But will mean waiting on his good lady for several weeks while she recovers and heals and thus being almost solely responsible for feeds, changing, comforting, more feeding, more changing, more comforting etc.Good luck bro. Lots of us have been there We had our first at a similar age & I felt the same uncertainty & lack of excitement; it wasn't planned etc, but now it's great.
P.s a C-section takes the stress away (for you)
some general advice for a newborn.
they eat, sleep, **** and **** and that’s about it for the first few weeks. You will be the most tired you have ever been but it will ease off and before you know it 6 hours of sleep at once will be the regular.
because they only do the above that is your checklist when they’re crying. Hungry? Needing changed? Tired? Repeat. Sometimes they just want held it’s true though!
when baby sleeps whoever is ‘on duty’ don’t feel bad about a catnap too. You will be exhausted too!
family may want to visit, try and hold them off for a few weeks if you can. All the holding and ‘pass the parcel’ is not good for setting a routine. And babies love routine.
breast is best yes but don’t let anyone guilt trip your good lady if she doesn’t manage it. Bottle is fine. My two were bottled from birth and are fine.
if anyone is visiting the price for entry is a £20 just eat/Deliveroo/Uber eats voucher or they should bring food you can just chuck in the oven. Spending an hour preparing your evening meal will stop immediately the baby is carried across the threshold.
Oh and you do not have enough babygros. I don’t care how many you have, buy more. Also newborn clothes are grown out of pretty quickly. If anyone wants to bring clothing get a little bigger, 6-12 months for example.