The nervous wait to... have a baby

Evening all,
Currently sat in the maternity ward with my wife. She's 41+1 with our first baby.
She's come in for a checkup and just dropped the news that they're keeping her in to induce her.
We aren't going home until the baby is out and I think it's kinda just hit me.

We're in a long term stable and happy relationship, both early 30s, no other children etc. The dream I guess, but I've not really been excited at any point. I'm not against kids in the slightest, and as I've gotten older, I have grown to love some of the friends babies/toddlers etc. Happy to be having our own child, and my wife has yearned for years... so here we are.

Sorry, no question or real point to my ramblings...
Probably just a little shell shocked.
Poor dog is at home and has no idea!

I think my fear is being in the room with her and lots of skilled professionals, all with real purpose. Me feeling powerless and her needing me.
Nerves? Not so much, not scared, a little squeamish, so it'd be great if they didn't have to c section her.

It'll be fine right GD?


I've done it twice. If I can do it then anyone can. I am BEYOND useless in these situations yet I managed to bumble through.

PRO-TIP - Stay away from the business end if you're squeamish
Forget this modern obsession with watching the wife give birth, it's quite disgusting. Go home and apologise to the dog for all the upheaval that's imminent :) Then go to the pub and she can ring you when she has birthed to tell you what you've got to finance for the next eighteen years :) Good luck!

Congratulations, your life will never be the same :)

Don't worry about c-section, there's lots of screens up and music if they're sensible. From initial incision to baby out takes about 60 seconds, and then you won't be looking anywhere else anyway. If you're like me you'll be too busy looking at your wife's face sharing the moment to peek around.
It's good you are carrying on your bloodline. Imagine the horror of your ancestors, if you didn't procreate, and the hell they went through so you could live in the modern world. These selfish women thinking about careers are literally ending their bloodlines for a few nights down the club to drink and sniff, and have a nice holiday. when they hit 40 they'll all be depressed. Do you want a lonely old age or do you want to be surrounded by your family?

GD: It'll be fine, support your good lady, stay away from the goal end, and congratulations!

One the best moments of my life time. That emotions I felt were incomparable to anything I had felt before, I was holding my boy and staring at him for a good few mins after he born, looked around at her, and it looked like the Jack the Ripper had been at her, claret all over the place!!
Right, now the flap is over, (or at least stiched up ;)), get down the pub and wet it's head. Don't spend too much, from now on the bills come like a blur :)
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