The nervous wait to exchange....

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insurance will be from time of exchange as form that point on you are at risk if something were to happen to the house.
From exchange you are contractually bound to go through to completion.
Do we have a thread on here about what's best to do on move in day?
I'm intending to go in on exchange and have a look around make sure its all as per the agreed items left.

You can certainly ask to go back and see the property after exchange (and its always a good idea I reckon) but unless exchange and completion are the same day you still wont know if the items are being left until you move in!

As for move day my tips would be:

have an essentials box that you take with you - silly stuff like tea, coffee, sugar, cups as well as contact details for solicitors, estate agent etc. Stuff that you can quickly find that will make it easy to just take a break for 5 mins

When you get to the new place get the bed and bedding sorted out and don't then throw stuff all over the bed...that way if it gets late at night you can crash out without having to then think about putting the bed together.

Mostly you'll be busy loading and unloading. If you're having movers you'll be looking after them and helping out.
Make sure you do a final walk round of your old place before you leave, take final readings from utilities and call up the suppliers to give the readings as soon as you can.

Take new utility readings when you get to the new place (or on the same day at least)
I chewed them out on the phone today, as well as having sent a snotty email last night.

Hopefully exchanged today so we can get it over and done with and I can stop calling 20 times per day to hold their hand through every step of the process.

It got to the point where I asked them if I could have the selling solicitor's number so I could confirm with them, as I just don't trust my solicitor to do the things they say they are going to.

this is what bugs me about the house move process. Everyone in the process knows how stressful it can be for the people going through it and yet they don't seem to want to help reduce that stress by doing the basics!

if you feel that strongly you might want to think about putting in a complaint at the end and have a conversation about their fees.
After a tough process we finally get the keys tomorrow :)

ADT booked for Friday, decorators booked for the weekend, removals booked for next Tuesday and then hopefully Sky appear to get everything hooked up. Going to be a busy week ahead with numerous 1 hour plus journeys to sort everything...will be worth it once everything is moved and setup though.


Its going to be a busy week for you then, but at least now its all about the new place. Good luck on completion day :)
WE ARE DONE!! Exchanged today :D


Completion is 14th of August :D

So happy! SO MUCH relief!

Good news! getting that exchange bit out the way is such a relief, especially for you as its going to get the family all back together :)

Congrats :)

I know how you feel, moving day for us is tomorrow. They packed most of the stuff today, will be relieved to finally be in tomorrow!

Good luck with the moving day :)
Getting nervous now. Not looking forward to the hassle of phoning, gas, electric, water and council tax up on the first day. Just want to start moving stuff in.

you don't have to phone them all the minute you move in, just make sure you take meeting readings as soon as you can.

The way we did it when we moved was I helped the movers with bits and the wife went round the house looking for the stopcock, meters etc and she took the readings then.
We phoned up the utilities the day after and sorted out the accounts
This is my first time moving into my own house. What actually has to be done?

congrats on the first house then! its well worth the stress and hassle to get the keys to your own place that first time :)

When you get the keys all you really need to do is find the where the meters are and take readings, I'd suggest taking a photo of them as well.
Then all you need do is phone up your preferred utility company and sort out an account.
It doesn't need to be with the same company the previous owners used (well apart from Water) you'll have to open new accounts with them anyway. Give them all your details and the opening meter reading and you're done!

Have a look round now for good deals on utility companies so you know who you're going to use once you get into the property.

You don't have to phone up the second you move in but make sure you do it within the first couple of days, just make sure to take meter readings the day you move in
I was under the impression that you do first need to phone the current suppliers, then you can straight away phone your preferred one. Reason being between moving in and the switch date you will owe the current supplier.

might be easier to do it that way but I don't believe you have to. You'll be a new account to the current supplier anyway.

Question, do you have to phone anyone to register for council tax or does the bill just arrive at the house?

register your details with the council, they'll all have a council tax dept just call them up and tell them you moved in (you might be able to do it online as well)
We have been asked for a preferred completion date!
Next Monday (Need to give 5 working days).

