I don't really know what you're point is. By their very nature Hollywood and the AAA industry have to be as broad and inclusive as possible to make the most amount of money. Even then we're disregarding a large percentage of the product coming from both industries that DOESN'T pander. Regardless, you already said that the most universally praised material doesn't cater to everyone and does well regardless so what's the issue?
I don't really get Nashers point either. Who cares what AAA developers are doing so long as quality product is still coming from the industry in general, which it almost certainly is thanks to the prolific rise of the indie scene.
But most of it is trash now especially the high budget stuff, maybe every 5 years we'll get something actually good or innovative from them.
The AAA developers used to raise the bar, but now they are the ones holding things back because they don't take any risks with new ideas and they buy out the successful small developers. So now they hold a lot of the IPs and patents, but don't use them and no one else can.
There is a huge degree in truth of that.