The nervous wait to... have a baby

25 Nov 2009
Evening all,
Currently sat in the maternity ward with my wife. She's 41+1 with our first baby.
She's come in for a checkup and just dropped the news that they're keeping her in to induce her.
We aren't going home until the baby is out and I think it's kinda just hit me.

We're in a long term stable and happy relationship, both early 30s, no other children etc. The dream I guess, but I've not really been excited at any point. I'm not against kids in the slightest, and as I've gotten older, I have grown to love some of the friends babies/toddlers etc. Happy to be having our own child, and my wife has yearned for years... so here we are.

Sorry, no question or real point to my ramblings...
Probably just a little shell shocked.
Poor dog is at home and has no idea!

I think my fear is being in the room with her and lots of skilled professionals, all with real purpose. Me feeling powerless and her needing me.
Nerves? Not so much, not scared, a little squeamish, so it'd be great if they didn't have to c section her.

It'll be fine right GD?

Hope it goes well. And...

I was the same, didn't feel excited, it just seemed all very surreal. In the end it all seemed to happen very quick, although my wife probably didn't think that at the time. Enjoy every minute and best wishes to the the 3 of you.
Congratulations! Not feeling excitement right now is fine, it took me a while for things to fall into place.

She needs you for support, not to do what the other trained professionals in the room will be doing. Labour took days for us, was so tired by the end! Hope yours is quicker.

It all hit me when all the buzz of everything stopped and everyone left, and my wife and I were back home with this baby, that we were now responsible for :)

Good luck - the first few years are tough, but it's the best thing in the world. :)

People have been having kids for centuries, you'll work it out - don't be scared to ask for help, but don't worry about "getting it wrong" - everyone finds their way, and don't compare to others, just focus on being a family. :)
Good luck! It’s an amazing thing having a child! I wouldn’t recommend being at the “business end” when baby is born!
I was about to post this, the midwife might ask if you want to watch your child being born - you might want to start thinking of an excuse that won't land you in it!
I was the same, didn't feel excited, it just seemed all very surreal. In the end it all seemed to happen very quick, although my wife probably didn't think that at the time. Enjoy every minute and best wishes to the the 3 of you.

Bizarre isn't it.
Everyone seems to be so excited about it all, I've just missed that boat
The wife has just asked if I've spoken to mum, it hadn't really crossed my mind. I'm in the waiting room looking up 3d printer filament :D
Good luck bro. Lots of us have been there :D We had our first at a similar age & I felt the same uncertainty & lack of excitement; it wasn't planned etc, but now it's great.

P.s a C-section takes the stress away (for you)
Mark Corrigan:
Oh, you know, for a while it's been pretty boring but I think we're getting to the utterly terrifying bit.

Super Hans:
Take my advice, stay away from the goal end, mate.

Mark Corrigan:

Super Hans:
Yeah. You don't wanna get thinking about that. It's like the... it's like the Channel Tunnel. Lovely, it's all about your holidays, but imagine you saw a ******* huge baby coming out of it. Never be the same again.

Mark Corrigan:

Super Hans:
One other tip: trip.

Mark Corrigan:

Super Hans:
Trip your ******* nuts off, makes it amazing.

Mark Corrigan:
Isn't it pretty amazing anyway?

Super Hans:
Dunno. Yeah, maybe. But if you're tripping and you're having a baby, it's like "****!" You know? You see a little guy come out of there, what's gonna happen next? Frogs out of her ********? Milk out of her ears? Anything's possible.
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