The last game you completed, and rating.

Alien Isolation 9/10.

Just this minute finished it and I don't think I've played a game that's had me on edge more of made me jump as much.
Crypt of the Necrodancer. 8.5/10

I love it, it mixes rhythm games with roguelikes and you can even use your own music with it. It's like it is targeted for me. Lots of characters with different playstyles and pretty tough working out the tells of each of the enemies and on what beat they attack.
Mortal Kombat X - 5/10 (for the story mode)

Perhaps silly, but I bought MKX mainly for its story mode after the ones in Injustice and MK9 were so good (and because it was £15 pre-launch). Sadly, this one is way off the standard set by those two. The new characters are rubbish, it's too short and the PC version is further spoiled by horrible black crush in the pre-rendered scenes. The port job in general is absolute bobbins.
Condemned: Criminal Origins - (5/10)

I played this as I had it, it got a recent mention in a thread about mannequins in Skyrim and I needed something very short to keep me entertained until tomorrow's release of The Witcher III.

I started playing the way I thought would engross me the most... in the dark with surround sound... but it's just not that scary. In addition to that, the story goes downhill right from the very start so I couldn't give a monkeys about story development from the off.

Why on earth does the player character go on the run when his colleague and a police officer are shot? Easily explained on site by a FBI agent surely?!

The gameplay is largely first person combat, whacking enemies with various things until they drop the axe, crowbar or shovel you need to get through the door that's blocking your way. Incredibly annoying barriers - such as fences you should be able to climb over but oh no, you have to walk all the way round, a piano blocking a stairway you could climb over and so on. Movement is incredibly sluggish and the ability to move at a decent pace is limited by a stamina bar.

Generally a bit rubbish... I still played and finished it though... so it gets a 5.
It is an old game, perhaps I owe it more credit..?
Mass effect 2 8/10

solid locations
good story
great gameplay

no continuous or repeatable quests like in fallout 3
no selling of loot
no bounty board quests like got to this planet find this person and take them out
Age of wonders 3
spent 211 hours on it.
Didn't complete the campaign, preferred the skirmish. lots of replayability by picking different races and selecting different difficulty levels.
Dying Light
Thoroughly enjoyable open world zombie apocalypse game. I really like how the feel of the game changed as your character and weapons developed. The early game, where getting tangled up with any more than one or two zombies at time could spell serious trouble had its own cool feeling, as there was danger everywhere, you needed to use parkour to survive, distract groups of zombies and plan your moves through the overrun streets. Late game I had a sword with fire effect doing over 1000 damage and decapitating zombies in one hits. This of course killed the earlier challenge but I still found it great fun to play. Felt like playing Michonne, rampaging through hordes leaving headless undead in my wake.
A couple of really great gaming moments were to be found at different times too. That first experience of nighttime! The game really got the feel of that right and it ranks as one my favourite gaming moments of recent times. The high voltage mission in the power station at night too was frantic and frightening. The quarantine zones are fun too the first few times.
The main story, of course, was the worst kind of shallow predictable pap as is quite well known, and there were far too many fetch quests with arbitrary stipulations to try to make them more tense (usually, 'you must fetch this particular thing... at night!!' 'Oh, really. Again? Another item that's only visible in the dark, huh? Didn't see that coming.')
Overall, great open world fun. Really well-crafted combat and parkour. Lovely looking environment. Let down by severely low-grade story writing, repetitive fetch quests and an over-abundance of mediocre loot.

Warlock 2
Ok, cheating here as I haven't technically finished it. But I am done with it.
Played the exiled campaign through to the last world. And what starts to happen? Ridiculous spawn rates for random mid- and high-level mobs everywhere. I had some fun up till then, even though this is criminally similar to Warlock 1, but the whack-a-mole feel of the end-game ruins it. It's no fun at all playing to micro-manage mob spawns across a difficult to navigate map. It got so tedious moving troops to where they're needed to quash outbreaks whilst keeping a main army for the end-game and then moving them around again and again and again. The spawn rate is relentless, it makes the game feel like a chore rather than a strategic challenge. Can't be bothered anymore.
Alien Isolation
The graphics were so good, it felt like the scenery was real life. But the character models were shabby in comparison and thus, killed the immersion. It was even optimized very well, I got 40-50 fps at 1080p on my 2012 gaming laptop. It was very atmospheric and the weapons were cool, I enjoyed the higher difficulty (one before Nightmare) where the Working Joes were a challenge. I didn't like the cap on storing crafting components. Didn't help that I was conservative and saved my equipment for the end.

