* The Metal Thread *

Ahh cheers, after investing 10 mins of attempts trying to incorrectly do as you said, it finally clicked. I am quite dense.

Not heard much of Arsis before but The Face of my Innocence is pretty good, will have to check them out more.
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Nice collection of songs, not heard much of Mors Principium Est before so that needs rectifying.

With regards to Arsis, A Celebration of Guilt and United in Regret are their best albums.

NP -

Massive fan of Dillinger Escape Plan.
You can't beat some catchy cheesey **** now and again!:D

I love Rage. Seen them three times now and met Victor and Peavy.. I do love Victor Smolski, what a guitarist!

However i'm not sure if I like this new album, it doesn't feel as good as the previous one or most of the back catalogue.. Maybe I should give it more tries, but a song about killing your serial i'm a serial killer just sounds silly..

One of my favourites..
Can't beat some pinch harmonics with awesome riffage!

In other metal news, I picked up the new Accept album in HMV today as I had some o2 priority moment thingmejig. Sadly the case is damaged to hell. I guess i'll take it back... before listening too.

Thanks to this thread I've just discovered After The Burial. A little too heavy in places for my liking (psycho lyrics!) but I like the technicality of some of the licks, the offbeat phrases and catchy melodies :D
In other metal news, I picked up the new Accept album in HMV today as I had some o2 priority moment thingmejig. Sadly the case is damaged to hell. I guess i'll take it back... before listening too.

An ordinary jewel cd case?

Just swap it with a spare cd case you have lying around...

Liking that Rage song, sounds a lot like Testament! Will be listening to them in future.
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Saw Meshuggah @ Brighton last night, it was absolutely insane, loved every second of it :) They sound amazing live, they opened with Demiurge, my favorite song off the new album, I was speehless :o

Might put up some pictures and possibly video later.
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