* The Metal Thread *

Must thank whoever introduced DISARMONIA MUNDI to me earlier in the thread. As a huge Soilwork fan, that's just another awesome band in my catalogue. Cheers! Love this thread!

Not blowing me away but great musicianship, first song almost reminds me of Carcass. Second song needs to get rid of the 'talky' bit, sounds reet northern like :D

Ah, be from Sheffield :p

They are getting loads of gigs recently, everyy gig they have done, all money has gone to charity as well, really nice bunch of guys :)

and i like the talky bit in "Dust and Sound" :D
The two bands I truly am desperate to see before I die are Nine Inch Nails and Tool...chances of it every happening im not too sure about but at least I can still enjoy there amazing performances online.
Also a good version of reptile where Peter Murphy is singing it. with atticus ross and Jeordie White.
and probably my favorite NIN song.

My two favourite bands, and I have two NIN tattoos. Seen Tool just the once, but it was one of the best shows I've ever been to, Meshugga's first tour, as well. I've seen NIN 4 times now, including their last ever UK show, unless of course Trent decides to un-retire NIN.
Seen Tool and A Perfect Circle a few times and they have always been brilliant. Tool @ OzzFest in MK was one of the best live sets I've ever seen. The NIN show at Sonisphere was **** thou.
Seen Tool and A Perfect Circle a few times and they have always been brilliant. Tool @ OzzFest in MK was one of the best live sets I've ever seen. The NIN show at Sonisphere was **** thou.

Yeah, I saw APC, too - they opened up for NIN the first time I saw them back in Michigan. It was their second over live show, as well :)
Tool are exhilarating.

Strange, I was actually going to talk about Tool, too.

APC are great but no where near the level of Tool who are god like.
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