The nervous wait to exchange....

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What do I need in terms of insurances? The mortgage broker was saying "you'll need this, and this, and this, and that" and we left with a stack of quotes, a boggled head and thinking we would need to find another £300 a month!

From what I can tell we must have buildings insurance, and then its up to use to chose if we have contents insurance, damage insurance, life insurance, income assistance insurance and critical illness cover?

you'll have to have building insurance from the point of exchange, your mortgage company are likely to want you to have life insurance (some do, some don't) everything else is your choice.
Contents insurance isn't a bad idea - it covers all your possessions inside the house. So if there was a water leak and it ruined all the carpets you'd be covered or if the house was burgled you'd be able to claim for anything taken.

Accidental damage on buildings and contents basically covers you for anything you do - so if you managed to reverse your car into the house and had to have the wall repaired or on contents you knocked the iron onto the floor and it burnt a hole in the carpet.

Go shop around for insurance quotes, there is quite a difference in prices
Good news

The tenant in the property has signed his contract and is vacating the house on Monday (which is also my birthday funnily enough).

So on the Monday morning I inspect the property and then as long as it's OK then we should be exchanging on Monday/Tuesday and completing on Friday 30th... Hooray

good news indeed! almost there :)
I've finally exchanged :D Can't believe I'll actually be moving, been trying since last January! 4th time lucky!

What's normally the deal with keys, I know normally you'd leave them with the estate agent but the people we are buying from have used an estate agent with offices 30 miles away.

Well done!

Normally the estate agent would meet you at the property with the key, or you'd pick the key up from their office.
In your situation I guess you'll get the keys from the old owners.

Simple answer is to ask :)
Buildings insurance seems to be unnervingly cheap? We have had quotes as low as £9 a month for up to £1m? Is it just cheap as everyone has it but the actual amount of full rebuild claims are very low?

And then for the other insurances it seems to be a weigh up between cost and likely hood. You can insure against death, terminal illness, critical illness, general long term sickness, or just unemployment. Were going to weigh up the costs and also weather we actually need both of us covered. Were thinking death plus critical illness at the moment, as both our employeers provide decent sick pay.

Building insurance is pretty cheap, its a risk thing after all, the insurance company is looking at the risk of your house being demolished in a fire etc and the costs to rebuild it.

For buildings insurance we pay £80.07 per year with full accidental damage based on a rebuild cost of £300k (don't forget you're insuring the cost to rebuild the property and not what you paid for it)

The other insurances are choices for you to will depend on circumstances. My wife and I both have individual life policies, I have critical illness.

Personally I think life is a no-brainer. If the worst happened to one of you then the mortgage is taken care of. The rest.....go get some independent advice and don't just listen to the mortgage broker.
So had a letter through from my solicitor, they've received a draft contract from the sellers solicitors and i've signed a form confirming i agree with the boundaries. Am i now really close to completion / exchange?


the draft contract is a good step, your solicitor will review and send you a copy to sign (but not date) and that's held on file until exchange. Between now and then you've got all the searches to get out the way and questions that those may generate.
So just to check this with everyone

1 - Offer (Accepted)
2 - Mortage (AIP sorted - must sort Application out ASAP)
3 - Soliceter(sp) - I've got some quotes of about £680, does that sopund right?

What else am I missing?

right now that's about it.

£680 is about right for a purchase, assuming that includes the searches etc. Make sure you tell the solicitor that you've got a deadline in January - be clear about it now so that everyone knows the timescales you're working towards.
Getting a little tired of it all now and want it just to be over ha!

07/09 - Offer accepted on ours
07/09 - Offer accepted on house we are buying
08/09 - Application completed online for mortgage (waiting for telephone interview next week) - Agreement in principle accepted.
08/09 - Solicitor informed and initial paperwork completed.
10/09 - Phone interview with mortgage adviser.
11/09 - Approved by underwriters pending valuation.
21/09 - Survey completed
22/09 - Mortgage offer received by us and our solicitor

We have now signed both contracts and returned to out solicitor along with all the transfer papers etc.

Before we can exchange out solicitor is waiting on a copy of the original lease from our seller (property now freehold but was originally leasehold) any idea why we need this?

Also our buyer solicitor raised a query around a planning application in the area which was incorrectly dated as it said it was for 2014 in their search but we had the original paperwork stating 1976! I presume the need confirmation of this from the local authority?

Now the seller advised of a completion of the 30th October which is next Friday, how realistic does this sound with the little issues outstanding?

they probably want to see the original lease to make sure any covenants in it have been properly sorted.

completion of 30th doesn't sound unreasonable if its only a minor point....but talk to your solicitor, they'll know for sure
Has anyone got any advice for when a solicitor just seemingly stops doing any work?

Up to about two weeks ago they have been excellent. Searches and all other paperwork turned around very quickly. The only thing left to do is review the minor comments from the vendors' solicitor and sort a completion date. In pretty much every aspect the sale has been hassle free, so it feels like they have realised there is no potential for additional fees and so have moved on to other jobs.

Other than getting stroppier with the poor assistant is there anything else I can do?

Phone up and talk to the person looking after your file, it could be that they have reviewed the comments and gone back for more information.

If you can't talk to the person looking after your case ask to speak to one of their colleagues in the same team and get them to look at it.
So today was a day of highs on lows.

Still had not exchanged and was hoping to exchange today and complete tomorrow. Sellers side kept saying 30th is fine but I was always a bit skeptical as to why we had not exchanged.

Got a call at 10:30 saying the seller is not going to get the mortgage sorted in time for tomorrow. I hit the roof as this was a chain free sale and no one knew about this related purchase until today.

