The nervous wait to exchange....

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Biggest problem with house buying/selling are buyers/sellers. Easy isn't it to blame the other side of the fence.

If people could fill in paperwork properly solicitors wouldn't have to waste time asking 3 times. If people could sign documents where they are told solicitors wouldn't have to waste time sending new copies out. If people could find copies of documents they got when they built an extension solicitors wouldn't have to waste time asking the council for copies. If people could carry out basic ID checks properly and read basic requirements for source of funds solicitors wouldn't have to waste time explaining 6 times what is required.

I could go on...

An average day for me involves answering 20 emails from clients who ask a question they could find the answer to on our online portal (that has had ££££££ invested to make it state of the art and bang up to date on every step of the transaction) (e.g have you had XX search back yet) or in documents that were sent out multiple times that they haven't bothered to read. Then another 20 emails from estate agents or brokers asking the same thing. Then half of those answer with a follow-up question. Then wade through 50 pages of bank statements because people just go "**** it i'll send everything" rather than send only what they've been asked for or even better send a screenshot from online banking that shows bugger all information. Then remind a few people of their portal passwords which haven't changed in 4 weeks. Then send a few contracts back to people who have signed on the wrong page despite being sent an example copy showing where to sign. Then go through a property information form question by question asking for ones to be filled in that haven't.

Might get some legal work done at some point..
We certainly got our **** together.

German efficiency and all
In the process of purchasing a house, the seller had searches done in February so gave them to me but solicitor wont accept them as apparently it needs to be 6 months old or less, which is a bummer. Seller is moving as her mum had a heart attack and needs to be closer to her, house was up for £140k and valued by the bank at that (my own bank i'm doing the mortgage through), agreed on £130k after some back on forth with £76k deposit with the rest on mortage. So I guess that protects things slightly when house prices inevitably drop. Its on an development that still on going further down the road the same house sells for £180k brand new without flooring or a garden (just mud). Also doesn't come with estate management fee's as the road has been adopted unlike the new ones on the development.

Its a 2017 build, semi detatched with attatched garage in the north east. Slightly farther away than I wanted but its not too bad, about 10miles away from work compared to 5 miles where I am currently and the only supermarket anywhere near is Lidl, the rest are 5 miles or more away. Suppose I will adapt lol

Nothing wrong with it after viewing it a few times apart from the scirting boards and doors need painted as they have gone slightly yellow over time, will wack on some quality scirting board paint that doesn't yellow. Will get some Mrs Pink on all hard surfaces as a general wipe down and the bathrooms. May need carpets replaced but hard to tell with all the furnature in. Will probably just shake and vac and leave it for awhile. Got a move in date of 02/01/2022 at the moment.

The funny thing is when I paid £375 for the searches to be completed I got cashback through Chase for the payment (1%) the deposit and the rest of the convayaning fees will be paid through exactly the same system. Chase says deposits dont count but....I have my fingers crossed for a £700+ cashback payment as the payment will be £77k. Unlikely to happen but fingers crossed the £375 shouldn't have given cashback in the first place :)
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In the past a photo ID check was never a big deal, cannot remember previous house purchases where it was. But now, "clients must have a smartphone", "customers must use the facial recognition in the app."
As neither my wife or I own a smartphone, we each have a non sentient brick, we share an email or rather she shares mine, none of that was going to float. We turned up with a driving licence each, a cursory glance and a low res photocopy was made to stick in the file.
When it comes down to it all the "must" disappears in the needs of doing business.
Just had all our searches/forms back and basically ready to exchange but still waiting for the vendor to get the probate sorted.

Going on the probate website using the details from the searches.

It shows a "date of probate" of the 11th October and a probate number.

Does anyone know if this means its actually been granted then and it should be on its way to the vendors/solicitors?

Hoping so
When it comes down to it all the "must" disappears in the needs of doing business.
Not everywhere. My place categorically won't accept anyone that can't do an ID check through our chosen app. It's part of our PI insurance requirements and it's a lot easier to have all the AML/KYC/PEP checks done at once

Not that I would understand why someone who doesn't have a smartphone would use an online based company anyway, that's one reason one man band high street solicitors still exist!
Didn’t happen on Friday. Hopefully Monday.

Our solicitor requested the release of funds with our lender and it went to manual review. According to our solicitor, it’s all routine and should get sorted on Monday and it won’t stop Completion on Thursday.

I’ve heard a few stories of lenders pulling offers at the last minute recently, so it’s a tad worrying.

Fingers crossed for Monday.
Didn’t happen on Friday. Hopefully Monday.

Our solicitor requested the release of funds with our lender and it went to manual review. According to our solicitor, it’s all routine and should get sorted on Monday and it won’t stop Completion on Thursday.

I’ve heard a few stories of lenders pulling offers at the last minute recently, so it’s a tad worrying.

Fingers crossed for Monday.
I've requested exchange and completion to be done on the same day to mitigate this worry of the lender pulling out
I've requested exchange and completion to be done on the same day to mitigate this worry of the lender pulling out
Our seller wanted a bit more between the two in order to finalise packing and removals etc.

They’ve been so good sorting the water connection and we were pushing it already trying to time completion with the half-term holiday. Trying for an exchange/completion on the same day might have been a step too far.
The process of buying in this country is such a massive joke. Solicitors can sit on stuff, take in extra work with no recourse.
Ive asked my mate at college whats involved in conveyancing quals

It seems to be a highly paid job for taking an age to reply to emails, forwarding emails to other peopel and checking them for typos :p
In the past a photo ID check was never a big deal, cannot remember previous house purchases where it was. But now, "clients must have a smartphone", "customers must use the facial recognition in the app."
As neither my wife or I own a smartphone, we each have a non sentient brick, we share an email or rather she shares mine, none of that was going to float. We turned up with a driving licence each, a cursory glance and a low res photocopy was made to stick in the file.
When it comes down to it all the "must" disappears in the needs of doing business.

See we were told that photocopies of ID simply wasn't good enough we had to use this damn thirdfort app paying ht ebest part fo 20 quid each.
For the app to seeminlgy take a photo of our ID lol and a 3rd party store our data
See we were told that photocopies of ID simply wasn't good enough we had to use this damn thirdfort app paying ht ebest part fo 20 quid each.
For the app to seeminlgy take a photo of our ID lol and a 3rd party store our data
I'd have absolutely refused. No way would I ever use a third party app to have a photo of my ID.
See we were told that photocopies of ID simply wasn't good enough we had to use this damn thirdfort app paying ht ebest part fo 20 quid each.
For the app to seeminlgy take a photo of our ID lol and a 3rd party store our data
Our solicitor uses this. Haven't had the ID request through yet mind you. Expect it will be sometime this week.
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