The Matrix 4

In who's eyes? The artist or the person who's trying to interpret the artist work?

A bit of both, I suppose. I imagine artists look back on things they created years before and find significance in things that seemed automatic at the time. That’s not to say these interpretations don’t stretch the bounds of credibility sometimes.
A bit of both, I suppose. I imagine artists look back on things they created years before and find significance in things that seemed automatic at the time. That’s not to say these interpretations don’t stretch the bounds of credibility sometimes.

That kind of touches on things in The Matrix which are really hard to show someone else - some of the subtleties - I'd have experiences in life which would suddenly give me an understanding of what the writer was intending or motivated by, etc. at various points such as the background of characters and what motivated them to be the way they are in the movie and once you understand that you see certain events or paths in the movie in a whole another light which then potentially unlocks understanding something else in the movie you never saw the significance of before.

There is a good write up on some of it if I can find it where they played around with what happens if some of the character's motivations are actually different to what we think i.e. The Oracle being truly evil, etc.

It is largely absent in the movies which come after.
Not quite sure why you are so upset by it? then again it is overclockers forums, where people get upset over the most trivial of matters.
Because it's nonsense, the film origins are from a theological and philosophical standpoint. It really has nothing to do with Trans and the idea that it is, is retconning like he says.
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That means pretty much every video game ever created could be later claimed to be a trans metaphor.

And people could come here and say, "Too subtle for you?" as if that was actually clever.

Retconning is a thing, people. It happens all the time. Harry Potter was a metaphor for the trans struggle! Voldemort was a TERF! You read it here, first.

I strongly disagree. The plot of The Matrix revolves around reality, identity and discovery.

The start point of a video game is becoming a character, it’s not a plot point.
I’m not sure it’s intentionally a trans metaphor but plenty of art reveals the subconscious of its creator.
It absolutely is, It was Lilly Wachowski who said it. An article has been linked already but here's the video:

Why The Matrix Is a Trans Story According to Lilly Wachowski | Netflix

"I'm glad that it has gotten out that that was the original intention but the world wasn't quite ready yet"

I don't really understand how unless the metaphor is Neo becoming superhuman, which would be weird, but, i'm not about to argue with people who both wrote and directed the films over what their original intention was!
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That kind of touches on things in The Matrix which are really hard to show someone else - some of the subtleties - I'd have experiences in life which would suddenly give me an understanding of what the writer was intending or motivated by, etc. at various points such as the background of characters and what motivated them to be the way they are in the movie and once you understand that you see certain events or paths in the movie in a whole another light which then potentially unlocks understanding something else in the movie you never saw the significance of before.

There is a good write up on some of it if I can find it where they played around with what happens if some of the character's motivations are actually different to what we think i.e. The Oracle being truly evil, etc.

It is largely absent in the movies which come after.

I'd be interested to read that if you can find it, by the way. :) The sequels were trash but I still love the original.
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