The last game you completed, and rating.

Dragon Age Origins (with lots of mods): 9/10

First play through of this game after beginning with Dragon Age Inquisition. Although I still think some of the criticism of the latter from fans of the former can be dismissed as nostalgia bias, Origins is definitely better in a number of areas.

While Inquisition is much more epic in scope, Origins has a distinct personal charm and I found myself caring much more about the small things, such as side quests.

In fact it was so enjoyable that I'm going to do another play through right away as a different character class! :)

I will say though that playing this game in 2015 really does require mods, especially ones to do with graphical enhancements, and yes, even on your first play through.

Id say the side quests were more enjoyable in dao than dai's main quests.
And i totally agree about the game having charm.
Wolfenstein The Old Blood 7.5/10

A decent prequel to the excellent TNO, suffers a little for being similar and being without any surprises. Took me ~ 12 hours with all the collectables, definitely worth the <£8 I paid on Steam.
The first templar 7.5/10

2 player coop with very different characters. (A fighter and a rogue) and a good rpg skill tree.
Crumby reviews but actually had a lot of fun playing this with a friend. Cliché dialogue and well known lore but it kept me coming back for more. Broken into chapters it made for some fun bitesized sessions.

Reminded me of a co-op version of Risen 1.

Approx 14+ hours depending on if you explore the areas for lore.
The Witcher 3 10/10

Not played a game that sucked me into the story as much as this in years, 82 hours to complete and left with that sense of what now? once it's completed.

Metro Last Light 5/10

Went back to finish this after putting it down when I hit a stupidly hard part, the ending was very lack luster though I
Didn't see me having to sacrifice myself coming
Still looks well for a game a few years old.
Wolfenstein old blood. Was a fun simple game although short took me 9 hours with 20 achievements. New order was better so i give this 7/10.
Dragon Age Origins (with lots of mods): 9/10

First play through of this game after beginning with Dragon Age Inquisition. Although I still think some of the criticism of the latter from fans of the former can be dismissed as nostalgia bias, Origins is definitely better in a number of areas.

While Inquisition is much more epic in scope, Origins has a distinct personal charm and I found myself caring much more about the small things, such as side quests.

In fact it was so enjoyable that I'm going to do another play through right away as a different character class! :)

I will say though that playing this game in 2015 really does require mods, especially ones to do with graphical enhancements, and yes, even on your first play through.

Hi, please could you tell me what mods you used and also how you managed the stability? If indeed you had any issues. I always found that on w7 64bit, there were areas which were prone to ctd, for example the city inbthe north east. Cheers.
Dragon Age Origins (with lots of mods): 9/10

First play through of this game after beginning with Dragon Age Inquisition. Although I still think some of the criticism of the latter from fans of the former can be dismissed as nostalgia bias, Origins is definitely better in a number of areas.

While Inquisition is much more epic in scope, Origins has a distinct personal charm and I found myself caring much more about the small things, such as side quests.

In fact it was so enjoyable that I'm going to do another play through right away as a different character class! :)

I will say though that playing this game in 2015 really does require mods, especially ones to do with graphical enhancements, and yes, even on your first play through.

Hi, please could you tell me what mods you used and also how you managed the stability? If indeed you had any issues. I always found that on w7 64bit, there were areas which were prone to ctd, for example the city in the north east. Cheers.
Shadow of Mordor - 9/10

Have really enjoyed playing this, great graphics & sound, decent story & just one of those games you can put on & play.

Even though I've finished it I can still see myself continuing on it to finish off the few sidequests I have to complete along with the DLC.
Divinity: Original Sin. No idea/10

I can honestly say I've never played a game anywhere near as in depth as this. Great story line, great side quests. Some of the mechanics didn't work like they said they should, but I suppose having 100% + chance been able to freeze/charm etc the bosses would make the game a complete walkover. It took me 162 hours to complete, which is by far the most I've spent on a single player game (think to totally complete ME2 to me around 40 hours). Towards the end I just wanted to finish it to say I've completed a game this big and complex.

I'm one of those guys that has to click on everything search everything, go everywhere, collect everything & talk to everyone. The games complexity didn't help me go through it at anything above a very careful walking pace, which is what Larian were obviously aiming for.

Ended up with the romance being unrequited which is a shame, but at over 160 hours there is no chance I'm going to re-play this. It's just too much of a time sink for people with limited gaming time.

From what I can gather is a unique game as far as modern PC gaming is concerned and I'm glad I stuck with it and completed it.
To The Moon. 6/10.

