The MSI Neo2 Platinum Owners Help Thread

That's not the way MSI runs their dual channel though. The two closest the cpu are A&B and the two furthest away are A&B.

I am well aware of that, but will all DIMMS polpulated it's in dual channel full stop.

As I said in my post "You gonna have to fiddle with this", but he might get it to boot (on a low FSB) with one set of memory per channel.

The link etc I gave him should have pointed out it's prolly not going to work tho :(
Hmm.. nice mobo. Just replaced my crappy Abit Uguru one, that had a VIA chipset on it. I swore after my last Via motherboard I would never go back to using VIA, and for some foolish reason I did :confused: No end of hassles with it, and then after it decided to dislike any battery in the BIOS and reset itself every time I booted (doesn't help the default settings were unstable) I figured I didn't even want to think about getting it replaced under warranty, and just bought a new one in its place.

This is a nice clean installation, and being foolish, possibly, I installed all the nice shiny MSI utilities. Everything was sweet till I upgraded them using the MSI Live Monitor. Now on boot the MSI programs fail to start saying "the service has not be started", only I can't suss what service it is they're missing (doesn't appear in event log.) I've tried starting all the services manually, but it still comes up with the same fault.

The funniest thing has to be these temps the Core center (and MBM5 for that matter) are recording. Apparently, even after a couple of hours of running folding@home this CPU is still sitting at 28 degrees, even using its stock HSF!
carp - thats the same situation i had, my av8 uguru rubbish kept restting its self.... so went for a goos board.

Ive had 0 troubles and am still running 1.5 bios. good board.
Ouch!! All of the tools? Darn... that is a lot of stuff there. And I have never been sure if any of them are any use.

I have used the Core Centre. But that is unstable. Definatly don't use to overclock through. I use speedfan to monitor temps now.

I have also seen other people with problems using the Live Updates. Always safer to do these yourself then you know what is going on.....

Re: Services. Have you tried looking at msconfig? Use the services tab there to try and trace the dodgy one? (Just hit the tick box saying "Hide All Microsoft Services" then chug through the list of 3rd party services until you spot the trouble)
I haven't, no. After digging around on the MSI tech support forums I identified most of my issues being down to the dodgy default Audigy 2zs drivers. A quick update of them (which I was going to do shortly anyway) and I'm laughing.

I'm a bit dubious about these reported temps for my CPU though. Reckons its 28 degrees C, when the system has been running for 3 hours straight, and running F@H the whole time. Thats using the latest BIOS too, which claims to have fixed the issue. I'm really not convinced, especially on stock cooling.

edit: I reckon its the temp 3 thats more likely to be the CPU, its sitting around 38 degrees.. closer but still not the sort of temps I'd expect.
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aftershxck said:
what's the correct settings in mbm5 for case/cpu temps with the neo2?


Well that's gonna depend on where the diode measures it, but a couple of people have tried this board watercooled using the sensor probes that fit on and under chip
They reckon it's more or less the same as Winbond Diode 2 that you can set up manually in MBM.
Garp said:
... I identified most of my issues being down to the dodgy default Audigy 2zs drivers....
Will Creative ever get anything right? That is the second time Audigy problems crept into this thread. This is why I have just stayed with the on board sound. I couldn't bare to give them any money for their dodgy drivers....

Garp said:
I'm a bit dubious about these reported temps for my CPU though.
I have also been a little confused by which temp is which. Speedfan lists five different tempatures (ignoreing my SCSIs).

At this moment I have:

Temp1 = 16°
Temp2 = 43°
Temp3 = 30°
Local = 30°
Remote = 22°

Temp1,2,3 are the "Winbond" sensors. I assume that number 2 is the CPU and number 3 is the case. Though I have no idea what the rest are.
MAllen said:
Will Creative ever get anything right? That is the second time Audigy problems crept into this thread. This is why I have just stayed with the on board sound. I couldn't bare to give them any money for their dodgy drivers....