After a lot of calls to cancel moving and to solicitors and estate agents we finally exchanged around 4pm with a completion next Friday. Seller has now agreed to complete and find alternative accommodation if they are not ready.

After a crazy morning I feel like a weight has been lifted even though its been delayer we now know this is definite for next Friday. We are also very lucky the buyer of our property is not in a chain and not in a rush to move into our place so are fine with the delay.

Roll on next Friday... I defiantly will not be moving again!

glad its sorted for you, sounds like quite a stressful day :(

now you get to properly look forward to the move
A whirlwind over last few days.

I tell solicitor I need to complete by 8th Dec due to tenancy coming to an end. he says feasible.

By coincidence, estate agent phones me shortly after to get update. I relay the above. He says he will check with vendors.

Estate agent comes back with shock news - the vendors want to complete 20th Nov (10 days' notice!!!) due to their mortgage offer apparently expiring. I know this is virtually impossible.

Solicitor confirms this is impossible to achieve, given I haven't received the contract yet, read his report, no idea what is included in sale, etc, etc. HSBC need 7 days notice to release funds as well.

I relay the above to estate agent, who then corrects himself in that it isn't mortage offer expiring, but the valuation survey (3 months validity apparently) and the date is 26th Nov. He asks me to check with completion of 25th Nov.

Solicitor says 25th Nov possible but no guarantees. Of course I want to avoid a re-evaluation but I am good to go if all my concerns/queries are addressed.

So from 2 months of not much happening, suddenly I could be completing in 2 weeks!!

its going to be an exciting couple of weeks then :)

Good luck with it!
Same happened to us (though not quite for 5k), this time it was down to our solicitor incorrectly adding on a redemption figure despite us telling her numerous times that wasn't the case and having both verbal and written confirmation from our lender that there was no fee as we are porting the mortgage.

I wonder how many people don't check the figure sent to them and just take it on blind faith things are correct and end up overpaying? Do they ever get that back? How good are solicitor firms financial audits, do they pick up the odd few thousand extra in an account? Makes you wonder!

we had a similar problem when we completed, the day before completion (and after we'd sent all the funds through) I got a call on my mobile saying they'd got the completion figure wrong and need £65 sent to them.

Luckily they saw sense and covered it themselves because it was the day before completion, we were packing up everything and had no phone or internet access and it was after 3.30 in the afternoon so no way a bank could get it to them same day anyway!

in terms of money sitting in accounts a reputable solicitor, which most actually are, will balance the client account and see if there is an overpayment and return it.

At our firm we regularly review the client account balances, as most firms will, and will pick up with solicitors any amounts that are sat around.

Its also a requirement of the SRA accounts rules that a solicitor can account for money held in client account and return it back to the client if there is no longer a reason to hold it.
It would definitely get picked up, especially now.

Even pence get returned! I've been trying to return £4 to someone for a year to close a file but they keep not banking the cheque so it goes out of date :rolleyes: :p Will be sending stamps if the next one doesn't get cashed!

its maddening when they don't bank the cheques and it comes back on the uncleared items list again isn't it :D

10p in stamps we had to send once.
I think the property is worth around 155 to 160k but it needs some work which is why i dont want to pay 160k. For instance the outside meter casing door is broken and needs repaired. She has masking taped it shut with what looks like 10 rolls of masking tape.

En suite needs re grouted. Garden and outside needs work done. Which is why i dont want to end up overpaying im gonna end up spending a few k getting it to scratch. Driveway needs completely redone for example.

You're pretty much looking at two options then and it comes down to how much you really like the place. You can either increase the offer again and hope that she accepts at £160k or you stick with the £158k and tell the agent that you don't have any other offers to make on it.

If you value the house at a max of £158k and there is a load of work to do then (if you've not already) explain all that to the agent and then keep on searching for another property.

It all very much depends on your view of the house and how much you want disappointed would you be to not get this one and keep searching for a while?
Completion day for us tomorrow, seems like a very long time ago that we decided to reserve our new build (June). Sale of our old house was completed end of november, exchanged contracts for the new build at the same time.

Been living with my parents since, and can't wait to have our own space again. New house is a lot bigger than the old house too.

Went through snagging with the builder and picked up a few things that needed sorting last week. But overall we were really happy with how things looked. We were both a little worried about the tiles, carpets, kitchen fitting we'd choosen. But it all looks really nice.

So we'll start moving some bits tomorrow, but hired a van to move the majority of stuff on saturday from my parents house and the storage unit.

Then on to buying curtains, blinds, some new furniture, garden furniture, etc and hopefully a new tv if i can get approval. Can't believe how excited we are about buying furniture and curtains

good stuff, congrats on the completion. Bet you cant wait now and just want to be there already :)

7 completions tomorrow :o

Number of people likely to call at 10am asking if they can pick up keys despite being told not to expect anything earlier than midday-1pm: 5 :mad:

lol a busy one for you tomorrow then, 10am is optimistic that's for sure by the time the funds are released and instructions back to banks to pay it across etc etc

happy Friday huh ;)
Been looking at properties for a while and have found something that has real long term potential for us. It's fairly expensive as is and will require a fair amount of work, but the area is really good and ideal for the kids.

Lots of interest, so it's going to best/final offers this week - any advice from people that have been in this situation before?

sit down with the other half and decide what your best and final offer really is. Then stick with it.

Make sure you sell yourselves as good buyers as well - is your current house on the market already? Do you have an agreement in principle on the mortgage that kind of thing.

Unfortunately you cant guarantee that you'll get a second chance so decide how much you want the place and put in your offer. Be realistic though and don't go overboard, there will be other places out there that will be just as good but might take time to find.
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