The last game you completed, and rating.

The Testament of Sherlock Holmes

So I was after something a little bit different, something other than FPS, RPG games and stumbled upon Sherlock Holmes, thought I would give it a go, I quite fancied something detective orientated, downloaded it and began to play...

First impressions, wow, It actually looks REALLY nice and detailed environments. The controls are a little dodgy and characters move blocky (but it is playable), voice acting it abit meh, but the actual story/gameplay is really good and well thought out! Really is what you would come to expect from a detective game

+ Detailed areas/environments
+ Feels somewhat atmospheric
+ Good story
+ Puzzles are very interesting (on the contrary some are very very hard!)

- Voice acting is a bit pants and just doesn't feel like it flows
- Some puzzles are INSANELY difficult and most of the time you have no idea what you are meant to be doing!
- Sometimes you are left wondering what the hell you are meant to be doing or going, but you can use "sense" to get an idea ;)

All in all a great game, glad I purchased it and fun to get to the end! :)

Verdict: 8/10
Mafia 2. Not a bad game but it seems that devs make half the game out of cut scenes these days. I hate this crap!! If i want to watch scripted scenes i will watch a movie. I buy a game i expect to be able to play all of the game not 50% cut scenes, 50% game. Way too short as well. 5/10.
Mafia 2. Not a bad game but it seems that devs make half the game out of cut scenes these days. I hate this crap!! If i want to watch scripted scenes i will watch a movie. I buy a game i expect to be able to play all of the game not 50% cut scenes, 50% game. Way too short as well. 5/10.

Although I enjoyed Mafia 2 quite a lot, I do sympathize with your comments a great deal with regard to games in general. It seems the lower budget titles are sometimes the best bet these days for some fresh game play & innovation, and although I do enjoy some of the scripted scenes in games at times (Mafia 2 / Max Payne 3), there seems to be way too much reliance on it for the most part for my tastes.
The Witcher 2: EE

It has taken me a fair while to complete this.. just long gaps bwetween me picking it back up again.

Overall only took around 25 hours to complete on normal difficulty.

+ Visually Stunning
+ Story is never lacking
+ Dialog is great and supremely well acted
+ A huge variety of things to do besides the main storyline
+ Choices (ill leave it at that - non spoiler).
+ Combat a lot better than the previous Witcher Game

- Auto-save is annoying and Saving is general is a bit hit and miss.
- Having to take potions before a battle (pre-empting).

This was a stunning game. Starting playing it after i got bored of skyrim and it had me hooked. Though it isn't full RPG style it will apeal to that type of player as well as other types.

If you want a game with an enthralling storryline and endless action, this is a great choice. As its pretty old now, its cheap too..


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Brothers : A Tale of Two Sons, short but very good. Well worth the £3.50 I payed for it.

The Walking Dead.

Different from your usual fps / rpg and more story driven, really enjoyed it even with some choices to make throughout the chapters.

Roll on season 2.
batman arkham asylum and arkham city, both very fun. seeing as I played them back to back I felt like city was pretty much the same, but I thought that city was quite a bit smoother, especially in combat scenes. i'm hoping that in origins the time that it allows you to get a combo point is increased as that would make it more pleasing to me :D

Starting to play bioshock infinite now on pc as I played it last time on xbox, looks a lot better on pc and is much smoother. Playing it again as I want to play the recent dlc and feel like I should have a good understanding of the game to get started again!

Would be playing Metro LL but it seams to have issues with my pc and the 690; very frustrating.
Hitman Absolution.

+ Most of the textures and visuals in general ( such as the lighting) are solid, some are even verging on very good indeed.

+ Combat was fairly good fun.

+ Presentation of the storyline / facial animation / body motion was overall excellent. Some of the best, if not the best I've seen. Strong consistency.

+ Some replay value due to the unlockable items, choice or stealth / action.

- Npc facial expressions (in game) look a bit vacant. A common observation in games imo.

- Removal of items from inventory when changing level.

- A.I. was noticeably lacking quite often, though I tend to find this is a common issue in games, save for a few exceptions - F.E.A.R being one of them.

- Ran a little stuttery in areas, though after using RP I found it considerably better.

Not normally a game that appeals to me as I nearly always end up staying true to my favourite genre fps // fps / rpg, however, I may actually end up playing this through once more due to the replay value it offers.

Overall, 7.5 / 10.
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Did Max Payne 3 recently.

Was OK.

Some great moments, but often dull moments.

Need to try getting back into Skyrim and play the story through.
Mass Effect trilogy - 9/10

One of the best RPG series I've ever played, great story with interesting characters. Graphically decent with the character animations in particular being very good. The ending was a little meh but not as bad as some claim.
Doom 3 : BFG Edition - Lost Mission.

+ Better levels than I expected.

+ Slight improvement in overall presentation / user interface.

- A touch more polish to the ageing graphics would have been very welcome.

- Lack of modding possibility.


If you enjoyed Doom 3 and are thinking of purchasing this, providing you can pick it up for not too much I'd say the extra levels are worthwhile playing (very short but sweet / 4hrs).
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Spec Ops: The Line (Mac)

Starts of like any other shooter, and then get's extremely good.
I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and completed it in 2 sittings.
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