The "Metaverse"

29 Dec 2014
What happened to this thing?

I remember Facebook were ploughing $billions into it, but it just looks like a load of crap.

Does anyone here actually use it? The idea of trying to work whilst wearing a 3d headset doesn't appeal much to me :D
I understand the vision but don’t get the execution. I’ll stick to the real world for now
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It feels like a Mii avatar in 3D...half baked, useless.

It's marketed for "business", but I can't imagine may business people would want to do this than just make a video call if they want a meeting. The few areas where this tech is useful in a business perspective is in 3D rendering of architecture projects.

But that above is not the Metaverse...just no. The tech is good, the application and software is trash.
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Everything like this has to start somewhere but IMO we are a long way from where it will ever be remotely practical as a seamless and convenient solution and will not get anything other than niche uptake and as above there isn't a huge need for it/doesn't solve any pressing problem.
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Supposedly this cost them billions to get to this level of quality - I am gonna speculate that only a fraction of that budget went into metaverse, the rest got put into "other" pockets.

Metaverse will never take off, you get better immersion in modern games, this looks as good as you'd expect from a college project and it seems Facebook is not prepared for it either. Zuck told staff to do virtual meetings in the metaverse yet something like 70% of the workforce do not have virtual headsets to do that with...

Musk is losing his sanity, Zuck lost it long ago, Bezos seems to have a thing for penis shaped rockets and wearing cowboy hats.... Is there a sane billionaire out there still apart from Bill Gates?
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I use VR for gaming and 3D modeling. I love the tech but I would never even consider using it for any kind of meeting or chat.
The technology is great and VR is really fun, but it's a long way from being ubiquitous or useful for the everyman.
Supposedly this cost them billions to get to this level of quality - I am gonna speculate that only a fraction of that budget went into metaverse, the rest got put into "other" pockets.

Metaverse will never take off, you get better immersion in modern games, this looks as good as you'd expect from a college project and it seems Facebook is not prepared for it either. Zuck told staff to do virtual meetings in the metaverse yet something like 70% of the workforce do not have virtual headsets to do that with...

Musk is losing his sanity, Zuck lost it long ago, Bezos seems to have a thing for penis shaped rockets and wearing cowboy hats.... Is there a sane billionaire out there still apart from Bill Gates?
Exactly this. I would have thought game developers would be the best ones to crack this. They can actually make worlds that people want to be in.
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It needs somebody with deep pockets to make it work and meta need a sexy big project to keep all the development talent interested in staying as well as something to keep generating money as the facebook user base slowly rots away. I agree with the comments saying the tech isn't there yet and I have massive privacy concerns with facebook behind it.
For me, they need to get a critical mass of users on the platform and the cost of the hardware is a barrier to that, £1500 for the new Oculus 2 pro or whatever, it looks good - but at £1500, hardly anyone is going to buy it, £400 for the old Oculus quest was pushing it.

I think they need to do something similar to what Amazon did with Kindle back in the day, they sold the Kindle readers for a very attractive price, they were mega cheap in comparison and they made their money from people buying the books - which led to a critical mass of users on the platform.

To me the Metaverse looks like an overly expensive tech demo, where I need to spend a load of money to even have a go on it, there's just nothing that really entices me.
It's too little too late. They should have been working on this when VR was fresh and hot news, with a facebook user base full of the youth who would quickly adopt new snazzy tech like this. These days VR is subjected to the living room for those cool demos to show friends who come over and aside form that I don't know of anyone else actively using VR on anything meaningful other than the odd game here or there and other VR things like Google Earth VR.

These days Facebook is full of the 30+ generation and the youth dominate tiktok etc. The time has passed.
These days VR is subjected to the living room for those cool demos to show friends who come over and aside form that I don't know of anyone else actively using VR on anything meaningful other than the odd game here or there and other VR things like Google Earth VR.

I used to play a lot of Elite Dangerous in VR and it's awesome, it just sucks wearing a headset for hours on end, it gives me a headache, it's just not a nice thing to have to do..
I have honestly NO clue as to who this is for, who its marketed for, what its purpose is meant to be.
Like..nothing, not a single thing. I feel like I'm missing something, but then read how many billions they have lost pumping into it, so I feel I cant be the only one.
I used to play a lot of Elite Dangerous in VR and it's awesome, it just sucks wearing a headset for hours on end, it gives me a headache, it's just not a nice thing to have to do..

Until there is a device which is completely seamless augmented reality, able to swap and/or combine both realities, which is as convenient at worst as a pair of normal glasses and the control system to match the convenience it just isn't going anywhere in the real world.
It's too little too late. They should have been working on this when VR was fresh and hot news, with a facebook user base full of the youth who would quickly adopt new snazzy tech like this. These days VR is subjected to the living room for those cool demos to show friends who come over and aside form that I don't know of anyone else actively using VR on anything meaningful other than the odd game here or there and other VR things like Google Earth VR.

These days Facebook is full of the 30+ generation and the youth dominate tiktok etc. The time has passed.

Loads of people use/play VR all the time. :confused:
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