Interesting story. Felt abit... I dunno how to put it about 2/3'ds of the way thrpugh. Lovely looking game. It didn't have the emotional thump that I heard it was supposed to. I might just be emotionally retarded.
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
First AC game I completed (I lost my progress just over halfway through ACII and never replayed it).
Lots of good and bad to this game I felt. I liked the continuation of the long story arc and it left me keen to see where it was going. The open world was nicely constructed and the parkour elements felt natural and free-flowing (some glitchy mouse and keyboard issues notwithstanding). I liked the assortment of weapons and the opportunities for different types of stealth kills or even avoiding confrontation altogether.

There were times though when the arbitrary quest failure for being spotted felt unfair and tedious and it seemed at least three or four of these couldn't realistically be done without trial-and-error, forcing at least one restart. The flying machine quest was utterly horrible. The controls some of the worst I've experienced in a long time - and this was after I'd had to hunt around for a fix to the non-responsiveness issue that occurs on PC with refresh rates of over 60Hz. I didn't really appreciate the whole war machine line of quests actually, with their tacked-on feeling minigame type activities.

Overall I'd rate it a reasonable 7.5/10 as it did keep me playing and left me wanting to play Revelations as well.

BUT this has to be reduced by at least a point for the 18 minutes long unskippable end credits that you have to let play out in order to save the end game progress. Unforgivable!

Therefore 6.5/10!
This War of Mine

Basically The Sims Sarajevo Edition

It only got better when the 1.3 patch added the ability to customise the starting conditions. If your not so good at the game, it means you can pick the 4 popular survivors (for example, Boris, Marko, Katia, Marin)
If you are proficient however, it allows the game a second wind, via setting yourself near impossible starting conditions (high intensity/scarce resources, an early winter, and the less popular/meta survivor setup and of course up to an 80 day conflict

This game regularly pops up on either Steam or GoG (good old games which does a "soundtrack" edition) for under a fiver during sales, and its worth every penny... whats more I hear they are working on an android release too.

9/10 - 9.5 if they add anymore features before moving onto their next product
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South Park: The Stick of Truth

I don't notlike South Park, i'veonly watched a handful of episodes before playing this game; so i basically knew what i was delving into. Anyway, i was plesantly suprised by how solid the game was; mechanically. Only at two occasions (and this is a 15+ Hour game) did i have to look up what to do next.. Some of the puzzles gave me afeeling of satisfaction after completing them, which i wasn't reallyexpecting.

Obvouisly, the best partsof the game are enhancedby south parks (trademark) 'humour'. Yes, it is over the top rude/crude/vulgar but in such direct way it doesn't seem as offensive as it should. My favourite example of this comes during the alien base (ill put info in the spoiler below) and you can just imagine the creators sitting there laughing at you...

Playing a button-push-time-combo mini-game to stop the 'probes' from 'probing' stan's dad. It starts of really easy [A-Y-A-Bect..] but then (intentionally) gets imposibly hard, so you have to watch himgetting probed a lot of times

Like i day, imnot a massive fan of south park but this gamereduced me to tears many times. The ending is WELL worth sticking around for..

One of the best games i've played in a long time..


Picked it up for a song in the last Steam sale after having really enjoyed Bastion.

It's easy to see the similarities to their previous game here, but it doesn't feel like a rehash. The atmosphere is again exceptionally well-crafted. The music, artwork and narration combine to create a unique and haunting feel. The combat is okay in itself but made infinitely more interesting by the range of possible ways to combine the transistor functions. This added an extra layer of interest and gave a nice sense of experimentation and achievement as I kept finding different and more effective combinations.

It's a bit short, padded out only by the fact that I lingered and explored the first time through. I got through my recursion playthrough in hardly any time at all.

Could have been a bit longer and more varied in content, but overall, a really nice little slice of gaming experience.

Wolfenstein The old blood - 5/10

It was ok I guess. Very short, but not bad at all for the £2 I paid for it after deducting some GMG credit I had. Was very easy as well, managed to complete it on Uber difficulty without too much trouble.

Is The new order more of the same but longer? Might pick that up when its a bit cheaper.
Wolfenstein The old blood - 5/10

It was ok I guess. Very short, but not bad at all for the £2 I paid for it after deducting some GMG credit I had. Was very easy as well, managed to complete it on Uber difficulty without too much trouble.

Is The new order more of the same but longer? Might pick that up when its a bit cheaper.

Take a look at TB's review.
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