, there is a bit of subtle humour dotted around which I really enjoyed.

Well done Ubisoft Montreal; cannot wait to see what you've got in store in the coming years, after Watch Dogs of course.
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon - 8/10 - Just loved it from start to finish. The music, the dialog, story, artwork. Very much enjoyed the different guns you could buy and who doesn't love Dragons that can shoot lasers from their eyes. I played Far Cry 3, but never completed it for some reason, enjoyed this version a lot more. Maybe I just love the 80s.

The game was fairly easy and I believe I was playing on, Hard? It was a little shorter than I wanted it to be, though the few big missions were a lot of fun. Finally really wish it had multiplayer.
Call of Juarez Gunslinger 7/10

Its good to see the series move back to its roots as a true western game, but its very linear with a patchy story. The game isn't overly difficult, in fact, its quite repetitive and simple once you get in to it.

Its worth playing at a discounted price, but I finished this in 5 hours so not a massive game.
Renegade Ops 8/10

A very fun little game. Not very long, maybe 6-8 hours at the most but definitely worth a play. Its kind of a top down car shooter with the occasional helicopter bit thrown in. If you like blowing things up, an average story then you can't go very wrong with this game especially for under a tenner!
Tomb Raider(2013) 7/10

The only difficulty I had with this game was timing the button presses with the onscreen prompts. Wont be playing it again any time soon. Just not captivating enough.

That seems to be the way a lot of games are going. :( I played Battlefield 3 SP all the way through last month and whilst it was a good looking polished game I didn't get any satisfaction from completing the single player campaign, the climax of the game came down a matter of simple button pushes while the AI done everything else.
Resident evil (the original) Directors cut
very nice game, though the directors cut just adds an arrange mode which lets you change your outfit, puts the items in different places and changes the camera angles, hardly "directors cut" Also doesn't add the uncut intro.. plus the music has been altered a bit and not as good as the original. Still a fab game nonetheless and the Arrange mode does offer a bit more replay value. Looking forward to playing Revelations, though having a hankering to play Code Veronica again! . i still barely touched RE6!

Metro Last Light:

+Very good gfx that ran very well too.
+Good PhysX useage.
+Weapons were nice compared to first and felt better.
-Near the end i thought it let the game down some.
-Some bits were a bit too linear.

Overall 8/10

Call of Juarez Gunslinger:

+Nice polished gfx with great performance was always at 120fps.
+Characters were good and story was nice as it had many relations to various western films. :)
+Good sound effects and music.
+Nice price only cost me £8.99
+Several modes
-could have been a bit longer but for the price i guess it's ok.
-Guns felt a bit inaccurate a certain times.

Overall 8/10
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