The last game you completed, and rating.

12 May 2011
Call of Duty- 8/10

I've now completed COD 2- another one I've had for years and never completed. 9/10

Very cinematic, smooth, fast paced feel to it, and a lot easier than MoH and CoD1 thanks to regenerating health. Graphics that are still OK today! I liked the "hold out for x minutes" where you would get comical numbers of corpses build up:

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16 Apr 2012
United Kingdom
Is it any good in your opinion? I've completed New Order, solid 8/10. Dark Souls 3 is last game completed, 10/10, best game this generation.

I enjoyed it; felt like return to castle wolfenstein in more respects than it's dystopian sequel (prefer wolfenstein set in a ww2 era) - definitely better than the 2008 wolfenstein. I mean if it's of any worth, I didn't feel like I'd wasted my money on it after completion.
8 Nov 2008
Doom (2016) 8.5/10.

+ graphics - quite possibly the best looking game I've ever seen

+ smooth - wonderfully slick and responsive

+ customisable options - more available than I expected

+ story - although not as necessary for an old school fps, I thought it complemented it nicely

+ upgrades to suit / weapons - adds to the replay value

+ 'special' secrets ;)

+ although I always prefer the earth / 'human' environments in Doom games over the demonic ones, I thought they did an amazing job with their design of hell

+ music and sound - in particular, I loved it when firing weapons

+ I quite liked the ending

+ enemy A.I. seemed as good as I've experienced in a video game yet

- although I like the way they designed the game, ultimately I would have preferred it had they used a similar formula that we saw in the first few games: proper levels with an identity of their own + names, e.g. central processing. However, as I've mentioned before, I don't think we'll see that kind of game development from such well known developers in the future, as it's more the domain of indie / smaller studios (if at all).

- occasionally I found myself getting stuck on something

- a few crashes near the end of the campaign - which I expect will be ironed out with an update

- not sure I like the ammo limits

I don't know if I was the only person that felt like the experience was akin to playing a multi player game at times? :)

How Steam worked out that I took well over 25 hours to complete it, I don't know.
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20 Jan 2011
I've just finished Skyrim as far as I'm willing to go. Done the main quests including DLC, 100% achievements, but I feel I've seen all there is to see now so wont be grinding out all quests.

Overall I enjoyed it. Looks and plays great, plenty to do. Although after a while it all starts to get familiar with the voice actors and dungeon/bandit raids.

There were a few fun quests to break up the routine like one where you're basically in one of the hangover moves.. you got drunk and have to find out what you've done.

It can be very glitchy in places, but luckily this can be resolved with console commands on PC and help from the wiki. In all my time playing I only had to resort to the console twice to make a mission progress.

You can get the Legendary edition for about £6 which includes all the DLC which is a steal. Would recommend this game.
30 Mar 2016
East Lothian
I enjoyed it; felt like return to castle wolfenstein in more respects than it's dystopian sequel (prefer wolfenstein set in a ww2 era) - definitely better than the 2008 wolfenstein. I mean if it's of any worth, I didn't feel like I'd wasted my money on it after completion.

The story in the New Order is awesome. Some of scenes will stay with me forever - the coffee/card game scene on the train in particular - so tense and a bit sick too, reminded of the old SS Camp B movies from the video nasty era, right up my street! Brilliant game - I'm playing through it for the second time just now only this time in glorious 3440x1440p.

Just finished F.E.A.R (2005) for the first time. It was also the first game I've played right through using a mouse and keyboard too - I have seen the light! Amazing game even now 10/10.

Also completed Rise of The Tomb Raider last week. What a stunning looking game! I've never spent so much time in a game just panning the camera around. Loved every minute of it and gutted the adventure is over. Full marks again.
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7 Aug 2013
I've just finished Skyrim as far as I'm willing to go. Done the main quests including DLC, 100% achievements, but I feel I've seen all there is to see now so wont be grinding out all quests.

Overall I enjoyed it. Looks and plays great, plenty to do. Although after a while it all starts to get familiar with the voice actors and dungeon/bandit raids.

There were a few fun quests to break up the routine like one where you're basically in one of the hangover moves.. you got drunk and have to find out what you've done.

It can be very glitchy in places, but luckily this can be resolved with console commands on PC and help from the wiki. In all my time playing I only had to resort to the console twice to make a mission progress.

You can get the Legendary edition for about £6 which includes all the DLC which is a steal. Would recommend this game.
Skyrim gets a lot of hate nowadays, as it started to become popular to bash Bethesda RPG's(not named Morrowind, which is overrated), but man I love them so much.

