Hey Guys,
I've just finished recording my latest song, please check it out. I've spent a little bit more time trying to mix bass so it wouldn't be lost among other instruments,
Any feedback is very much appreciated
It's amazing/superb, very well done!
It's obvious that the drums and strings are VST based, whilst the guitar and bass is played by yourself - personally I would like it if they could somehow be gelled together a bit more, but difficult to do this. There is also a nice string run which is buried in the background somewhere - that could be brought to the forefront somehow, maybe using Sable Strings or something to give some character.
It could be truly great if you re-recorded the guitar / bass with more confidence/vigour and stronger attack - the way it sounds at the moment is that you are being very careful about simply nailing the parts correctly and keeping in time etc. which is great for a good demo but you really need to capture a performance. (most of the bass parts and some of the guitar parts are nailed though). I heard two string bends that need work too, the bend needs to be a bend up to the correct pitch and maybe even needs to be held for ever so slightly longer. What I heard were fingers struggling to make the note, and to make it 'sing', maybe simply due to rushing them. Lead playing works best when you add all sorts of tiny inflections to try and showcase 'individuality'.
The composition is great but in my opinion it takes too long to get to the stabby bits at 2:30, it looses the thread somewhat and on a first listen it seems the guitars start to sound a little 'detached' when they go off exploring little noodles unnecessarily. Otherwise what an epic! I would be proud. In fact it's much better than I can do, there's a lot going on here that I'm sure I'm yet to fathom. O h that slide guitat/feedback bit at 3:15 is awesome.
The mix is great, everything is clear to me, but it could do with more punchiness in my opinion. I lack the requisite know how and experience to advise you further on this, maybe it's partially down to playing with more attack, but probably more to do with mixing techniques.
Anyway, just my tuppence.
Just to qualify, this is kind of production standard I have in my head whenever I hear epic cinematic style metal (edit:- actually I'm not sure what parts of this vid are 'metal' but I'm sure Position Music have some rock orchestral stuff which is worth a listen):-