The Medium - Dual-Reality horror game

Don't see why this is so demanding on hardware from the vids. Maybe just poorly optimised

This is what the devs had to say on the system requirements:

“You know, we are rendering two worlds at the same time, and if people want to render two worlds with HDR plus ray tracing, it requires really powerful hardware,” explains Piejko. “We don’t want to put the specs on the internet and say “yeah, it’ll run smooth on your card”, and for it not to be true. Our game flows between worlds, sometimes you are only in one world, sometimes in two at the same time. If you launch the game and at the beginning you only have one world, and then you will get to a two-word situation when the game renders two, you know frames will drop and of course it’s not good. We have to put the specs for the most power-demanding situation and that’s why the requirements are high.”
This is what the devs had to say on the system requirements:

“You know, we are rendering two worlds at the same time, and if people want to render two worlds with HDR plus ray tracing, it requires really powerful hardware,” explains Piejko. “We don’t want to put the specs on the internet and say “yeah, it’ll run smooth on your card”, and for it not to be true. Our game flows between worlds, sometimes you are only in one world, sometimes in two at the same time. If you launch the game and at the beginning you only have one world, and then you will get to a two-word situation when the game renders two, you know frames will drop and of course it’s not good. We have to put the specs for the most power-demanding situation and that’s why the requirements are high.”

Exactly, I think people underestimate the demand that many of the modern and expected features place on hardware. It sounds like they've worked hard on this game, I don't believe it will be poorly optimised for a second.
The concept of playing in two 'realms' seems really familiar to me. I can't remember exactly what it was. Maybe Dishonoured? There was a level where you shifted between two time zones, and they were both connected in a similar way.

Actually, there's a bit of 'The Vanishing of Ethan Carter' about it as well.
Titanfall 2 and Dishonored 2 both have a level with seamless switching between two overlapping levels
Titanfall 2 and Dishonored 2 both have a level with seamless switching between two overlapping levels

In titanfall 2 it was implemented differently though to what this game seems to do, titanfall two had two identical levels stacked ontop of each other, when you swap time zones it just moved your chraqcter directly up or down to the other level. This wouldnt allow the belnding of realities ike they want to achieve in parts of this game.
I'm ok with the camera style/angles, reminds me of the camera in Song of Horror and that was one of the best horrors I've played in recent memory, will have to see how the performance is though. I mean lets be honest, its an extremely slow paced non combat game, so dont particularly require 60fps as long as its smooth. Could easily get away with 40-50 on this sort of game but will see how it plays, it looks smooth enough in those videos to me. Sure if I fret that I am not getting the 60 when I look at the numbers rather than whether the game is playing smooth, thats something different but to a degree worrying about fps numbers in this sort of game is like fretting that you arent getting 60 fps in Civilization 6. Question will be whether its smooth at 40-50 or not (seems to be in the videos), only way to find that out is to try it tomorrow. I'll give it a spin and report back on the actual smoothness of the play (and the numbers I am getting for any digit fans out there)
Wonder why that article linked above says "The Medium cannot run with constant 60fps on the RTX3080, even at 1080p/High/RT Off settings" , when the video I linked quite clearly shows it achieving 60fps comfortably at 1080p/High/RT Off ? I guess I will find out myself later today when I try it out and see how mine performs.
4PM UK time it goes live the countdown timer is on the game pass page right you can preinstall now as well if you want but it does not let you choose the install location on a preload :rolleyes:
4PM UK time it goes live the countdown timer is on the game pass page right you can preinstall now as well if you want but it does not let you choose the install location on a preload :rolleyes:

Looking forward to trying it out at 5pm tonight, watched a quick 10 mins of two people streaming it on twitch earlier (both on 1440, high) and performance looked fine on their streams
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