I talked to a counsellor through my employer too and they were about as much help as used match. Suggested all my problems were from not getting out enough and should head out and see my friends. In a pandemic.
It's a silly suggestion in todays climate, but ultimately, I dare say they aren't far from the mark either.
Like many, I've gone from having an active social life and a fairly enjoyable 9-5 office job in the centre of town, to having absolutely no social life whatsoever and working from home. I haven't seen anyone except my girlfriend for over 2 months now, well, apart from passers-by when I go shopping etc.
I personally never wanted any of this. I was willing to take my chances, and am not one to cower behind the sofa. I still believe we're being lied to when it comes to reporting the severity of this disease, it is known to have a well over 99% survival rate particularly among under 60s, and the way our deaths have been reported make the situation seem much worse than it likely really is, yet unfortunately, I just have to accept that life has changed and will likely never go back.
I was struggling with depression before this happened, and ultimately I see life as pointless now. I have always had a nihilistic outlook but there simply doesn't seem to be any joy left in life.
I've struggled with substance addictions in the past, including alcohol, and now one thing that was helping me get through it mentally now seems to be doing more damage than good - I've gained nearly 2 stone, and constantly feel somewhere between 'meh' and feeling like absolute **** every day. I know I need to stop drinking but it just feels like another pleasure I have to remove from my life (except, the only pleasure it actually gives is those precious few hours of being under the influence, the rest is just **** now). Additionally I need to lose the weight I've put on, so again, I'm going to have to cut down on food I enjoy just so I don't feel utterly depressed and ill. Feels like a vicious circle now, as if I remove what few pleasures I have left, then what is there to live for?
My daily routine, much like many now, is wake, wash, work, feed, go into zombie mode for a few hours then sleep. Rinse and repeat. Weekends, same, just without work. No light at the end of the tunnel, just a carrot that you never quite manage to reach and knowing deep down you'll never get a bite. Seeing people talk about this like it will go on until 2025 is just throwing petrol on the fire. I won't make it to 2025 in these times, I am absolutely certain of that.
I just don't know what do anymore. I know I need to change things, I know I need to try and improve my health and the rest will follow, but I just feel stuck, and don't know where to start. I just feel like I am trapped in some hellish existence, like a bad dream that just happened that I cannot wake up from, and may never wake up from. The lack of hope is really getting to me. Sometimes I can be optimistic, but today is not one of those days. People bang on about the vaccines, but we're already seeing problems with that not being as effective as thought (never saw that coming, honest), and who's to say what other pathogen / bio weapon is lurking around the corner ready to restart the whole miserable process again. I wish people weren't so risk averse these days. We put up with 50K+ flu deaths for something like 7 or 8 years on the trot in the 90s but yet now we react like this to a new virus, which, although clearly nasty, has a very high survival rate (and I certainly don't remember flu being particularly pleasant either, for comparison).
Its even affecting my work now as I have been off sick the last 2 days through a combination of illness and severe anxiety and depression. I'm going to have to go back tomorrow, but it all just feels like I'm going through the motions just so I can keep myself in this luxurious prison I now call home. I am pretty certain had I been on my own, and my parents had already passed away, I'd probably just done myself in by now. It's only the thought of destroying other peoples lives by these actions that probably stops me from doing it now.