The last game you completed, and rating.

The walking dead 2 - 6/10

Loved the first walking dead game and would have given that 10/10. There were likeable characters and some comedy relief thrown in there to break up the hard decisions. The dynamic of having an innocent little girl to take care of made the game so great and actually made you care about her and want to protect her. I'd say Clemantine is one of the best characters in a video game for me.

Season 2 was more like an argument simulator. Every other interaction you have to choose between the people arguing, usually followed by a frown and '****** will remember that' :rolleyes:. To be honest I didnt really like many of the people in this season, which makes it even harder to constantly choose between them.

I just hope for season 3 they don't do another age jump like they did in season 2. I can see them turning it into a soap opera with a spotty teenage love interest etc if they raise her age again. The fact she's an innocent kid thrown into a harsh, danger filled world is what makes this game so great and that would be ruined if they do turn her into another generic badass chick.
Volgarr the Viking

What a brilliant game! Classic-style tough-as-nails platformer.

Whilst a real challenge, it's totally fair - when you die, it's your fault. It's too tough for me to get anything other than the "C" ending - if I had more gaming time to dedicate to it, I would try to crack the other endings.

I'm sure it's not something everyone would enjoy, but for me I don't think I've enjoyed a game as much probably since Dead Rising about 10 years ago.
Bioshock Infinite Episode 1 & 2


The episodes were not as good as Infinite. I enjoyed the gameplay and I'm a sucker for a crossbow. Episode 2 was better than 1; the ending...

It's made me impulsively buy some books on the subject material. I remember when I completed Infinite and that left me mind-fudged for quite a few days. I'm feeling that again haha!
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Dead Island

I never saw the trailers and I never saw what the game was meant to be so I did not have any high hopes like some when I played it. I did really enjoy the game but it was let down a little imo. I did love the open world parts that you had sometimes, but it also had to many silly cod style corridor shooting areas. The other thing I hate about some games is at the end they run out of ideas and the best way to end a game is to chuck tons and tons of bad guys at you to make it "hard" sadly like this title.

7/10 for me, had a blast playing it over many hours but it was silly in certain places, I also hate the chuck as many enemies at you all of a sudden to end a game.
Transistor - 9/10

Best game I have played for a couple of years, gameplay and music sucked me in. Only 2 long evenings of gameplay but it was all good !

Wonderfully atmospheric indie platformer.

Has a hint of Limbo about it, but lacks the puzzle element. Arguably, a bit of a "walking sim", with fairly minimal platforming elements interspersed between a few strolls. A bit short, but I thoroughly enjoyed my time (a little shy of 2 hours).

The artstyle is great, but the soundtrack and effects are amazing. It was like one big ASMR hit for me - I feel super chilled out after a session, nearly fell asleep whilst playing yesterday (not through boredom.

I'd recommend checking it out, but when it's on offer.
Completed dying light finally, took me 30 hours and still only finished 45% overall lol 25/50 achievements.

Bit miffed by the end though. 8 out of 10

Was expecting an epic battle with Rais but all you do is hit a few buttons
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Assassins Creed 2. It started off pretty good and then ended up outstaying its welcome by several hours during the meh middle bits. I really liked the ending though, it really made me want to play brotherhood!

Overall, I'd say 7/10
Pillars of Eternity

A really, really good Isometric RPG from Obsidian that was kickstarted and released a few weeks ago.


  • Really, really nice artwork and style to the game. The backgrounds are all nice-looking and it just looks lovely overall.
  • The game mechanics all work really well imo, and are a massive improvement over the old IE games. Stealth in particular is done really well imo. Some of the new combat stuff is really good as well. Engagement is a really good addition which adds a new tactical depth to mele characters, and Endurance/health is really well handled as well and a welcome addition. I like the armour system and the way it handles recovery as well. It works really well.
  • The combat gets some getting used to, but once you do it is really good. Some really fun fights that require tactics to get right. Getting the right team together for each fight is fun and it can be very challenging at times too. Per-encounter abilities are a welcome addition too.
  • The UI and general menus are vastly improved and really intuitive.
  • The stats and classes are handled really well. The Character creation is excellent with plenty of options that allow you to create distinct characters with interesting skills and back stories.
  • Voice acting and writing is very good, especially on companions. The world is interesting too.
  • The first big city is fun to explore, with plenty to do.
  • There is a mega-dungeon called the Endless Paths of Od Nua which is epic!
  • Stealth is pretty much as good as you can get in an isometric RPG, and soloing some parts is great fun due to this!
  • All classes feel different and are viable and have their own distinctive abilities, uses and traits.
  • Role-playing is generally very good, as you would expect from Obsidian, who do it better than anyone else.
  • Lots of quests with interesting paths and outcomes. Each companion has their own unique quest and story which are all good. You never feel like you have made the wrong decisions and you can pretty much choose whatever you want to do in most quests, which is a breath of fresh air nowadays!
  • They do these little interactive storyboard sequences which work really well and are very well done. Loved them!
  • Good variety of weapons that all feel good and viable, and it works well in tandem with the combat stats with the different type of damages....However, see negatives


