The New Cases Gallery


They're Noctua so don't come in any other colour and these fans are highly regarded fans for cooling, noise and have 6 years warranty as well so...colour is not a priority as long as it's not luminous or clear with loads of flashing LEDs etc I'm good :p
Is there a window in that case? if not then it's all good - but if you can see those ugly fothermuckers all day long then that's just offensive lol
Perhaps because they look like something out of the 50ties :cool:
or something Nestle would have made edible.:D

Lol, I agree I think they are ugly, but unless he has a window they perform their job and who cares what they look like I suppose.

Personally I think the H80 is ugly, I think the stuff on the block is both pointless and ugly....much prefer the H70 and H20 920

Dont get me wrong controlling pump speed might have a few minimal benefits...but why put the controls on the pump? the reason I would have a fancy cooler is so my pc can be closed when I turn it on....
I guess that's what the Corsair digital link port is for, when they release the add-on for it :p

Anyway, I do have a window yes but the case faces forwards so you can't see it anyway.

Still, Noctua fans look ace. I like the colour choice, it screams "brave" :D
My new 800D rig :)


Is that the scythe kaze server controller?

What do you think of it?
Haters gonna hate!

Anyway, new pics tonght after I install the Corsair 650D (or maybe the 600T I haven't decided yet!).

Thenw e'll see how good the Noctuas look, in an all black case!

650D rebuild started 7PM, finished 12:30am. No problem but testing many fan combinations took ages as did cable tidying :p




The USB3 port cables were long enough to root through the rear rivets nicely.




Quite happy with the upgrade, just got to replace the 200mm intake as the stock one is too noisy even on low. Tomorrow that will be sorted :)

Oh, look at my sexy brown fans!
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One hour turns into seven and you still have not showered or eaten yet... so scoff food and then quick shower + bed only to be sleeping thinking about how you are going to sort it proper later.

At least that's what i'm like.

Nice but i liked the lian li better.
Yeah there's no beating the Lian-Li's design/style and materials but this does offer better cooling and room :)
I did think about that case but can't go back to the traditional case design anymore i think.

Have you tested the cooling in it? i thought most of the 200mm fans aren't up to much.
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