Unfortunately I need that breakout box, otherwise I'd be fairly happy to ditch the extra soundcard.
In MBM I just used the MSI Neo motherboard entry, figured it'd be as close as anything else on the list.

Case giving me 32C, chip 42C. Very hot day though (Saturday). Drives running at 37C and 39C though :(
ColinR said:
In MBM I just used the MSI Neo motherboard entry, figured it'd be as close as anything else on the list.

Case giving me 32C, chip 42C. Very hot day though (Saturday). Drives running at 37C and 39C though :(

From what I read on the forums, I need to look for a "1.8F" bios?!

edit: Nope.. that didn't do the trick, and I'm a bit reluctant to try these 1.9 betas!
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MAllen said:

Thats where I picked up my 8F bios revision. Tragically that does nothing to fix the issue. CPU temp stays at 28 degrees regardless, which is about as close to impossible as you can get. This room is about 28 degrees, and the CPU has been running flat out doing F@H units for ages. Thats the temperature reported at BIOS level, by the way, not the software. Its annoying because I can't set up any automatic fan speed adjustment.
I take it the MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum nForce3 that OCUK ships out works with winchesters out of the box? You laugh, so did I when I phoned OCUK and got given a wrong answer. When I ordered a Asus A8V, they said the a8v was being shipped with the updated BIOS, which it didn't.

So, will my winchester work with this motherboard out of the box? Going to order when someone replies :) I'm 99% it will, just want to be certain.
Hi sniffy, I bought the 3700 san diego and m/b from o/c. If I remember it comes with bios 1.5 on, which supports the winnie. There's a new bios coming within 2 weeks to fix the issue of 1T for san diego's. At the moment I need to use software to enable 1T, this does not effect the winnie's. Great board though.
sniffy said:
Why is everyone calling the winchester a "winnie"? :)
Lots of lazy bar stewards in computing. "Winnie" is quicker to say.

Same people who turn everything into TLAs. (Three Letter Acronymns) :D

Or my personal theory is: the more complicated sounding we can make the language, the less normal people understand, so they all think that we are cleverer than we really are. ;)

My Winchester is running fine in this board. Mine came with the 1.6 BIOS already installed in March.
My winnie ( hehe ) is doing my head in right now.

I have noticed, that the Winchester 3200 in my Neo2Plat Mobo isnt running at all as well as I had hoped... Its a fair bit slower than some of my other systems, and its no quicker than the Barton3200.

I have been having a play just now, because the RAM ( 2x512MB Crucial 3200 ) arre not the same... One is single sided, the other is double, and they only work single channel.

I have gathered all my sticks of 512MB RAM, and I have come up with a few sticks that play ball in dual, and one is one of the Crucials, and I have paired that up with my remaining Corsair XMS3500, and while they are different specs etc, they are allowing me dual channel.

Problem here, is that its no faster... not even by 1%

I am starting to really hate this system now. All that money I have spent to try to upgrade, is, at this moment in time, just a complete waste of my time, effort, money, and above all, the nagging I got from the missus for spending more on my toys when the living room needs wallpapering etc, and of course the grovveling I have had to do to get the stuff in the first place!

I see posts left right and center about upgrading to A64 and games etc run much quicker blah blah, but in fact, this is crud... I am seriously thinking that the people who say this, have just gone from a basic XP PC, and upgraded their GFX at the same time, cos in all honesty, there is absolutely no difference in speed between a stock Barton and a stock Winchester 3200 as far as I can see.

Now, to be fair, the Barton was 2.2Ghz, the winnie is 2.0.

I have my eyes on some RAM, and its the hope, that I will be getting 2.6 on this winnie, and while my barton does 2.6, if they are abotu on par at stock, thn the winnie should in theory at least, be quicker... What with the much higher FSB and all... Thats the hope anyway.

I would also like to ask... If anyone did see a big increase in performance, what did you move from to see this?
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