The New Cases Gallery

Freelanc3r i like the no thrills clear look you've gone for.

Bhavv Psu is not over cpu. Its alongside it. Motherboard is different orientation than other cases all io ports come out at top.

My newest case. Well, when I say "new"... :D

I had a slightly later revision of this back in 2002/3, but things never really worked out well between us. I've lusted after the 210 ever since, and now's the time to give it another go.
how old is this case?

I love the retro look :D

Well if it's me you're reffering too... :D

I bought my original ATC 210 in 2002, or 03. I got this off eBay a few days back and I see no reason why it's not about the same age. It has been well looked after though, with only some minor signs of wear and tear. With some work, done by people who actually know what they're doing ;) I should be able to knock it in to either a media server, or maybe even my main rig.

Not sure which yet.
lovely looking case, love old CM's.

I've been using a 201 for the last 9 years but i've just gone to a Lian-Li PC60FN
In good condition for such an old case. I bought a 2nd hand Antec 300 which can't have been more than 2 years old and it looks like it's been through hell ;//
There is no accounting for taste but that CM case is rancid to me :)

Quite desirable in its day. Seriously. :D

In good condition for such an old case. I bought a 2nd hand Antec 300 which can't have been more than 2 years old and it looks like it's been through hell ;//

I was very surprised myself when I gave it the once over. Two slight marks on the roof, but nothing else to loose sleep over. I would like to make sure any tampering is done by people with skill, unlike me, because that's how I completely ruined my first one. :o
Been transferring everything into a new CM Storm Scout case over the weekend. Tried to get it as neat as possible on the first attempt.

Q9550 @ 3.4ghz
4GB Crucial Ballistix
Akasa 965
500w OCZ Stealth X Stream
30GB Kingston VNow SSD
74GB WD Raptor 10k





First ever self build! Cables are a wee bit messy, but length is a bit of an issue. That and the 300 not exactly having the best cable management!

Also, the pictures awful, had to take it on my phone camera :(
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