The Matrix 4

i really liked them all, even now they beat most of this new junk comming out of hollywood

Yeah me too. The second one had some really fun fight/chase scenes. The third was OTT with The Architect and real world Neo, but again fun scenes. There's obvious plot issues, but it's sci-fi after all so a given with sci-fi movies.
Yeah me too. The second one had some really fun fight/chase scenes. The third was OTT with The Architect and real world Neo, but again fun scenes. There's obvious plot issues, but it's sci-fi after all so a given with sci-fi movies.

I can't see this one working. 20 years later, it's going to be as bad as the latest Bill and Ted. Everyone will relate to how they remember how young they were.
The trouble for The Matrix is that the world has changed so much. It was of its time.

The Matrix was born into a relatively friendly post-cold war world and a dot-com bubbling, millenium-bug-fearing zeitgeist. A couple of years later, 9/11 happened and suddenly we had something real to fear again.

Is still a great film, but I don't think it can have the relevance or reach it once did. A Morpheus origin story might be good though :)
My above opinion from 4 years ago has changed in light of the information/propaganda battlegrounds of new media and the way it's even shaping old media.

There's room for stories there.
My above opinion from 4 years ago has changed in light of the information/propaganda battlegrounds of new media and the way it's even shaping old media.

There's room for stories there.

They could go full retard on this film, in that the whole last 3 films were never real and he's been in the matrix all along.

I mean at what point could anyone know they were definitely out of the matrix when it's as real as the real world to them.
Not holding much hope for this based on the turd of a 3rd film. Ill probably watch it either way given I love the first and the second is definitely watchable.
With these 2 directing it I'm sure they will force some LGBT stuff down our throats.

Sense 8 was absolutely ridiculous with it.

The original film was literally about people rejecting their current "reality" and entering a world in which they could basically be whoever they wanted to be. Too subtle for you?
The original film was literally about people rejecting their current "reality" and entering a world in which they could basically be whoever they wanted to be. Too subtle for you?

I think that must have gone over his head, the movies are basically a "trans metaphor".
Also, only Lana is directing this one.
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The original film was literally about people rejecting their current "reality" and entering a world in which they could basically be whoever they wanted to be. Too subtle for you?
That means pretty much every video game ever created could be later claimed to be a trans metaphor.

And people could come here and say, "Too subtle for you?" as if that was actually clever.

Retconning is a thing, people. It happens all the time. Harry Potter was a metaphor for the trans struggle! Voldemort was a TERF! You read it here, first.
That means pretty much every video game ever created could be later claimed to be a trans metaphor.

And people could come here and say, "Too subtle for you?" as if that was actually clever.

Retconning is a thing, people. It happens all the time. Harry Potter was a metaphor for the trans struggle! Voldemort was a TERF! You read it here, first.

One of the matrix movies directors literally said it was a trans metaphor.

The Matrix films are about being transgender, the trilogy's co-director says.

"That was the original intention but the world wasn't quite ready," says Lilly Wachowski, who came out as trans along with her sister Lana after the films came out.

Fans have speculated about potential meanings behind the iconic films and Lilly confirmed the theory to Netflix.

"I'm glad that it has gotten out," she said.
I'm aware of that. Apart from being utterly stupid, the claim was made way after the films were done and after the director(s) decided he was trans.

A similar claim could be made (retrospectively) about many videos games or films.

The first film is now marred by this nonsense. The other two films were already nonsense, and couldn't really be tarnished further.
There is a lot of subtle stuff in the first movie - which is missing the in later ones, or any other movie the Wachowski's have done, so I have a hard time believing that aspect is the work of the Wachowski's but some kind of intentional trans metaphor was certainly not there. (Not that I'd have a problem with it if it was but it is totally horse ****).
There is a lot of subtle stuff in the first movie - which is missing the in later ones, or any other movie the Wachowski's have done, so I have a hard time believing that aspect is the work of the Wachowski's but some kind of intentional trans metaphor was certainly not there. (Not that I'd have a problem with it if it was but it is totally horse ****).

I’m not sure it’s intentionally a trans metaphor but plenty of art reveals the subconscious of its creator.
I’m not sure it’s intentionally a trans metaphor but plenty of art reveals the subconscious of its creator.

That can be true - but what the Wachowski's seem to have brought most to The Matrix is the artistic style/flare - not to knock it, stuff like V for Vendetta is a pretty decent movie, but their later work is like a student to the master in comparison to the first movie in terms of the real intricacies of the writing etc. the likes of Cloud Atlas being one of the more similar attempts doesn't even come close.
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