What happens after this? Is that the last part?

that's the last part...get packing in other words because the completion date is the moving in date :)
We are getting the keys finally on the 9th! It was the 7th but got pushed back a bit. 3 months it took me! I'll try and get a timeline up.

good news, 3 months isn't that unusual but time really does seem to drag with it doesn't it :)

worst of it is over with now, get packing!
On exchange of contracts I know a deposit is usually paid by the buyer, does the solicitor keep hold of this or does the seller get it?

it will sit in the solicitors client account until completion and then form part of the completion statement.
Way hay, its mine

Signed and completed yesterday, one more trip from the old place to empty the garage and everything is in.

Decorate upstairs, then think about some major work in the kitchen. Cant decide if to open it up into a kitchen/diner/lounge or just kitchen/diner block off the lounge. The old vendor was awesome, the place was so clean and empty when i moved in but now there is crap everywhere :)

Nice going! looks a good place you've got there. Personally I'd keep the lounge separate from the kitchen but I guess it depends on space. Is the lounge going to be a tiny room that you'd never use?
Due to exchange soon on the house we're purchasing.

Had the details back from the vendor as to what they're leaving and they're taking the Sky dish

Pretty gobsmacked to be honest.

meh :)

you'll get a new one if you go with sky wont you?

When we moved in the old owners took all the light roses and replaced them with nasty cheap ones, the took off the wall lights in the living room and did the same there, plus all the curtains, curtain rails, blinds, roller blind holders......i'm surprised they left us the carpet (but it turns out it was infested with clothes moths so no wonder they left it)
today is the day for me to find out if i can get my keys friday.

wife spoke to sols last friday and she said if we can chase the mortgage company and get them to agree by wednesday then we should be good to go. we got them to call our sols yesterday and confirm it.

conveniently any time we call the sols today she's busy and isnt taking calls at the moment. gunna have to knock on the door i think. absolutely shocking company they are.

part way through they blamed the sellers solicitors for being slow and not sending the required info (the full contract package) we contacted the seller who called back saying they sent it all over to our sols.

turned out our sols had it all along and it had been in the office for 5 days as they had misplaced it.

Fingers crossed for you. If its a reasonable sized firm just call up the switchboard and ask to speak to the supervising partner on your file.

Once everything is (hopefully) sorted ask your solicitors for a copy of their complaints procedure and put in a complaint about the way your file was managed.
Just had searches back in the last few days for a house we're buying... all clear except environmental.

Cue a few hours Googling only to find the house (and those around it) are all built on one of the biggest historical land fill sites in the north west. So that explains the odd vents all around the place that the seller "couldn't explain" (methane release). Not in itself a deal breaker though you'd think, except the house was built in 1998, whereas all of the others in the area were late 80s. I always thought this was odd, but have finally found the reason. The one we were going to buy, and 23 others around it, all had houses on their plots built in the late 80s, but due to huge problems with subsidence caused by land fill based movement and insufficient foundation piles, were all demolished by their original builder and rebuilt...

Of course the current ones have been up since 1998 now and there are no signs of problems, but there's just no way we could go ahead knowing all of that. If it's a problem for us, it'll be a problem for any future buyer too.

I really hate the process in England of buyer beware. Anywhere else this sort of search would have been carried out by the seller and presented to the buyer as a pack, we would have made an informed decision and not made an offer in the first place. As it happens our solicitor was very slow getting these back to us and so we have spent over a grand on the other searches/solicitors fees and a survey (which highlighted none of this even though it took me less than half an hour with Google and the phone to pick up recent problems with subsidence on the site) and wasted the best part of a month and a half.

Really not happy at all, loved the house...

Still, one to be aware of, try and get your "cheaper" searches done as early on as possible and delay the expensive stuff until you're sure (even if your mortgage provider pushes for a quick date like ours did).

Back to the drawing board...

it sucks you're back to the drawing board again - but at least you found out before it was too late.
With the searches it may be worth asking your solicitor if the sellers want to pay you for the searches and have them released to them, that way they would be able to speed up any future buyers by giving them a pack of searches all done - and you'd get your money back.

Some people will do this, others wont but worth asking.
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