The Marvels

So a big part of the issue is misogyny and people don't want female characters? The baddie was bland but I wouldn't say the main three were bland (Monica is probably the closest but that is just lack of screen time, she had a small part in Wandavision and has to support this film too). Ms Marvel is a really cool character and her family are just perfect. Carol is hardly bland, having to face that she can't just overpower an issue and face up to the fact she needs allies and completely ****** up the Kree is actually a pretty interesting story. She's no more bland than Thor who has very similar arrogance issues.

It's a far better film than both the last Thor and Ant-Man. There is only one scene that doesn't work for me.
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Explain how it's misogynistic for both men and women to have a preference to watch male superhero movies..
I'm a male, I couldn't care less what gender the superhero is as long as the story is good. I'm just reeling that people can be prejudiced against women and then complain that people use the word that means that :cry:
I'm a male, I couldn't care less what gender the superhero is as long as the story is good. I'm just reeling that people can be prejudiced against women and then complain that people use the word that means that :cry:
I honestly don't care what gender or race the characters are, just as long as they are well written and you actually care about their story arc.
I'm a male, I couldn't care less what gender the superhero is as long as the story is good. I'm just reeling that people can be prejudiced against women and then complain that people use the word that means that :cry:
Probably because you automatically leap to words like tolerate and prejudiced, its straight out of the disney playbook. I'll ask again, are the women who would rather watch male superhero movies misogynistic?
The female characters just totally lose their femininity. Men and women both have their strengths and weaknesses. Why can't we have characters of both sexes that actually play to them? Would make for much more enjoyable characters that are more believable and easier to care about.
The female characters just totally lose their femininity. Men and women both have their strengths and weaknesses. Why can't we have characters of both sexes that actually play to them? Would make for much more enjoyable characters that are more believable and easier to care about.
Captain Marvel is incredibly arrogant and thinks she can solve every problem alone. How is that not a weakness? Ms Marvel is naïve being young and basically copes entirely on reacting to things that happen to her, how is that not a weakness? I don't know what you mean about losing their femininity, you might have to explain that one.
Yes, if there reason is purely the gender of course :confused:
Silly me a preference for something these days is clearly 'ist' or 'phobic' I forgot, as I said straight out of the Disney playbook.
Wonder if they'll try and use the old misogyny excuse if it does bomb
I need to apply these amazing future reading powers to some sort of monetary gain :(
Silly me a preference for something these days is clearly 'ist' or 'phobic' I forgot, as I said straight out of the Disney playbook.

I need to apply these amazing future reading powers to some sort of monetary gain :(
A preference is entirely different. What you're talking about is specifically not watching films that have female characters, that isn't a preference. If you're watching all the MCU films but refuse to watch the ones with female characters then of course it is misogyny, it's the literal definition of the word!

Can you imagine if you announced you refused to watch films with black characters and then complained when people called you racist :cry:
It's all called preference and everybody should be allowed to choose what they enjoy watching without being called names ;)

I chose not to watch the marvels because it looks utter crap, not because of you know, women.

If I like the look of a film with female characters in it, I'll go see it :)
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A preference is entirely different. What you're talking about is specifically not watching films that have female characters, that isn't a preference. If you're watching all the MCU films but refuse to watch the ones with female characters then of course it is misogyny, it's the literal definition of the word!
No, again you are conflating 2 different things.
Can you imagine if you announced you refused to watch films with black characters and then complained when people called you racist :cry:

To be perfectly honest I'm surprised you haven't also thrown racist into the mix because 2 out of the 3 main characters are minorities. I'm disappointed.
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No, again you are conflating 2 different things.

To be perfectly honest I'm surprised you haven't also thrown racist into the mix because 2 out of the 3 main characters are minorities. I'm disappointed.
I'm literally responding to the issues you raised with the film, if you want to raise that as an issue then go ahead. You can't say people aren't watching because of female characters then act shocked when I mention misogyny :cry:
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