Don't see why this is so demanding on hardware from the vids. Maybe just poorly optimised
This is what the devs had to say on the system requirements:
“You know, we are rendering two worlds at the same time, and if people want to render two worlds with HDR plus ray tracing, it requires really powerful hardware,” explains Piejko. “We don’t want to put the specs on the internet and say “yeah, it’ll run smooth on your card”, and for it not to be true. Our game flows between worlds, sometimes you are only in one world, sometimes in two at the same time. If you launch the game and at the beginning you only have one world, and then you will get to a two-word situation when the game renders two, you know frames will drop and of course it’s not good. We have to put the specs for the most power-demanding situation and that’s why the requirements are high.”