I've finally managed to finish Witcher 3 after a year
Level 35, 67h in according to Steam (though I've spent an additional 20h or so with the GoG version).
As I've previously said, good game but has too many gameplay/mechanics flaws to be called a true RPG masterpiece or "the best game of all time".
-the story was rather dull and predictable, didn't impress me even half as much as Witcher 2's politics-driven plot, there were bits and characters they could've easily scrapped without any singificant hindrance to the plot
-only a couple of memorable characters
-the size of the world seemed to work against the game, a more compact and better designed setting could've really done wonders here
-the combat/traversal was a bit too clunky to be truly enjoyable
-terrible levelling issues and pointless loot made exploration somewhat unrewarding
-uneven graphical presentation
-messy UI
-Polish dialogues were outstanding and very entertaining, there was quite a lot of stuff that's practically intranslatable so I'm really glad I could play through the game in its original form
-sidequests outshined the main storyline by quite a margin and many of them were a joy to play
-discovering new places was still enjoyable
-the graphics were impressive at times
-The Bloody Baron questline
Overall, it's a solid 8/10 in my book as the game's still way above average. Definitely worth playing but the level of enjoyment you'll get out of it is largely dependent on your expectations, so it's best not to listen to all the hype as many people deem it to be practically flawless and it just isn't. Far from it. Some will find it brilliant, some will find it just good.
Well, I guess it's time to tackle the expansions