***The new and improved GIF thread (please read rules in OP ) ***

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I apologise to people who just want to enjoy gifs and not debate appropriate word usage. Feel free to skip this post and enjoy the gifs.


Fine, edited, although I did not use the term initially, it was the name given to the picture when quoted by someone else.
I've edited to remove the word, but frankly don't care if someone finds it offensive. Bad luck if they do. I am pretty sure any transsexual person will have heard much worse in their life, ratherr than someone using a term to debate the origins of a gif on the internet.

Don't worry it is your thread too, feel free to post a gif if you like, it has been eight weeks since you did.

Here you are:

Thank you for removing the word. I really do appreciate you removing the word, and don't know if the rest of your post was triggered by the need to save face on the internet, but I will not neglect my gif posting duties this time!

Also, just because greater wrongs have happened, doesn't excuse the little ones. Look up the concept of microaggressions, especially on sites that cover racism, sexism, transphobia, etc - you'll find these are very real concerns in the lives of marginalised people.

To the next post!

I disagree, I worked in gay clubs for years, and have a lot of transsexual/gay lesbian friends,

and we refer to transsexuals as tranny's, as do we refer to Homosexuals as Homo's,

is it PC to say this, well no....but in real life, it is the norm.

If there are any Gay men/women in here? I would truly love to hear your views on this, is it offensive to you?

In asking that question, you're assuming I'm not one of the people affected by this term. You can't freely make that assumption on the internet.

But anyway, the question of whether it is offensive to gay people is completely, utterly irrelevant. The question should be, is it offensive to trans* people? Gay people and trans* people are not the same (though there is some overlap).

Here's one quote:
So why do people keep throwing around the word “tranny?” Some cisgendered people (people whose gender identities match with the socially assigned behavior or role for their sex) might argue that they have heard the word used by some trans people and therefore it is completely okay for cis people to use as well. But just because an individual trans person chooses to use the word does NOT give cis people the right to “reclaim” the word or throw it around. Even if you consider yourself an ally, you simply don’t have ownership over the word since you have not been oppressed, harassed, attacked, and discriminated against in the same way that transgendered people have.

Some cis people may truly just not know that the word is problematic. I have had many friends tell me that they had no idea that the word was offensive. Well, now you know.

Hopefully we can let this topic die now. :)
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