* The Metal Thread *

Future Breed Machine is the song that got me into them, the double bass drum part where he says "PROGRAMMED TO APPEASE YOU" was what sealed the deal for me :D
Eames advice is good :) All of their albums are unique, it's hard to recommend one.

If I were to suggest one song to get into them, I'd say Bleed, I think that is the song that got me into them, but in my opinion obZen is their weakest album. (the one Bleed is on)

See I adore obZen and would venture to say its probably the album I Listen to most, However rational gaze was the song that got me into meshuggah...Just sooo brain meltingly good! :)

although since seeing this comment a while back i cant hear anything but these words hehe "1:26: I like juice, finish your juice. Filtered vitamin substance."

Future breed machine is also awesome but strangely i prefer the mayhem version to the original.
Gotto say though, Demiurge might take the top spot soon. Just cant stop listening to it, so gutted they arnt playing anywhere conveniant for me to get to on this tour *sad panda*. ohh well always next time.
They can take a while to get into because of their style. It took me a few years, but now they're my favorite band.

Advice I can give is be as open minded as possibe, listen carefully, and think of the vocals as another instrament (also reading the lyrics while listening is good). After a while you will start to notice the intricacies and complexity of the music, and just how amazing it is. You won't regret it :)

That is of course, assuming you like metal :p

Oh I love metal but I'm more into the clean vocal styles rather than the harshness of the Meshuggah singer. I like a bit of a break from the onslaught and he seems to be quite relentless. They do remind me a bit of Fear Factory but I suspect that you're going to tell me that I'm missing a subtlety somewhere?

Got the new Adrenaline Mob and Meshuggah albums and the new Iron Maiden blu ray in the post yesterday! The albums are awesome and I plan to watch the blu ray tonight.
Really enjoying Demiurge and Bleed - not grabbed by much else so far but it makes good heavy background music :)

Good to hear you found something you like from them, the rest will follow in time :)

Same here. Seems to be overhyped. Sounds like someone just playing the same riff over and over. No hooks. Lame as.

They're not overhyped, they are clearly one of the most important and influential metal bands out there, whether you like them or not.

Also, all of their songs have multiple riffs, sounds like you're not giving them enough time :p

They are certainly not lame, if you don't like them too bad :p
I agree with the above saying that they are overhyped despite the fact that I'm a fan of Meshuggah and have been since Contradictions Collapse. It's not the fault of the band that their style has influenced a shed load of copycats though, which has also seemed to make people misunderstand how important they are within Metal.

Anyway way too much text, not enough video...
The Break Those Bones... video is pretty good, simple but effective.

I've just been reminded how amazing Future Breed Machine is by watching the Nothing live DVD.

P.S. Jens Kidman is a beast :p His vocals are better than ever in Koloss
The new Meshuggah songs (don't have the album yet) I've heard, just arent cutting the mustard for me.

They just seem a bit, generic this time around and theres none of the surprise shifts where the song changes tempo without warning, I can tell where the songs are going.

Maybe its just I'm "used" to the band now and I have a good feeling for their style?
[youtube ] copy and paste bit after the = sign [/MEDIA]. Make sure theres no spaces. Hopefully that makes sense.

Don't know whether Arsis count as melo death but they deserve way more attention from metal fans.
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