Skyrim is a stupidly amazing experience. There's nothing else like it and while it lacks minute-to-minute polish in the Bethesda tradition, it makes up for it hugely in scope and immersiveness. I've played the game over 400 hours altogether and I'm pretty darn sure I could load it up and discover something new about the game I hadn't ever known about.
9 Jan 2011
Skyrim gets a lot of hate nowadays, as it started to become popular to bash Bethesda RPG's(not named Morrowind, which is overrated), but man I love them so much.

Skyrim is a stupidly amazing experience. There's nothing else like it and while it lacks minute-to-minute polish in the Bethesda tradition, it makes up for it hugely in scope and immersiveness. I've played the game over 400 hours altogether and I'm pretty darn sure I could load it up and discover something new about the game I hadn't ever known about.

I totally agree. Easy to bash it, but it doesn't get nearly enough credit for how intricately designed a lot of the gameplay is. There are lots of systems in play that work in tandem behind the scenes so to speak that many other games can't begin to compete with. You have a comprehensive character creation that allows you to choose your character's appearance, age, race, sex etc. In terms of gameplay you have options in terms of combat which completely change the way you play)mele, magic, ranged...and then sub-categories within those). Stealth, which works in tandem with other mechanics such as pickpocketing, stealing, the economy etc, as well as the crime system. Skills to do with speech, which type of armour you wear, weapons you use....Compare it to something like The Witcher 3, that gets praise for how apparently complex it is. You basically walk around and fight. They are the 2 gameplay mechanics.

It does seem to be fashionable to bash Skyrim, and other bethesda games, but they are in a league of their own imo.
15 May 2006
Mad Max, good start then got very repetitive because of the collecting scrap and similar camps/boss fights.

Great atmosphere though, a true Mad Max environment so I would give it an 8/10.
26 May 2014
Dark Souls III - 9/10

The best game in the series, even if my personal favourite will always be Demon's Souls (because it was so new and different back in early 2009). My only real complaint is that it does feel a little short, which I've noticed even more going through it a second time. Of course short is relative, and it certainly delivers a lot more for its price tag than your average 6-8 hour "AAA" graphicsfest. ;)
19 Sep 2014
Dark Souls 3 - 9.5/10 My game of the year and one I'll return to over and over.

Dark Souls 2 - 8/10 Hated this when I first bought it a couple of years back but after finishing Dark Souls 3 I gave it another shot and I'm glad I persevered. Not as good as the third and some of the bosses are weak beyond belief (think there were about 6 of them that didn't even land a hit on me) but nonetheless a good solid game with just a few flaws that kept it from being great.

Doom 2016 - 9/10 Thoroughly enjoyable game which looked, ran and played beautifully from start to finish. Stunningly good gameplay mechanics, superb fluid controls and despite it being a little light on the story side this is how to make a top class game. Hasn't had anywhere near the hype of some recent games but believe me when I say it smashes them all into oblivion (except Dark Souls 3 of course).
4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland
Call of Duty Black Ops 3.


Quite liked this despite some of the negative press it received. Ran really smoothly on my system and was lots of fun. Visuals were pretty nifty, plot was a bit patchy and that ending........ooeerr!!! Whut? :D
6 Dec 2005
Cambridge, UK.
The story in the New Order is awesome. Some of scenes will stay with me forever - the coffee/card game scene on the train in particular - so tense and a bit sick too, reminded of the old SS Camp B movies from the video nasty era, right up my street! Brilliant game - I'm playing through it for the second time just now only this time in glorious 3440x1440p.

I've just finished playing through this a second time tonight. I really enjoyed it the both times. 10/10
8 Sep 2012
Compare it to something like The Witcher 3, that gets praise for how apparently complex it is. You basically walk around and fight. They are the 2 gameplay mechanics.

It does seem to be fashionable to bash Skyrim, and other bethesda games, but they are in a league of their own imo.

Couldn't agree more. I struggle to understand the supposed complexity of Witcher 3. I like the game but fails on so many levels as an RPG that it' s not even funny. I couldn't really get into Skyrim but it seemed to have a lot more going for it. W3 is also deemed to excel at storytelling, yet the main quest is a really boring errand boy affair with terrible pacing (except the Baron bit).

Fallout 4 is hated to no end, yet it does everything better IM0, apart from those boring radiant quests and sketchy dialogue. Playing and enjoying both ATM but I can't escape the impression that W3 got a lot more praise than it really deserves and F4 got a lot more hate than it should.
30 Jan 2015
Well I don't think I could really ever COMPLETE Stellaris but I've logged nearly 30 hours after playing through only 2 campaigns and I must say it's the best 4X game I've ever played -- easily a 10/10 masterpiece.
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