Major flaw though... while it was scary for the first 10 or so hours, it dragged on a bit too long for a game that's supposed to be scary. After a time, instead of being scared at the Alien, I got annoyed by it. The flamethrower wasn't too OP (on higher difficulty), but it easily could be with less conservative use. According to Steam, it took me just over 25 hours to complete and that was on the highest original difficulty (not Nightmare). The ending was a bit iffy, as it seems to suggest a sequel or some story yet to be told? And to some extent, the plot involving the characters was predictable. Overall an enjoyable experience and worth the money I paid for it. Would like more like this.
Completed the main missions in GTAV, really enjoyed it and still have side missions and others still to do.
Shadow of mordor

i pumped 120 hours into this game and i didnt feel like i had wasted any of them. i think the main story is just long enough to keep you interested all the way through.

for some reason there is a massive difficulty spike in the middle of the game and then a massive drop later on which can only be combated by grinding and consistent character development.

i really enjoyed the storyline and as someone who skips cutscenes in EVERYTHING i managed to sit through them all and keep that level of interest up.

plenty of side quests to do, and an infinite amount of random killing if that takes your fancy.

only downside i would say is the last boss and battle, too easy and it strays away from the whole combat system youve spent x amount of hours learning.

one other minor annoyance is the cutscenes when entering a battle with a warchief... a good laugh at first but then after doing it a zillion times it is frustrating as you just want to get on with the game.

beautiful game to look at and the map is a decent size, even if some of the fast travel locations are miles away from where you need to be. it stops you skipping the game too much i guess.

8/10 - for me i think its a great game, it kept me entertained, some slight annoyances through the game but its really smooth for the most part and would suit any fans of the batman series or assassins creed.
I did something I haven't done in a very long time.... I actually completed a game. I think the last games story I completed was Beyond: Two Souls on the PS3, all the way back in 2013. :o

Anyway, I've been going through a bit of a Batman phase. Started playing Batman: Arkham Asylum and it's been really good.


The crashes when using PhysX in the early missions lose a point.
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

Nice tie in game, felt it could have been a bit longer mind but all in all for £12 or whatever it was I can't complain.

7/10, bring on New Order's sequel please.
Dragon Age Origins (with lots of mods): 9/10

First play through of this game after beginning with Dragon Age Inquisition. Although I still think some of the criticism of the latter from fans of the former can be dismissed as nostalgia bias, Origins is definitely better in a number of areas.

While Inquisition is much more epic in scope, Origins has a distinct personal charm and I found myself caring much more about the small things, such as side quests.

In fact it was so enjoyable that I'm going to do another play through right away as a different character class! :)

I will say though that playing this game in 2015 really does require mods, especially ones to do with graphical enhancements, and yes, even on your first play through.
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Oozi: Earth Adventure


Enjoyable, if a little unadventurous, platformer.

Oozi has crash landed on a mysterious alien world, and must find his spaceman kit and spaceship. 4 different worlds, split into 6 levels and one boss for each.

It's a pretty decent looking game, for its type, and it's fun to play - you can get into a pretty good rhythm on a few of its levels.

I played on Hardcore difficulty, which was enjoyably challenging, though not overly difficult. Took approx 6 hours of playtime to get through the main missions (there are also challenge levels - I did a couple, but found them boring)/

Steam page:
The Detail Episode 1.


Although it only clocked in at about 90 minutes or so it was actually quite a good little experience. The story and characters are interesting, the music is brilliant and the art style is nice also.

There are choices to be made at almost every turn too which gives it some replayability.
Mass effect 3


Only just got round to playing after completing the first two years ago.

Felt like a kick to the teeth watching the ending.

Was sub par all around though...sold out they're most hardcore fans and left out what was good about the first two to make it more mainstream.
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