  • The story was a bit anti-climactic and ended too abruptly.
  • Could have done with another big city as the 2nd one you get to, I found a let down. There will apparently be an expansion with another big hub though.
  • Could have done with some more dungeons.
  • Also, whilst there are factions in the game that you can get a reputations with, it feels a bit hollow as they never really come to anything. The game could have done with proper faction quests like the ES games tbh.
  • There is a disappointing lack of reactivity to your choices throughout the game. Shame for an obsidian game!
  • The stronghold you get is very disappointing and little more than lip-service to backers as it was a stretch goal
  • The world feels a little dead. Needs many more NPCs!
  • Some improvements are needed with the mechanics imo. For example, you should be able to go in to individual stealth. Atm, your whole party starts sneaking as you can't choose it individually. Also, I would like to be able to dismiss party members anywhere. Another one is that you can't use certain items and abilities outside of combat. this was done to make it less tedious pre-buffing before each fight, but all it does is make it so that you have to do that at the start of each fight!
  • Lack of companion AI packages mean you need to micro-manage everything. It works ok, but could be greatly improved with a few options.
  • Personally, I would have liked the option to sheath weapons.
  • Not enough variety in armour imo, and there aren't really enough unique items worth getting imo. Also, enchanting isn't quite as good as it could be either.
  • It is a bit safe. Compare it to Divinity:OS, and you see how that game evolved the genre a bit more.

Overall I loved Pillars. It is the best RPG I have played in years, and I can't see one coming out soon that might conquer it tbh. I tried replaying DA:I after playing this, and I just couldn't play more than 10 minutes tbh! It is a little safe in places and does feel a bit small, but with balancing and expansions coming, it will ony get better! 8.5/10
Serious Sam 3 BFE 7/10.

Really quite enjoyed this, and even more so than the first, which I thought was a good game, too. I've yet to play the second, and I think there's some dlc for the third as well.
Crysis 2 : 8/10

I picked this up for £3 in the Origin Xmas sale, and it was money well spent.

One mark off as I had to load a mod for HD textures, but forgivable really considering the release date. Another mark was deducted as there was a bug that meant I had to mess with the resolution at the start of each play.

All in all, a great game that pushes today's hardware all the way.
Endless Legend: 7/10

Enjoyed it more than Civ V, the heroes element can really change a game as can expanding at a rate you're faction simply can't handle. So many elements to the game in terms of diplomacy etc are vital simply to survive at higher levels. Quite replayable too, I've completed it on a few different skill levels.
Shadow of mordor 7/10
Good story,the game gets a bit repetitive after powering up. Still the game keeps you coming back for more,and with it using the batman combat system it's easy to pick up on the moves. Great looking game,well worth £10 from online cd key stores.
Valiant Hearts: The Great War 9/10

Wow I can't believe this is a ubisoft game and the fact I took so long to play it. Great story line, great game mechanics. If you have this sitting in your steam library give it a go this weekend.
Far Cry 4 - 6/10

Poor story, the game play isn't as good as it's predecessor and even though I enjoyed the antagonist he wasn't as good as Vaas. Missions where you make a choice have no impact on the end game and also eagles can go DIAF.

Pretty but boring.
Far Cry 4 - 6/10

Poor story, the game play isn't as good as it's predecessor and even though I enjoyed the antagonist he wasn't as good as Vaas. Missions where you make a choice have no impact on the end game and also eagles can go DIAF.

Pretty but boring.

yes, there's too much hassle going on while you're walking around, too many animals attacking you, a really messy game....... FC3 is a far more enjoyable and relaxing game and a far better shooter as well
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