The last game you completed, and rating.

Tomb Raider (2013). Amazing graphics and one hell of an adventure but it's not tomb raider! Too many QTE events and lack of real puzzles ruin it at bit. A solid 7/10 from me and worth playing for sure, especially on PC.
Tomb Raider (2013). Having never played any of the earlier TR games (shame, I know), I can't do any comparisons. As a stand alone, I thought it was a great game. Some stunning set pieces and great graphics & sound really help. The QTE's were a bit annoying but after a while I didn't really mind them. Story was ok too. A very solid 8.
Assassin's Creed III - 8.5/10

+ An excellent story, especially towards the end
+ A good amount of playtime (playing through the entire life of the main character)
+ Graphically stunning turned all the way up
+ The snow landscapes are spectacular
+ There is finally a weather system
+ The ship missions are a real highlight
+ Combat is fun and we can now dual wield (pistols too)
+ Free running is much smoother and less easily interrupted
+ The soundtrack is excellent
+ Some of the 'present day' missions are actually quite fun, although they can spoil the flow of the game
+ The cities feel alive
+ The frontier is fun and there are some neat additions here
+ The optional objectives are handled much better than in AC2

- The first 1/3 of the game feels like a tutorial and is very slow and linear
- The homestead missions are dull and feel like a waste of time (although pad out the story well in some places)
- The engine is poorly optimised (terribly CPU limited)
- Connor isn't very likable (nowhere near as much as Altair and Ezio)
- Crafting is a pointless and boring addition
- Some of the voice overs are of poor quality
- Far too much travel, the world is huge!
- The mini-game of sending out your assassins adds little and seems like an after thought this time around

I personally love this series. Sure, there are lots of niggles. However, if the next installment is ship focused then sign me up!
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Agree with most of that except for the homestead missions, I enjoyed them because they were quite original/different rather than the usual repetitive stuff you get as secondary objectives in these games and also helped you learn about and interact with more NPCs
Finally completed Mass Effect 2, started my game save in 2009 and have dabbled in it off and on for the last few years, finished yesterday and really enjoyed it. Installing Mass Effect 3 now, without revealing anything is it worth getting the DLC extended ending edition for ME 3?
Alan Wake.. A strange game in some ways it was one of the most irritating and repetitive games i've ever played.

You always know what's coming, you walk in the dark some enemy's come you walk a bit further some more come and that kind of it it, also there are pointlessly stupid parts like a gate that is clearly easy to climb over but nooooo.... Its locked and you have to go a stupidly long way around with lots of enemy's I just don't find that enjoyable its just annoying and repetitive.

On the other hand it does have a very interesting story and stunning lighting I like the way you use the torch, although story wise the ending it pretty baffeling!

Anyway I'd give it 6/10 worth a play if its cheap on steam again.
BF4 campaign.

Some very dodgy scripting and the only reason I completed it was to unlock the P90 for multiplayer. Was a bit of a cop-out, on DICEs part, making me complete the last mission 3 times just to unlock every item. Plus it was very easy even on hard.

But I did enjoy it nonetheless and found the story very engaging.

Assassin's Creed III - 8.5/10

+ An excellent story, especially towards the end

I agree with most of it, except what you say about the story. I thought it was embarrassingly bad from start to finish!

I would also have to mark it right down for some really awful gameplay, that I find hard to believe still exists in this century(desynchronisation is the worst mechanic in history, and completely ruins the game for me)

I wouldn't be able to give the game more than a 6 tbh. I was in the process of putting a, review up myself the other day, as I completed it too, but I have some kind of bug, so just gave up.
Crysis 2
thought it was poor, much prefered the jungle of #1

before that was Farcry 3
loved it, completed the game 4 times (iirc)
Finally completed Mass Effect 2, started my game save in 2009 and have dabbled in it off and on for the last few years, finished yesterday and really enjoyed it. Installing Mass Effect 3 now, without revealing anything is it worth getting the DLC extended ending edition for ME 3?

IMO, Yes.
If I remember correctly the extended ending is free anyway.

As for the other DLC, I'd highly recommend the Citadel DLC (fantastic fan service).

If you really like the game, then I'd also recommend the other DLC as well.

Finished Hotline Miami last weekend. So simple, yet so much fun
Crysis 2 7/10 - nothing special the new York setting was not great, much preferred the jungle environment of Crysis.

The Cave 8/10 - Great puzzle platform game, really good atmosphere, funny, but a little short.
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If I didn't enjoy the first much, is there much chance I'll get to enjoy any of the more recent ones?

It depends. Of the first five games (haven't played AC4), I thought it was probably the worst of the lot along with Revelations. If you thought AC had some nice ideas but had some flaws in execution and was a bit repetitive/clunky, then give AC2 a try, as it is everything that a sequel should be (more of the same, but streamlined, enhanced/optimised and with many of the flaws of the original rectified). So secondary missions are better, basic gameplay mechanics (free-running, blending) are improved, the setting/story is much nicer (IMO), and the game is more expansive with more variety and more things to do etc. In fact for me I'd say AC2 is possibly the best PC game released this decade, and that's coming from someone who loathes platform games! But if you didn't find anything that you enjoyed in AC, then I probably wouldn't bother with the later games - i.e. if climbing up viewpoints and figuring out ways to sneak up on a target unannounced don't appeal then the whole series is a bit of a non-starter.
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BF4 campaign. Does that count? lol

Absolutely terrible, so bad it's laughable. They clearly though "People only play the campaign for unlocks, lets not concentrate on it"


Edit: Taking into account that the voice actor for "Irish" is the guy that plays Omar Little (The Wire) and Chalky White (Boardwalk Empire) i'm raising it to 3/10 :D
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Last game I completed was the BF4 campaign, also. The characters annoyed me due to the forced drama and conflict between them and I found the story boring, repetitive and predictable. I would have stopped if I didn't have a compulsion to unlock multiplayer weapons I'll never use! :D 4/10.

On the other hand the COD Ghosts campaign was diverse, action packed and more importantly... fun! 8/10.
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