The nervous wait to exchange....

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So my solicitor has gone on holiday for 2 weeks, (when I rang on Wednesday, I was told she'd be in today).

Her secretary seems clueless, and they still haven't actioned the online mortgage application in which they need to download the mortgage offer.

Looking for advice really, the sellers are ready to move out with days notice, and I'm not happy to wait 2 weeks for my solicitor to come back and the case not to have been progressed. What are my options?

if its a reasonable sized firm then you should ask to speak to the supervising partner and talk to them. There should be someone monitoring the case whilst your contact is on holiday.

Be polite but forthright - you're not happy and its causing you stress and you just want someone to help you...etc etc
We've finally exchanged today on our new build, estimated completion is 30th November, and employers are buying our house, first secured the plot in mid June. Have accepted an offer on current house on same day which is great, things are moving at last - Cambridge here we come!

Cool! fingers crossed it all goes smoothly :)

My solicitor now has the mortgage offer, I've had the searches back, and the sellers are ready to move out with a days notice.

I'm not really sure what I'm waiting for now.

probably waiting for answers to queries the solicitors are asking on your behalf, there are always things they'll ask about and then send you the answers so you know what they were told - sometimes its small but important things.

Got survey back, its not brilliant but not terrible looks like we will need a new roof in the medium term it reckons, gonna get a roofer to have a look but what the hell is the medium term? I assume urgent is like next year/18 months and medium is like 4-6 years or something?

On our last place we had a report saying the same...we stayed there 6 years before actually thinking it needed doing. Get a roofer in to take a look and then you can make an educated decision. Either way it may be worth asking for a reduced price because of the roof issues......
Well thats interesting - we've completed as of yesterday evening (YAY!) but we've not been paid our money & our mortgage hasn't been paid off (WTF!?!?)

Our buyer's buyer's solicitor didn't arrange her mortgage payment to come in a day early so our buyer wasn't paid until about 3.40pm.

Our solicitor wasn't paid until about 3.49pm and the bank wire system apparently closes at 3.50pm (would be great if someone could confirm this!) So our solicitor couldn't transfer the money over to us last night, but the sale has completed so they still released the keys to our buyer.

Luckily were breaking the chain and renting while we re-locate so no problem there, but as of midday today we've still not been paid - its not a small amount of money here damn it!

Grrrr, so annoyed, we've finally sold but we are now without house, without cash and with an freaking mortgage still! :mad::mad::mad:

CHAPS transfer close at banks around the 3.30 mark, but I'm surprised your solicitor didn't transfer the money to you before that - sounds like a **** up internally.

presumably the solicitors did actually have the funds before releasing the keys to your buyer??
How come?

Signed my contract two weeks ago and found out late Friday that the people I'm buying off are still agreeing theirs with the next up in the chain. A few more weeks wait then :(

yeah unfortunately signing contracts and exchanging can be weeks apart.
You're only signing a draft of the contract, normally one of the early bits you'll get sent by the solicitors

Anybody had recent experience with Nat West?

Had the valuation survey done on a house we're buying. Wondering how long roughly until the mortgage offer comes through.

We've already done the searches and paperwork and as we're not moving in right away and the property is empty it should all go through within days once/if the offer turns up.

Well, that's the plan...

we had a good experience with Nat West, I think it was about 2 weeks to get the formal offer after receiving the ok in principal one.

We also found them really helpful when we thought we'd have to extend the offer because things were going wrong. We thought it would be a right hassle and cost us more but a quick call to their customer service team and that was that.
How long after the exchange should I be getting the land registry deads?

land reg entries only happen on completion. You might get sent a copy of the TF1 form before then for you to check for errors but you wont get the originals (unless you're mortgage free)
Just got word that the survey failed :(
They found subsidence, so they won't give me a mortgage for it.

Back to square one

That sucks but if they found subsidence and its not been taking care of then your survey was worth every penny you paid!
the waiting bit was definitely the worst part...the days when we were busy sorting stuff or looking over replies were fine, the weeks of nothing happening (though of course in the background stuff probably was...) were the most nervy ones.

Its all worth it in the end...fingers crossed the waiting isn't too bad for you :)
Any news Regy?

I got this today from the convetyancers:

"Your file is currently with my colleague ******** who will be sending you our conveyancing report tomorrow. Within this she will enclose the contract and transfer for you to sign.

Does this mean I am about to exchange?! I am confused!

No, afraid not.

They're basically sending you out the report on title and searches on the place you're buying and a contract paperwork pack for you to sign (but not date) so they have it ready for when you are all ready to exchange.

They'll be a letter that will say something on the lines of "sign but don't date the contract, we'll hold it in safe keeping and will only date and exchange it with the other side when you tell us to".
Yeah...its likely that the conveyance report will flag up questions (it always happens) that you'll want answers on - or that your solicitors are already asking.

For example - our report flagged that a new boiler had been installed and our solicitors needed to see sight of the installation certificate to make sure building control regs had been followed.
If its the searches report as well it will flag things like planning applications in the area, flooding risks...all the stuff you want to check before you exchange just in case you don't like the answers!

Its a good sign but I'd guess you're a couple of weeks (at least) away from exchange.
So after a two week frenzy of viewers things have died down significantly. Just the one viewer coming this week, no offers to date. Ho Hum, the wait continues.

have you had any feedback at all from the viewings?

even if there are no offers it would be useful for you to know what people are thinking about your place so you can see if you need to do anything to make it more sellable
forgot to update on here, got my keys last wednesday! woop woop!

funny story though. wanst at the time!

We was told that it could possibly not be the 5th (wed) that it could be completed by, and the vendor was actaully going away the thursday! so i was stressing with work and this on top, other half going mad etc.

She then rang me on the wed (i was working away), and told me the vendor wants us to come round for a chat. in my head, i was thinking shes gona say itll have to wait until shes back in a fortnight, so had that in my head all afternoon!

To then get home, drive round to the house, knock on the door to no answer. For the other half to open the door and say surprise.

I could have KILLED THE ****

so yeah, completed on the 5th as planned(ish) spent last weekend stripping walls ready to be reskimmed and painted!

Cant wait to eventually get in!

lol yeah, not funny at the time I bet! Bet you got over it quick enough though.
GZ on completion :)

We're viewing a house tomorrow morning and, according to the selling agent, at the same time as somebody else. That sounds a bit weird.

It happens, its part of the make you see the competition trick that EA's like to play. The same as booking you a 20min slot but getting the next viewers to come round after 15mins.

Ignore the other people, do your viewing and stay objective!
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